Bulldogs defeat L-R in tight game see page 4 Campus Calendar see page 3 No. 13 February 24,1994 The Official Campus Newspaper Boiling Springs, NC Remembrances of past elections guides this year’s elections committee posed a nomination procedure. One of the outstanding recommendations was that the people running for office must be required to submit a petition of students’ signatures. Hawkins feels that if the women running for homecoming queen should do it, so should those seeking student government chairs. When asked about the constitution that is currently being worked on by senate, Chris Johnson says, “Everything for now on will be determined on this year's elections. The elected will set precedence for the future.” He also added that under this new consti tution, if accepted, no one will be guaranteed their constitutional rights, since this is a private institution. In closing Hawkins stressed, “I think the students have a way to voice their opinion ... attend senate meetings, run (for office) your self, or gel a friend you trust. (The govern ment) is for the students; if you don't use it, you might as well get rid of it. ...you become involved in Gardner-Webb as soon as you enter the school.” Cddbrafion Week - an awesome experience by Julianne Kuykendall staff writer How would one describe what happened during Celebration Week? One word could sum it up - “Awesome!” An entire year of prayerful preparation went into the events of Celebration Week, and every minute of diligent work was repaid a thousand times. GWU students and faculty saw prayers answered before their very eyes as hearts were broken, surrendered, and revived. Dover Theatre became the “place to be” during the week of January 31-February 3. Hundreds of students filed into the LY CC each night with a driving enthusiasm that quickly became contagious. Nightly, the stage boasted an entire music team leading a standing audience in powerful song, dynamic drama presentations, and both a student and faculty speaker. The front of the stage converted into an altar which was packed every night This year was unique to student revivals of the past in that it was truly a “celebration.” “We didn't call it revival because we can't predict when God will bring a revival,” said Inside Celebration week was a time for friends to join together in fellowship with each other and the Lord. Sabrina Barnes, Cel ebration chair person. “We worked on a week that would be full of praise to God and be en couraging for both believers and non-be lievers.” The greatest cel ebration of the week was that hearts were in fluenced and changed never to be the same again. “We gave this week to God to let Him do what He wanted to with it,” said Barnes. “It was amazing how God convicted our hearts through many different ways during Celebra tion Week. I believe that He was truly honored and glorified.” Perhaps the most astounding effect of Celebration Week was that it didn't stop with a “week.” The spirit remains strong and evident with “Celebration Night” each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Chapel. All students are invited to join in the fire of celebration that continues to bum bright. by Kevin Walter senior staff writer In last year’s elections there were many positions that had only one person running for office. This was quite a disappointment to many students. Taking nothing away from the current officers, many people felt cheated by not being allowed to make their vote count. To show their opposition to this limited election there was a None of the Above cam paign. Scott Hawkins, the elections chair this year, is considering a write-in spot on the ballot for other choices. Hawkins has submit ted a nomination proposal to the executive of ficers of the student government who are work ing on a document which will outline nomina tion procedure (see page 3 for proposal). Chris Johnson, a GWU student and one of the organizers of the None Of The Above campaign, says, “The student body believes (Student Government) is for stu dents; if you don't use it, you might as well get rid of U, -Scott Hawkins, elections chair that the elections are a farce, that the student senate is a farce.” Hawkins’ duties, as this year’s chairman of elections committee, will be to supervise elections, count and verify the winner, and several other various tasks. “I think Gardner-Webb is people ori ented . . .” said Hawkins. “. . . (Students should) run and not sit back and complain.” He also feels that a fair amount of stu dents do not care, and that their opinion really would not make a difference. Student involvement and voting is highly encouraged by Hawkins. He feels there is no better way to voice your feelings than by voting. In the last senate meeting, Hawkins pro- Gardner-Webb University 0 THE PILOT Forum■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ page 2 Campus Calendar* ■■■■■■ page2 Sports ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ page4 Faculty Q&A page 3 Nutty Stuff- ■■■■■■■■■■■ page 3 Have a nice day!