2 77/E P/LOr/February 14,1994 Editorial page Gardner-Webb University THE PILOT Campus Box 5103 Phone ext. 4389 Greg Carpenter Editor Julianne Kuykendall Copy Editor Dr. Bill Stowe Advisor Jason Farr Sports Editor Staff Kevin Bess, Mark Dixon, Nicole Hartis, Andrew Hopper, Shelley Lane, Chad Maddox, Stacy Stanley, Nicole Utera, Kevin Walter, Andrew White, Telesa Wilson Printed by Shelby Printing Happy Valentines Day? Well, I was thinking about writing some thing sappy like happy Valentines to all our faithful readers, or something along the lines of, isn't Valentines Day the most romantic time of the year, a time for hearts to be joined happily forever after. Well, I’m not. You see, when writing this letter each issue, I usually write about what is on my mind as of late. Therefore, especially in this issue, it is very hard to write in a way diametrically opposed to the way I feel at the moment. I could go on about how Valentines Day is just a racket, or I could explain the history behind this auspicious day (you see. Saint Valentine was not actually canonized; he just performed a bunch of illegal weddings, and we all just melt when they think that true love conquers all, unless of course you are talking about Romeo and Juliet - I better not get started.) As a matter of fact, there is an abundance of topics I could write on concerning lovey- dovey day, but I will not. You see, I feel like an interloper on this day because I have yet to find my true love, my significant other, that truly special young lady who would melt my heart, my soul mate, my life companion; and I would feel real silly trying to cover that fact up with some superfi cial letter. Therefore, I wiU, not so graciously, bow out. Now, do not get me wrong, I have nothing against romance. Really, I do not. And I have never thought love should be a four letter word, honestly. And I have never once thought of becoming a hermit and living in a cave high in the Himalyas. No, I definitely am not bitter - well, maybe a little bit, but don't tell any body. Until next issue, Greg Carpenter The Pilot Editorial Policy The Pilot's policy for letters to the Editor re quires that all letters be signed by the author(s). Names may be withheld only with consent of The Pilot's Editorial Board. The Pilot reserves the right not to publish ar ticles which are defamatory in nature. Views expressed in editorials are not necessarily those of The Pilot. We also reserve the right to edit letters for brevity and clarity. Advertising Policy The Pilot reserves the right to refuse any adver tisement deemed detrimental to the Christian nature of this institution. Rates are $3 a column inch. Jennifer, Happy Valentines Day from someone "farr" away, but nearer than you think. I hope this is the beginning of a long relationship built on our love for God an^ each other. Jason Sunshine, I love you. I just want to let you know how much you mean to me. Thanks for being there. Stuart Shelley Thanks for being a friend I can count on (can't wait to hear the rumOTS now). Greg continued on page 4 Who's Who 1994 Mr. Richard Brogdon Ambrose Miss Paula Christine Barnes Mrs. Maria De Fatima Bonfim Mr. Jason Michael Carmack Mr. Brian Keith Dixon Mr. Todd Dennis Felkel Mr. Thomas Chad Harvey Miss Lou Ann Hughes Mr. Raymond Anthony Jennings Mr. Roderick Darnell Jeter Miss Phoua Molly Kue Miss Stella Ruth Lail Miss Frances Elizabeth Mabery Mr. Matthew Shelton Rice Mrs. Pamela Price Mitchem Miss Mary Katheryn Robinson Miss Martha Lynn Montague Mr. David Craig Stevens Miss Cheryl Ann Morton Mr. Kevin Michael Walter Mr. Steve Wade Nanney Mr. Jamie Lee Warren Miss Carla Katherine Ramsey Miss Kimberly Ann Zamrock Astronomy from page 1 which will give us all the updated research information released. English says, “You can do anything with that access. Since we don't have it we are really limited.” As a point of interest English is more or less a self4aught astronomer. It started with his mom taking him to the library, a pair of bin oculars, and an interest in the cosmos. Later, in his school career in UG A, he ran astronomy labs, wrote astronomy lab books, and taught lab lessons. When asked if English believed we had ever been visited by aliens, he replied “No, we haven't been visited.” With the Drake equation English showed that there is a probability that there are only 10 planets in this galaxy that could have intelli gent life. Then he went on to say that it could take too long to travel from those planets. The Local astronomers browse during the regional meeting in the DCC Banquet Hall on January 29. closest sun is four light years away. If they could travel at the speed of light it would take eight years round trip. We can't ever travel 1/lOOth the speed of light, which is 1000 miles a second. “Physics won't let them do it” is English's proof that aliens have not visited and theoreti cally never could except through radio signals. Church from page 1 dynamically in each worshipper's life. The church is flexible, relaxed, and upbeat. The services orchestrate drama, music, testimony, and creative searching of the Word to provide a quality worship experience. A great convenience aspect of Christ Covenant Church is that it is located right on our campus. The church especially wants to meet the needs of college student, as well as the entire Boiling Springs area. GWU Campus Minister Burdette Robinson says about the new church, “I'm pleased that Gardner-Webb would give the church an opportunity to meet on campus.” ‘The church is really committed to min istering to college students and giving them an opportunity to serve through our church. Gardner-Webb students have been involved in helping start the church and are currently in volved in worship through music and drama.” Both GWU students and faculty have been involved in watching the vision of a contemporary model church being bom in Boiling Springs come true. GWU student Chris Smith says, “Be ing a part of seeing a church form has been a growing and enriching experience for me. I feel welcome by everyone there and I love the cheerful, worshipful atmosphere.” Christ Covenant Church invites all Gardner-Webb students to be a part of their fellowship to share in growing in Christ and worshipping together.