Page 2, THE PILOT, Thursday, March 1,1973 Biggest Mistake Of All I'm writing this in response to the recent World Premiere of Johnny Cash’s “Gospel Road.” A few dedicated students participated directly in a very significant way. They cooperated and worked very dili gently to help make the Premiere a success, mainly in the hope of strengthening the financial aid program here at GW. These students gave up the most part of two days to travel back and forth to» Charlotte purposely to give other individuals the opportunity of furthering their education. I would also like to personally commend them very gratefully for the efforts they put forth. I would also like to thank Mr. Tom Poston for the remarkable job he did once again in most tactfully helping the students. I feel a lot of the credit belongs to him. AU this discussion leads to a special point that I would like to make. I feel we were done an injustice the night of the Premiere. We were directly involved in many facets of the affair, especially ushering people to their seats. We were go ing very smoothly until we realized that there was some duplication of reserved tickets. It has to be admitted that it is hard to seat two people in the same seat especially when each person had paid $25.00 per reserved seat. I feel positive that this problem should never have arisen. What should we, the students, have done? It is easy to see who received the critical remarks and dirty looks. I’m regretful that this happened, but I think more needs to be done, especially for those who received the criticism and verbal abuse. As of this time nothing has been said or done to take the burden of the mistake off the shoulders of those who were not responsible. Is it so hard to admit to the student body that a mistake was made, and that it was not their fault? Students did their best to cooperate, but being condemned for something undeserving was in my opinion, “the biggest mistake of the night. ’ ’ Steve Riddle SGA President ★★★★★★★ SENATE ABSENTEES Tuesday, Feb. 13,1973 Jese Erwin Julia Walker, excused Lil Kwetowski, excused Lanita Wright, excused Brooks Walker, excused THE PILOT Editor Samala High Sports Editor Carrol Garrett News Editor Donna Turner Features Editor Lou Clontz Photographers • • Garry Cloer, Wayne Wike Cartoonist Judy Greene Staff CarroU Davis, John Spiess, Bruce Wade, Steve White, Lee Young Advisor = ... Mr. Bill Boyd Published by students of Gardner-Webb College, Boiling Springs, North CaroUn 28017. The office of the PILOT is lo cated in the Charlas L Dover Student Center, Room 112. Ad vertising rate is $2.00 per column inch. Telephone 434-2211. The opinions expressed in this student newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of the GWC faculty, adminis tration, or student body. Responsible comments to issues presented in the ‘Pilot are possible by writing. Editor; The PILOT, Box 439. Physical Ekiucation Annual Conference Leslie Costner, Gary Ogle, Larry Lawhorn and Dr. Rob ert Blackburn represented Gardner-Webb at the 39th Webb students had also at tended the state conference early December. According to Lawhorn the Annual Convention of the convention served to i Southern District of the Am erican Association struct the students con cerning the new trends in p'^sejo+-. Health, Physical Education physical education, health. and Recreation. and safety. “The conference The meeting was held in was good job preparation Jackson, Mississippi, Feb- and also helped us to de- ruary 22-25. There were thir- velop a professional atti- teen states represented at tude.” the annual A. A. H. P. E. R. conference. Larry Lawhorn stated that the three Gardner- Dr. Blackbiu-n served as chairman of the health re search section at the meet- IN MY OPINION.. EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION Editor: Working with students at Gard ner-Webb College is a real chal lenge, especially when responsi bilities of my office involve our con tact with the general public. The students who worked with me as ushers at the World Premiere of “Gospel Road” are shining exam ples of the maturity, tactfulness and initiative of some outstanding students at Gardner-Webb. Let me salute the following students for their time and help with our part in the World Pre miere: Steve Riddle, J. C. Cole, Linda Stine, Lynn Cornwell, Deb bie Boyd, Marcia Leazer, Donna Turner, Ken Jarvis, Bill Cooley and Bruce Scott. Also a word of thanks to all the students who worked with me and helped to make the Earl Scruggs Revue one of the most successful concerts that we have had. The crowd was one of the largest and the group was one of the mOst well received. As Director of Student Ac tivities I would like to express my deep appreciation to all students here at Gardner-Webb and for all their willingness to cooperate in all situations. Thank You Tom Poston STUDENTS FORGOTTEN? Editor: During this school year, student government has come a long way and much has been accomplished under the dedicated leadership of our student officers and the expert guidance of Mr. Tom Poston. During the summer of 1972, President Steve Riddle formulated the philosophy of “contact, communication and cooperation” to guide the student government. This philosophy has proven to be effective and efficient, but all factions of the college family must be in volved. In my opinion, many mem bers of the administration have not only ignored this philosophy but refused to become involved by ig noring student needs, desires and In most institutions, the stu dents are the most important members of the college family. Is this true at Gardner-Webb College? Are students here “allowed and en couraged” to think for themselves? Do we follow the Christian philosophy of “looking inward to the heart and not to the outward appearance”? Why do we eagerly provide “red carpet” treatment to men (such as Johnny Cash and Earl Scruggs) who would not even be tolerated here as students because of their hair lengths? Could this treatment be for reasons other than mere “recognition to great r Theti le that we all ej amine our works, motives and goals. These impressions and questions may belong to only myself, or they may be shared by a great many students. Although this is another question, we do need answers for aU of these questions. Thank you, Frank Page CAMPUS QUEENS Editor: After reading the editorials on the eciitorial page of tlie February 15, issue of the PILOT, I must agree with you. The authors of the articles back their opinions con cerning the number of campus queens. However, Queens are elected on campus to represent the student body on Homecoming, Spring Jubi lee and various other important days and events. But these are the only times that they are ever seen as Queens — when they are crowned. I do not feel it is important or even vital to have so many queens. I feel that we should only have it narrowed to two. The first one be ing Miss Gardner-Webb to repre sent GWC at events such as the Johnny Cash Premiere or at concerts to welcome groups and at any special events on campus or We now have five queen posi tions — Homecoming, Holiday Tournament, Sweetheart, Spring Jubilee, and Miss ANCHOR These have all been filled by beautiful women this year, but what have they done besides be crowned. They are nominated by the student body or different clubs and organi zations, but what do they do? Fancy dinners for them to be crowned and the presentation to the student body of the candidates and then all the glamour is over. It only lasts for a day or night and is then forgotten. How many of us could name the queens of this past year? This is why it is important that we the students consider the elec tion of only one young lady to rep resent Gardner-Webb. Let her be entitled to honor and represent GWC at all the important festi- This has been an important issue at GWC. Maybe through the efforts of the PILOT and the action of our Student Government a new procedure can be adopted in the fu- THE PRIEST’S WIFE “The Priest’s Wife” will be shown Thursday, March 22. This concludes the movie entertainment for March. A Laurel and Hardy Festival is plan ned for April 3,4,5.