Friday, August 23, 2002 WWW. gwupilot com Volume 6 No. 1 Back in the swing of things GWU by the numbers 600 new freshmen 80 Big Brothers and Sisters 1,000 residents on campus 2,200 total enrolled at GWU 128 full-time teaching faculty Photo by Christina Tyler C hristina Parkins(left) and Amanda Longniire welcome arrivin}’ freshmen and scone for cute }^uys at the same time. Photo by Christina Tyler Photo by Margaret O’Oriscoll (left) Ihutdy Jackson warns' freshmen as they arrive last Friday and (ri^ht) A. o .ij/r/.v enjoy the concert on Tuesday ni^ht. On the Inside Senior: take advantage of time at GWU Erin Boyd Pilot editor As I pulled out of my par ent’s driveway to head back to Boiling Springs the other day, I couldn’t help but think back to the fall of 1999—when it had taken hours to pack my family’s Dodge Caravan. All five of us made the trek to the Webb to move me in my fresh man year. As I drove back to GW for my last year here, I thought about how much has changed since I was a freshman. I thought about whait I have learned. And I thought about how fast my time here has gone. I thought back to how ner vous and fearful and excited I was all at the same time. And how I reeled with newfound freedom, though I didn’t know all the responsibility that would entail. I couldn’t wait to face the “real world.” Four years at seemed like it would last for ever. But now my senior year has come and these have been the fastest years of my life. Freshmen, grasp hold of this year and these next years to come. Meet as many people as you can and make the most of every opportunity. Yes— study. Study hard or you won’t make it. But also make time for Waffle House runs at 2 a.m., trips to Wal-Mart at midnight and late-night talks with your roommate. Pull pranks on your hall- mates and roll the Quad together at Homecoming. Develop your character by volunteering at a nursing home and spend time in spiri tual discussions, on your quest to form your own convictions. Make friends with your hallmates and classmates, the Physical Plant staff and cafete ria workers. These people will be your “family” for the next four years. Some of the people you meet today will be your friends for life. Four years ago I would have never imagined the girl sitting next to me in Spanish class would ask me to be in her wedding (1 w-as this past spring.) or the person I was too afraid to talk to would become a close friend. These are the people you will laugh with, mourn with and share your hearts and lives with. Hold on tight—these four years will fly. How the drought is affecting GWU page 2 Words from your SGA President page 4 Senior gives tips to freshmen page? A look at this year’s fall sports schedule page 8 Learn how to live with a new roommate.... page 3 News page 2-8 Sports page 8