PAGE 2 GARDNER-WEBB COLLEGE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1969 Editorial Opinion Well, We Are Back Dear Mamas and Daddys, Well, we are back. None of our classes are like we had plan ned - 8:00’s every morning and we don’t get out until 5:00. But I guess that is better than walking 5 miles every day and milk ing cows when we get home. By the way, we’ve been thinking about those good “ole” days when things were tough, and cars and radios and t.v.’s were first coming in. Boy, ya’ll sure had the change built into your generation. Guess there was no time for a gap. Maybe we need the same kind of change ya’U had, but not with two world wars and a depression. Don’t get us wrong, we aren’t asking for work or hard times. We just want a chance to study in the school of experience. Maybe Dads, that’s why our hair is a little longer than it was when we were six. Or Mamas, why we don’t keep the same things in our room or wear the same kind of clothes. Well, we have to run. Don’t worry, we’re sure before we finish the “Webb” we will have seen plenty of changes in our selves, our school, and even in ya’ll. Speak Up Gardner-Webb has a stated purpose. It is printed on most of the materials published by the school. Every activity of Gard ner-Webb has to point to this purpose. Perhaps The Pilot needs a stated purpose. We will take our aim from the line “to develop quality Christian students who think for themselves.” It is the “think for themselves” part that strikes us. This is what we think college is about — Gard- ner-Webb, too. An individual purpose comes from individual experiences and personal decisions. This first week has been required meetings with authori ties handing out books of rules and sheets outlining where to go when and what to wear there. There has not been much time to think. The thinking comes, but too often it is only expressed m dormitory bull sessions and letters to the friends at the other schools. This is an advertisement. If The Pilot is “the student voice of Gardner-Webb”, we need to hear the voices. We’re listening. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Check Into This That long piece of paper handed to you in the registra tion line, the one that stated something about a proposed a- mended constitution, could be important to you. Voting on whether to accept this consti tution will be in a general as sembly on Thursday, Septem ber 4th. Article n states, “All students of Gardner-Webts Col lege are automatically mem bers of this organization and shall be governed by this con stitution.” Check into it before voting on it Thursday , Extra copies can be obtained from the office of Director of Stu dent Affairs. Editor And Staff Wanda Suddreth (Ed.), John Aiken, Joel Jenkins, Donna La vender, Carolyn Thomas, and Larry Thomas. Advisor, Mr. Alex Vaughn. Remember - suds in the fountains words on the walls warnings, reprimands screams down the halls. Remember - victory bell ringings at 1 a panty raids and such “We love you, Frosh” wei was really too much. Remember - football games, lost and won, carnivals and plays graduates reminiscing “them were the good ole days.” Remember - freshman fears and fantasies of campus life and more Remember to, that major step unlocks many a door. By CAROLYN THOMAS Taking care of business as G. N. students return. r'n£V KAI$EP TH' TUITION A&AIN TWe VEAK." Important Time For Juniors The jiuiior year of college is usually the most important year in a college career. In the ju nior year a student begins to lay the ground work in his ma jor concentration of studies. G. W. C.’s initial efforts toward senior status make a- vailable a Baccalaureate Pro gram with eight divisions and 1 6 departments. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees will be awarded in the spring of 1971 to the students who successfully complete 128 semester hours of work with a 2.0 or better quality point av erage. The following list is the basic eight divisions the Baccalau reate Program has to offer the GW student: Division of General Business Division of Education and Psychology Division of Fine Arts Division of Health Education and Physical Education Division of Languages and Literature Division of Mathematics and Natural Science Division of Religious Studies Division of Social Science. G.W. To Fund Gardner-Webb’s Board of Trustees and Board of Advisors voted unanimously in a joint session last May to enter a cap ital fund campaign with Marts and Lundy, Inc. of New York City as professional counsel. The purpose of this, as sta ted by Dr. Poston, “is to put our four year prt^ram over the top and to insure for this area an outstanding, accredit ed senior college by 1971.” Where does Gardner-Webb stand in meeting the accredi tation standards? The faculty standards call for one-third (rf the faculty to have the doc torate degree in the field of study In which they are teach ing and that over 60 per ceijt FOCUS Has 11,103.01 Endowment Fund The Fellowship of Christians United in Service at Gajdner- Webb College have built a $1, Enter Campaign d me faculty have three years of study beyond the bachelor’s degree. This area wiU be com pleted In this year’s program. The library is required to have at least 50,000 selected volumes. Gardner-Webb now has over 40,000 selected vol umes and will meet the 50,000 volume figure by the end of 1969-70. Financial resources re quirements are that a senior college of G. W.’s size must spend $1,115,000 yearly on its educational program, plus $850 per student for every student over 1,000 enrolled. The col lege is already meeting this four year standard as a junior college. 103,01 endowment fund over the past four years, it was announ ced by the sponsor, Dr. Tom Ballard. Money from the endowment goes to sponsor small scholar ships for outstanding members of the organization. The fund developed slowly as the mem bers visited churches to sing, preach, teach Sunday School classes, witness and lead youth activities. The churches often made donations and the group paid expensed and deposited the remainder in an account. Members are any students interested in taking an active part in presenting the Chris tian faith through organized activities.