THE Gardi^r-WfebbColkge PILOT OCTOBER 5,1984 BOILING SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA Some Issues And Some Answers Everyone in this country 18 or older should vote. A great many people say that they refuse to vote because they think it does no good. I’ll admit that during election years politicians make some pretty boastful statements; Jesse Helms almost had me convin ced to vote for him, until I read some of the party literature. The Republicans are very aggressive in attempting to get their can didates elected. I would have hated to have read what Helms might have said if Jesse Jackson had made the democratic ticket. But, of course, it’s very easy to knock those already in office; we’ve seen some of their blunders... Last week, Ronald Reagan spoke in New Jersey, praising Bruce Springsteen while more Americans were killed in Beirut. Reagan claims that “America is back,” but the poor are getting poorer. Christians argue over prayer in the schools, and in the meantime a Guru in Oregon is taking over towns, and bussing in street people from all over the west. In North Carolina, Rufus Ed- misten is running for Governor against Jim Martin. It s not easy to find much in the newspapers about them, is it? Jim Martin spouts a pretty good line about education in this state: he wants to improve schools, and favors bettef pay for better teachers. But which is more important, science or art? Rufus Edmisten says that he has worked for every inch of ground, and thus should be elected Governor. (Rufus is a farm boy from Boone.) He speaks of reducing utilities and prosecuting more criminals. Where are you going to put all those criminals, Rufus? It would also seem that no matter what Walter Mondale says, most people feel he’s incapable of fulfilling his promises. He’s talked about Social Security, lowering the federal deficit, restructuring the tax program, trimming money from the defense budget, and so on. Need I say anything at all about Geraldine Ferraro? Ed Simmons is running for a seat on the Board of County Commissioners, (Mecklenburg,) and Ruth Wilson for the same position in Cleveland County. The list goes on and on. When Election Day arrives on November 6, it will help to have an idea about what all those candidates intend to do about the prominent issues, and what all those names on the ballot mean. Pick up a newspaper once in awhile and find out; take a ride into Shelby, and visit the Republican and Democratic headquarters. Find out what each candidate believes. Ask questions about their background, or watch the news instead of Star Trek; talk to your teachers, or people who know. ^ It is ridiculous to attempt to resolve all the issues; there are as many issues as there are candidates, and by next week, all the issues may change. It’s not difficult to register. It only takes about five minutes, but you must register in the town in which you are a legal resident. You may register at any one of three places: a public library, a voting office, or at the home of a registering of ficial. It’s simple. If you need an absentee ballot, then your request must be written and notarized. You can easily ac complish this right here in Boiling Springs. Go to the polls and vote! If you don’t, you may find that n^t time the name Kennedy is one of your choices....Think about it. “THIS TIME, VOTE LIKE YOUR WHOLE WORLD DEPEN DED ON IT.” (Nixon-Agnew) "This Is It!!!" Will The Next President Be Elected By Default? “So, this is it,” you say. Once again the Pilot rears its feeble head and spreads its aging wings in an attempt to get the first issue of 1984 off the ground. Why? Maybe we all have a burning desire to be great journalists. Maybe we’re nothing more than a troupe of power-hungry students who have finally found a vehicle to achieve our own self-gratifying needs. Perhaps we’re just a bunch of dolts that couldn’t say “No” when our advisor. Dr. Bill Stowe, took it upon himself to head up this operation. Or, it might just be that our editor, Roberta Borden, was just too cute to refuse. It is possible, too, that we really care about Gardner-Webb and its ever- ignorant populous, who would like to know what is going on, but never quite have the time, ambition, or concern to search out information individually. No matter what our motives for writing, (or yours for reading,) we represent each person on this campus as a voice to be heard, a force to be reckoned with, and an artistic and creative endeavor. We need your response as stu dents, faculty, and workers to continue to uphold the stan dards which you, the people of Gardner-Webb, will set for us. As journalists, we have a responsibility to listen to your suggestions and gripes, whether we choose to act upon these stimuli or not. Go ahead: write us a nasty letter, or crumple our work up and say we have foolish ideas, but don’t ignore us. Read The Pilot; give us a chance. Let your in telligence show...We won’t tell anyone. E. Pogo Costley ANY NEWS? Why not let The PUot staff know about it!!! Have you ever wondered how politicians seem to get away with evading the truth? Jim Hunt and Jesse Helms seem to attack each other almost daily, and most of the time it borders on the ridiculous. Have you figured out yet how Rev. Jerry Falwell could back a military escalation by Ronald Reagan, and an equally devout Rev. Jesse Jackson could take an almost directly opposite stance? When the next candidate is elected to President, Governor, Senator, County Commissioner, or any other office, what will be their policy toward colleges, and you and I? Do they even have a policy? Do you even care? Have you ever voted before? If you are eighteen now, you have never had the op- porunity to vote in a presidential election before. If you’re 22 or 23, you have only had one previous presidential election in which to’do your duty. (But is it your duty?) Is voting a duty, a respon sibility, or a God-given right? Is it the Christian thing to do? Is abstaining from voting a form of silent protest? If you don’t vote, does that mean that you have no right to complain about who gets elected, or how that person performs, (or fails to,) in office? What about those who get elected by default? Did they really get elected? Do you remember Jimmy Carter? Do you remember the hostages in Iran, or how many Americans have been killed in Beirut? Remember when it was easy to get student loans? Does anyone remember when gas wasn’t a dollar a gallon, and candy bars weren’t sixty cents apiece? Has anyone seen Ronald Reagan movies? How many of you watched the Miss America Pageant this year? What is important to us now? Are we really going to have a nuclear holocaust? Do you think a woman will ever be elected President of the United States? Is the Clemson football team off probation this year? No, seriously, does it make a difference who gets elected Presi dent, or Governor, or Attorney General, or Education Com missioner? Does it make any difference if we have higher taxes, fewer private schools, more bombs, and fewer babies? Can one vote really make a difference? Can one crazy lunatic really end the world? (I wonder where Charlie Manson is...) Does anyone care anymore? Does anyone care whether or not anyone cares? Should this little newspaper be published? Are your tired of these questions? Well, then maybe by now you’ve foraiulated some real opinions. At any rate, what you can be sure of is that you have the right to vote. Freedom. Now there’s something worth thinking about. ‘IF YOU WERE PRESIDENT, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?” (-Lyndon Johnson) COLLECTOR’S ITEM “VOTE ’84 RONNY AND THE Bush vs. Wally and the Beaver.” $2 each. |6/$10. Bear Produc- BUl Lang tions, Box B, Dillon, CO 80435. THE PILOT Editor Roberta L. Borden Sports Editor Brooks Nash Feature/Layout Editors E. Pogo Costley Laurie Tinnes Staff Bill Lang, Eric Lueck, Chuck Haynes, Scott Stewart, Bob Waeltz, Larry McCoy, Troy Smart, Ling Lin, Eugene Quillen, Joanne Leatherwood, Tom Hartman, Eddie Northen Photographer Karen McCroan Advisor Dr. WilUam B. Stowe Published by students of Gardner-Webb College, Boiling Springs, North Carolina. The office of the Pilot is located in the Charles I. Dover Student Center, Room 112.