/VprilW THE PILOT Gardner-Wfebb GJlege APRIL 26, 1988 BOILING SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA “The Big Apple” GWC Style Recently, Professors Keith Griggs, Wallace Carpen ter, and Don Kemerait of the Broyhill School of Management at Gardner-Webb lead a group of approximately 40 students on a business- educational trip to New York City. This annual event is sponsored by the Broyhill School of Management and takes place during spring break of each year. This year, the par ticipants attended a seminar at the New York Stock Ex change , toured the Commodity Exchange,Federal Reserve Bank, United Nations, and Con Edi son. Other places visited included the Statue of Liber ty, Empire State Building, Rockfeller Center, Metropoli tan Art Museum, and Central Park. Following each active day, participants took in a bit of New York night life including eating at famous restaurants, seeing Broadway plays, and taking a cruise which included dinner and a Broadway review. The week was filled with many planned acti vities while at the same time allowing ample free time for additional sight seeing and shopping in famous New York stores. The following excerpts from student comments demon strate the general feeling of all participants: -"The campus New York trip was well worth taking and I would encourage any student to try to go." -"The highlight of the trip was the Broadway at sea." -"The trip was wonderful. My wife and I hope to go again when our finances allow it." -"Touring China Town and Greenwich Village was interes ting to me because we were informed of some of the his tory of the migration of the Chinese into New York." -"Above all, the most fascina ting experience for me was the Commodity Exchange and the Stock Exchange." -”I found the Broadway plays to be very entertaining; a wonderful way to learn about the arts." The annual visit to New York is a program that is con tinually growing in interest and attendance. Plans are already underway for a 1989 visit. For those interested in attaining more information about this program, please contact Dr. Keith Griggs or Wallace Carpenter at Gardner- Webb. Handicap Awareness Day By R. Shawn Lewis April 27th is Handicap Awareness Day here at Gardner- Webb College. This event is not a national event, but in stead is the result of a de sire of students in the Sign Language Studies Department to help non-handicapped people realize what is like to be handicapped. Handicap Awareness Day will include a display center which will house information on handicaps. The center will have representatives from sev eral institutions that spe cialise in the handling of the handicapped such as the North Carolina School of the Deaf. The displays will be located upstairs in the lobby of the C.I.D. building. Downstairs in the C.I.D. building, an obsta cle course will be set up. This will not be a normal obstacle, but instead will be designed to simulate different handicaps such as blindness, deafness, and crippledness. Participants in the course will not go unrewarded for their efforts. Each partici pant will receive a nominal prize and will be eligible for grand prize drawings at the end of the day. These prizes have been donated for the day by area merchants. The events of Handicap Awareness Day will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Faculty, stu dents, and members of the com munity are invited to come and enjoy and learn from the acti vities of the day. IN THIS ISSUE NY TRIP PG.l HANDICAP AWARENESS...PG.1 DYKEMAN PG. 1 FRENCH TRIP PG.l EDITORIALS PG. 2 DISCRIMINATION PG. 2 TAKE ONE PG.3 FISH TANK PG.3 WHAT HAPPENS? PG.3 A TEST PG. 3 DIAMOND DOGS PG.4 R.P.M PG.4 PREDICTIONS PG.4 Writer Visits Campus By Melissa Brown Successful writer Wilma Dykeman visited Gardner-Webb’s campus on Wednesday, April 13 to speak before students of Dr. Joyce Brown and others interested in writing and literature. Mrs. Dykeman’s most significant success is a novel entitled The Tall Woman which is considered to be a classic among modern Appala chian literature. Most of her works are centered around the southern Appalachian moun tains. She teaches creative writing at the University of Tennessee and a summer course in Appalachian literature at Berea College in Kentucky. Be sides, fiction she has been successful at journalistic and PR writing. Mrs. Dykeman spoke with encouragement as she ex plained that "all writing is creative writing." In explain ing the importance of making a written work memorable through individuality and use of unique ways of expression,Mrs. Dykeman displayed through-her delightful personality and her choice of words the very char acteristics about which she spoke. The French Connection By Melissa Brown Drs. Charles Andrews and Bob Morgan will be leaving for Europe with a group of faculty and students on the day after graduation. The group of ten will take the new Piedmont flight directly to London, where they will spend a couple of days. Then they will go by train to the English Channel and take ferry to France where they will spend six days in Paris. Afterward, the group will head back to London for another night and then home. The trip will offer an oppor tunity to learn about culture and especially to experience the significance of art and literature in France and Eng land. It will be an enjoyable educational experience for everyone going and a great chance for the travelers to further explore their inter ests .