PAGE 2 THE PILOT DECEMBER 14, 1966 PILOT CLARIFIES ITSELF LETTERS TO THE EDITOR “The Pilot” in a November 4, 1966, editorial on cheating overstepped , its bounds somewhat with a general statement which could have been interperted broadly as including the whole faculty. Speaking of cheating, “The Pilot” stated' “Sometimes this is done with the teacher well aware of what is going on.” While this is true in a very, very small percentage of cases, it is true in some. Only a few professors have approached the paper inquiring about the statement but we do feel it is necessary to clarify our meaning. ABOUT DANCING You will find on page three a letter to the editor asking why the administration does not abolish the rule against dancing at Gardner-Webb. First of all, the administration has no more authority to allow dancing than the students do. This rule is set down by the Baptist State Conven tion. Of course, tjiis school could go against the convention and allow dancing. This would only cost the school approximately $200,000 a year. This is the sum the Convention and churches grant this school each year. Students, that is costly dancing! LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS fS6lMEEIi(N ^0 "I HOPE YOU FELLAS HAVE ALX. STUDIEP rtARP fOK THl'=> SfNTLEMEN AEf rieiZeTiPef^ADeTH' THE PILOT “The Pilot” is a student publication of Gardner-Webb College, published bimonthly. Editor Eddie Owens Sports Editor Ervin Rhymer Reporters Judy Hardin, Tina Ussery, Mike Shaw, Steve Gray, Jean Garganus, and Arnold Melton Typists Libby Brooks, Janet Biles, and Judy Ledbetter Photographer Vernon Leary Advisor Alex Vaughn National Advertising Representative National Advertising, Inc. National Advertising Representative - National Advertising, Inc. Dear Editor, Because of an early deadline for information for the program of THE MIRACLE WORKER, the names of several people who joined the production crew or who donated props or other services, after the program had gone to press, were omitted. The producttion would not have been a success without thier valuable help and I would like to Dear Editor, It is my personal feeling, which I believe to be shared by the major ity of this school’s students who had the honor of hearing Mr. Jeff Espina in concert Tuesday evening Nov. 15, that this college owes Mr. Espina a formal apology. The fact that Mr. Espina was requested to appear on our stage and that he accepted in good faith, appears to be overshad owed by evidence that some mem bers of our faculty feel called upon to censor any and all material intro duced to the student body which might in the least imply the actual state of conditions in the world around us. It also appears that our request for Mr. Espina to perform for us in his own style and express ing his own opinions on matters of very real and factual life, which apparently were contrary to that of Dear Editor, As a result of the concert Nov. 15 and after the comments - pro and con - , I feel compelled to make a position clear. The position of the Director of the Distinquished Artist Series. Gardner-Webb College is a Christ ian college. Being appointed to a position on this faculty, and ap pointed as director of a phase of its program, means that I have taken the responsibility of uphold ing the standards of that college and its basic principles. When a guest artist - regardless of the individual - presents a program that is, or hints of, going contrary to the principles of this standard, I am compelled to inform that artist of his error in as polite and positive manner as possible. If one student disagrees with the principles of this college, and what it stands for, a thorough search of ethics is necessary. Except for three or four question- give them the praise they’re due. They are: Pat Love, Chip Leslie, David Crouch, Jim Whelan, and Mrs. Blankenship, Mrs. F. G. Can non, and the Slater Cafeterias. To these and all the many others who helped, my sincere thanks. Cordially, C. Robert Jones some of the faculty, but seemed to be readily appreciated by the stu dents themselves, was rather ill- mannerdly and embarrassingly with drawn before Mr. Espina was allow ed to complete his performance, though that completion was strongly demanded by the student body. Therefore, since all evidence seems to point to the fact that no one but said members of the faculty objected to the entertainment which was to be for the student’s enjoyment, it is in wy opinion a necessity that the colege students and faculty offer Mr. Espina their most humble apology for the affront to him which was totally uncalled for and embarrass ing to all concerned. With all due respect to our hon ored faculty, Bing Creasy able numbers it was a good concert, presented in an enjoyable manner. But in this day and age, is there no way possible that on a Christian College Campus a performer can not present a concert before a mixed audience, including impressionable children without becoming suggest ive? I was informed by Mr. Espina’s agent that his concert would be above reproach, that it was a pro gram worthy of a denominational Institution. I feel as most students, that it was not as worthy as it should have been. Regardless of my position, as a person I must disagree with those who say questionable material should be permitted on a Christian College Campus. It is the policy of this college that no such material be sanctioned by any school personnel. Until such time as that policy is changed, I will continue to uphold Jerry R. Hill