2 The Pilot / September 30, 1993 Editorial Page Cardner-Webb University THE PILOT Campus Box 5103 Phone ext. 4389 Greg Carpenter Editor Julianne Kuykendall Copy Editor Dr. Bill Stowe Advisor Jason Farr Sports Editor Staff Kevin Bess, Mark Dixon, EJ. Dolce, Andrew Hopper, Chad Maddox, Bill Parks, Kevin Walter, Andrew White Stacy Stanley - Business Manager Printed by Shelby Printing Is there anybody out there? ap-a-thet-ic \ ap -g - thet - ik \ adj 1 : lack of feeling or emotion : SPIRITLESS 2 : having little or no interest or concern : INDIFFERENT The definition of "apathetic," reprinted above, is from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary published in 1973. It is also the definition of the majoriy of Gardner-Webb's student body. Here is a case in point. The executive officers of the Student Government Associa tion prepares a badly needed replacement for the 1975 constitution. It is rough and in need of fine tuning, but it is an up to date document. The Student Senate is the place for this fine tuning. Unfortunately, not enough sena tors can find lime in ihevr busy schedules to meet twice a month so that the senate can have a quorum to conduct business. The passing of a new constitution is eas ily the most significant piece of business that any of the senators will ever be faced within their term. What will it take to compel these people to get serious about their office? Sure, 11 senators did show up for the meeting, but they are simply doing their job. There were also a few excused absences due to an art trip and a sporting event, but where was everybody at the first meeting? The worst part is, the whole campus seems to be mired down in apathy. Letters to the editor are at an all-time low, save for Gus, who at least realizes he has a public forum for his ideas and is intelligent enough to use it. Also, some of the student body exhibited a total lack of class by leaving the stadium before the end of the fourth quarter Saturday. Only 4 observers showed up for the last senate meeting. When we complain that Gardner-Webb does not really care about the students, think about this - if you do not care what happens to Gardner-Webb, why should the institution care what happens to you? Greg Carpenter The Pilot Editorial Policy The Pilot's policy for leuers to the Editor re quires that all letters be signed by the author(s). Names may be withheld only with consent of The Pilot's Editorial Board. The Pilot reserves the right not to publish ar ticles which are defamatory in nature. Views expressed in editorials are not necessarily those of The Pilot. We also reserve the right to edit letters for brevity and clarity. Advertising Policy The Pilot reserves the right to refuse any adver tisement deemed detrimental to the Christian nature of this institution. Rates are $3 a column inch. Support your local Bulldog Picture it - a brisk, fall Saturday after noon. The wind is whistling trough the trees. The leaves are rustling under crumple of feet, and their is a silky coverage of dew on the ground. The stage is set for a tradition that takes place on every college campus on fall Satur day afternoons - a college football game. College football is a 100 year old tradition that every one loves to take part in. Everyone except students at G-W. Where is the school spirit around this campus? When I came here, I thought that this school would be booming with spirit. After all, the football team is nationally ranked. What is wrong with our school spirit This is school, not anyone else's - our's. We should take pride in being a Runnin' Bulldog. After all, we wear the clothes, the hats, the shirts, the shorts, and the pins. Why not take a little pride in wearing Bulldog para phernalia? Is our school spirit contingent on whether or not our team wins (can you say "bandwagon jumpers")? Come on guys, our cheerleaders are full of spirit - both guys and girls - and the Bulldog is barking himself silly to get people pumped up. Even Garrick Scottis interested in "Where's the dogs?" Whether winning or loosing, that is our team made up of our friends who are busting their tails to win a game or two. The next home game is Homecoming on October 9 against Lenoir Ryne, our confer ence rival. Let's show a little pride in our team and our school by proving that when our oppo nents come to Bulldog country, they will get bit - and let Garrick know where the dogs are. Jason Farr The Pilot staff for the fall of 1993. The Barkin’ Bulldog Question For The Next Issue Q. Do you feel that parking is adequate at Gardner-Webb? Drop response’s in the folder on the Pub. House door or in campus mail, box 5103. Campus Calendar All clubs, departments, and service organizations are invited to send their announcements to The Pilot, campus box 5103, do Greg Cai'penter. ■ Homecoming '93: The Student Enter tainment Association is sponsoring a resi dence hall competition, a float competi tion, and a banner competition. The theme for this year is "Let Us Entertain You." 10/9 The homecoming parade will precede the football game. See Mark Dixon, SEA chair, in the SGA office in the DCC for details. The 1993 homecoming queen will be announced at halftime of the football game. ■ Baptist Student Union: meets every Monday night at 9 p.m. in the DCC Ban quet Hall. 10/4 Bill Irwin, the only blind man to hike the Appalachian Trail, will be the speaker at 9 p.m. in the DCC Banquet Hall. ■ Career Planning and Placement: offers services such as resume preparation and job fairs. 10/7-8 Alumni Career Days. See Hope Toney in the Career Planning office in the DCC for more information. ■ American Heart Association: 10/2 Heart Walk. Contact Matt Webber at 434-4637 for a sponsorship donation col lection envelope and more information. Bring the envelope to the Shelby Chamber of Commerce Plaza the day of the event Rain date is 10/9. ■ Student Alumni Council 10/24 Tailgate Party Competition at the Carson- Newman game. All students, faculty, staff, and alumni are welcome to compete. A cash prize will be awarded to the entry with the most creativity. ■ GVVU Theatre: 10/1-3 "Love Letters." Shows are at 8 p.m. (Sunday, 2:30 p.m.) in the Dover Theatre. Free admission to GWU students with a valid student ID. 10/4 and 6 Auditions for "To Kill a Mocking bird." ■ Student Entertainment Association: 9/30 - 10/2 The SEA will be attending the National Association of Campus Activi ties Conference in Winston Salem. The SEA will have the opportunity to see new acts as well as educational programming. Quore of The Week ... I detest all fiction even in song, And so must tell the truth, howe'er you blame it. Lord Byron In the next Issue: Homecoming '93 Constitution Update A Look Back If you have any announcements or departmental news, send these, along with any other story ideas, to The Pilot, c/o Greg Carpenter, campus box 5103.