From The Fish Tank R. Shawn Lewis Managing Editor I sing a familiar tune this week. "R-E- S-P-E-C-T... Just a little bit, just a little bit..." The Pilot wants "just a little bit." Per haps the students, staff, and administration of Gardner-Webb still have not come to terms with what exactly The Pilot is. Allow me to spell it out for you: N-E-W-S-P-A-P- E-R. Put it all together and what does its spell? Newspaper. Yeah, that’s it, newspaper! Let’s take a look at the word newspaper and what it should mean on a college campus. 1) A college newspaper should serve the students, faculty, staff, and administration of the college; some college papers even serve the surrounding com munities. 2) The paper should serve by reporting campus news, sports, activities, and so on. 3) The newspaper should be available for use by the students, faculty, staff, and administration as a forum for their ideas and opinions. 4) College newspapers should be a source of public information between the college and sur rounding areas. 5) The newspaper must be published at regular intervals. These are all things that a college newspaper should be. As Managing Editor of the Gardner-Webb College newspaper, I can honestly say that The Pilot strives to meet all of the above criteria.' As a bi monthly publication, The Pilot did miss covering some events that fell between deadlines. However, in an attempt to better serve Gardner-Webb College, The Pilot would like to announce that it has become a weekly publication. Coming out with a paper every week will be difficult, but not impossible. The Pilot does need your help, though. Club presidents, department chairs, administra tion, and Students at large: The Pilot needs a favor. Send us your news, announcements, activities, etc. Here is a list of deadlines: 1. Monday, April 2nd 2. Wednesday, April 11th 3. Wednesday, April 18th 4. Wednesday, April 25th (TENTATIVE) Submissions (press releases, informa tion, etc.) can be turned into Dr. Stowe, Dawn E- Camp, Kathy Henson, any staff member, or myself. My box number is 520 and the phone number in the Student Pub lications office is ext. 417. Please work with and respect The Pilot as a newspaper— your newspaper. Thanks. THE PILOT R. Shawn Lewis Managing Editor Co-Editors DawnE Camp Kathy Henson ; Sports Editor Marty White Dr. William B. Stowe Advisor Entertainment Editor Noel T. Manning, II Staff Writers Brian Nicholson; Darren Sanders The Pilot is published weekly by the students of Gardner-Webb College in Boiling Springs, NG. Gf^ fices are located in the Pub; House on the campus of Gardner-Webb College. Food for Thought The dining hall, through the use of informative cards, has been observing March as National Nutrition Month. Spe cial emphasis has been put on educating the students of Gardner-Webb on such topics as vegetarian diets, proper nutrition, caloric intake, and fiber intake. For example, do you know where fiber comes from? Plants. Only foods from plants contain fiber. Proper fiber intake may reduce the risk of developing heart disease, cancer, and diverticulosis. It may also assist in vveight control as bulky, high fiber foods are usually low in calories, take longer to chew, and make you feel full longer. Perhaps you don’t know what your caloric intake should be. Caloric needs vary from person to person. Gender, stature, age, body composition, and activity level all affect caloric needs. Most people are con cerned with calories as they pertain to body weight. To maintain body weight, calories consumed and calories used for energy should balance. Consuming fewer calories than the body uses will promote weight loss, while consuming more than the body uses vnll result in weight gain. PILOT EDITORIAL POLICY The Pilot’s policy for letters to the Editor requires that all letters must be signed by the writer(s). Names may be withheld only with the consent of the editorial board of The Pilot. The Pilot reserves the right not to publish articles which are defamatory in nature. Views expressed in the editorials are not necessarily those of The Pilot. We also reserve the right to edit any letters submitted for brevity and clarity. Letters from the students, faculty, and staff of the Gardner-Webb College are welcome. Please place any letters in the box located outside the Pub. House PILOT ADVERTISING POLICY The Pilot reserves the right to refuse any adver tisement deemed detrimental to the Christian nature of this institution. Rates are $3 per column inch. For further information, please contact The Pilot at 434- 2361, ext. 417 or 427. CAD, MOM. GRANDMA Who doe* the boby resemble? Variety Show Benefit Planned By Ernest Brown Special to The Pilot There will be a Christian Variety Show on April 10th in the Dover Theatre from 7-9 PM. This show will be a benefit to help defray the medical costs for Laura Bailey, a senior at Chase High in Rutherford County, who has cancer. This will be a love offering concert with an optional $2 donation at the door. All Gardner-Webb students are en couraged to attend for a night of entertain ment and variety. There will be a number of Gardner-Webb students performing in the show as well as students from Crest High School. Baked goods and soft drinks will be sold during the intermission, with all proceeds going to Laura Bailey. “You, young man, are old enough to know better than to play with your food!” SHELBY MUSIC CENTER «Ar\ cMakiha/t (jibsot\ EPIPHONE nan! ■ Martin SIGMA Ovation GUITAR REPAIR & SOUND SYSTEMS INSTALLED INSTRUCTION FOR GUITAR - PERCUSSION — BANJO & BASS 306 LAFAYETTE STREET 487-7404 THE, BUFFET SUNDAY PIZZA THRU THURSDAY 11 to 2PM CONNECTION & 5 to 9PM BUY ONE GET ONE FREE $1.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 484-2557