THE 0 PILOT Gardner-Webb College BOILING SPRINGS, N. C. 28017 , OCTOBER 15,1976 Homecoming 76—Entertainment At Its Best performs in the Bost Gym- Homecoming ’76 ^ ® P-“: students wiU be ad- fered. The Homecom''ing the when the group “Carnival” mitted free with their ID’s. FootbaU game with the noL The 1976 Homecom- On Saturday, October 16 Catawba Indians begins the ing Queen will be crowned during the half-time cere monies and the Homecom ing Court will also be pre sented. (At press time elec tions were still being held, so the outcome would not be determined.) Those girls vying for title of Home- coming Queen are: Yana Bane, and Pam Wilson. The Master of Ceremonies for the Homecoming festivi ties will be Randy Kilby. The Bulldog band will pro vide music and guest soloist will be Rick Webb. Open House and Dormi tory visitation will be held in the designated areas Satur day from 5-7 p.m. There will be a contest between the dorms and classes for the best decorations. A $10.00 The Wright Brothers Overland Stage is back again at the Webb. A Homecoming Concert is planned for your enjoyment Saturday night in Bost Gym at 7:30. Williams’ places G-W over personal recognition prize is to be awarded to the class and dormitory with the best decorations, the winners to be announced at half-time of the football game. Entertainment for the evening starts at 7:30 in the Bost Gymnasium with the comedy team of Skiles and Henderson. They perform what they refer to as their “Pillow Comedy Concert,” not only performing their own kind of zany humor but also adding some crazy sound effects. Following Skiles and Hen derson will be the Wright Brothers Overland Stage Co., a sensational group that performed here at Gardner- Webb last year and is back again. Tickets for the even ing shows are $5.00 for visi tors and admission for stu dents is free with their ID’s. Pilot’s policy set forth In a move that surprised everyone. Dr. Craven Wil liams annoimced that he would forego the traditional formal inauguration and utilize the monies appro priated for that purpose ($15,000) for strengthening the educational and cultural aspects of the college. The money breaks down this way. $3,000 will be given to the Student Government Association for the purpose of improving student life here on campus. College performance groups begin concert season The Chamber Chorus under the direction of Dr. Phil Per rin begins its Choral Season Monday evening at 7:30 with a concert at the First Methodist Church in Rutherfordton, N.C. They will be taking part in the Logan Preaching Mis sion which is a revival. The Chamber chorus is a mixed choral group whose mem bers must audition for positions. The group besides singing sacred music also sings a variety of secular pieces. After Monday’s performance the groups next concert won’t come until a 1 p.m. performance in Concord, N.C. at the Memorial Baptist Church on Nov. 17. Two more shows are scheduled that same day. A 3:00 p.m. concert at Icards Baptist Church in Connelly Springs, N.C. and a 7:00 p.m. concert at Putnam Memorial Baptist Church in Shelby, N.C. John Williamson of Durham, Bariy Greene of Hickory, and Dwight Loomis of Lincolnton, all trumpet players, pro- vde the musical aspect of the programs. They are accom panied by Terri Saltz. The College Chorus, also under the direction of Dr. Perrin, begins its Concert Season in late November. The first home concert is planned for Monday, November 22 in Dover Chapel. Accompanists are Sylvia Pittman and Robin Mikalunas. The Choral Clinic is planned for Nov. 9 at Boil ing Springs Baptist Church with the Dr. Robert L. Burton of Southwestern Seminary as the leader. Over 400 high school students will attend the clinic. Auditions for the trip to France have been completed and 43 persons wiU represent Gardner-Webb. The trip is sched uled for May 17-June 7. Gardner-Webb was given a invita tion to attend by the Ambassador of France with the trip sponsored by the French Minister of Culture and Education for the purposes of sharing cultures and interpersonal rela tionships. SGA President Bill Baucom says “that a committee of students will be appointed to recommend how and when the money should be used.” $5,000 to be given to the library for the acquisi tion of new material. $3,000 to be used for a faculty teaching workshop. $4,000 to be used by the faculty to attend summer workshops and professional meetings. Those faculty committees concerned are the Educa tional Policy Committee and the Professional Affairs Committee. Dr. Williams feels that “this program will affect the entire college and will bring forth benefits that wUl endure for a significant period of time.” Don't forget! There are two big events that are coming up and one of them is not Homecoming. This week mid-term exams were being given yesterday and today. Then the next week, October 21-22 is Fall Break. Mid-terms are de signed to give the students a progress report on his work in his class. Mid-term occurs at the halfway point in the semester. This give students enough time to bring up fail- ing grades and to cleeir emy incompletes received in the upper half of the semester. Mid-term is not a system of prevention that can ulti mately help the student if it is taken in the right spirit. It will be the policy of the Pilot to print the truth, no matter who it involves no matter where it leads. As the official voice of the stu dents of Gardner-Webb Col- should be sent to P.O. Box 720 campus mail. The Pilot being com mitted to the truth will al ways look for the good in things and praise that good. lege we are open to air all Commiting itself totally to students’ problems and also the student, the Pilot will to inform the students on not take sides in partisian the workings of all phases of national, state or local poli- students life as it pertains to tics. The only views printed this campus. Editorials will will be those that directly af- be accepted if written in a feet the student life here on manner which reflects some campus, maturity on the part of the AU clubs are invited and writer. All editorials must encouraged to submit to the be signed and unless the' Pilot any club news, but the need is dire the writer’s Pilot reserves the right to name wiU appear under- edit and possibly deny any neath his views. Editorials story. 1^. Skiles and Henderson provide laughs, laughs, and more laughs tomorrow evening at 7:30 in Bost Gym.