II, NO. 10 ST. ANDREWS J,. FEBRUARY 26, 1963 Campus Elections Friday Vote! oling Held mall Lounge todeni Center Campus-vvide elections will be eld on Friday, March 1 to elect 963-64 officers of the St. An- r e w s Student Association, lese offices include: President, 'ice-President, Secretary and reasurer of the Cabinet, Intra- ural Sports Council, Student enter Board, Student Christian ouncil; and two rising seniors, rising juniors and one ris ing sophomore for the Honor :ourt. (The Honor Court will fleet its President from the Jun- or and Senior members at a ater time.) Voting will take place in the imall lounge in the Student Cen- :er. Each voter will be required identify himself with his :oncert-Lecture ticket (or in ex- eptions, some other valid iden- ification.) The poll will be open rom 8:30 a.m. through 5:30 p. . on Election Day. An Election Board comprised ■ Jim Bunnell. Honor Council ’resident; Ralph Allen, Senior !lass President; Wayne Ballard nd Faye Hooks, President and Wce-President of the Student Association: Mr. Hiott and Dr. larvin will supervise the elec- ions. i '4 CAROL BROOKS Carol Brooks, candidate for the jwst of Student Association President, is basing her cam paign on her experience as S. A. Ti-easurer In 1961-62 and Sec retary this year. Carol served as Chairman of the Budget Com mittee last year, and more re cently, on the Publicity Com mittee for the Christian Council. Carol has been on the Honor Roll three semesters and on the Dean’s List two semesters. Dur ing the 1959-60 school year she received the Charlotte-Mecklen- burg County All Star Scholar Award from the Charlotte N’evvs. Freshman May Court attend- j ant at Flora Macdonald College, j Carol represented Granville Dorm in the “Miss Lamp and Shield” contest this year. JOE CHANDLER Joe Chandler, seeking election to the Presidency of the Student Association, has represented the Junior Class on the Senate this year, where he was elected President Pro Temp. Joe is the President of Orange Dormitory, serves on the Stu dent Life Committee, and is Chairman of the Rules Commit tee. He has also heid member ship on the Freshman Orienta tion Committee. Joe, who attended Presbyteri an Junior College, is from Blad- enboro, N. C. These Offices Are To Be Filled The Student Association President: The President of the Student Association is the official representative of tihe student body. He calls and pre sides over all meetings of the Cabinet and the Association, and expedites the operation of the Association by appointing neces sary committees and filling posi tions (in compliance with speci fications in the handbook) as the need for such action arises. The President is also a member of the Student Cabinet and the Stu dent Life Committee. Vice-President: The Vice-Pres ident of the Student Association assumes the duties of the Presi dent in his absence or at his request, and takes on the full responsibility of the executive position if for any reason the President must vacate his office. The Vice-President is a member of the Student Cabinet and Pres ident of the Senate. Secretary: The Secretary of the Student Association prepares and posts the minutes of the As sociation and of the Cabinet, and handles all the correspondence of these organizations. Additional responsibilities include the com munication of decisions and rec- comendations of the Association and of the Cabinet to the office These Students Aspire To Represent SAPC mm President of Qiuill and Scroll, ind Secretary-Treasurer of her iophomore class. JOYCE CLANTON Joyce Clanton, who is a con tender for the office of Student Association Secretary, is cur rently Secretary of the Senate and of the Handbook Commit tee. She is also a student rep- ^sentative on St. Andrews’ Jong-Range Planning Commit- ► . Joyce has served as Clerk of ^li e Mecklenburg Presbytery Penior High Fellowship Council ^nd was a Party Chairman at prl s State. She is a rising Sen- from Charlotte. Judy Gray is a rising Junior ifoni Statesville, N. C„ who is ^ nominee for the office of Stu- jnt Association Secretary. She Secretary of the Concord Popmitory Council and a mem- of the Lamp and Shield high school Judy was co- , itor of the school newspaper, JUDY GRAY DIANNE OWEN Dianne Owen, candidate for Student Association Secretary, has served on the Student Life ComTnlttee this year. She is also on the Theme Committee of the Christiaia Council and ta}^es an active part in plays produced by the Christianity and Culture Team. Diamie’s interest in dramatics begin during her high school years in Spartanburg, S. C., where she was Vice President of the Thespians. PAUL GRUB^ Paul Grubbs, incumbent Vice- President of the Sophomore Class, is seeking election as Treasurer of the Student Asso ciation. In addition to holding a class office, Paul is a member of the College Choir and is in the En semble. He has been on the Dean’s List for three semesters. In high school Paul was a mem ber of the National Honor So ciety. He is a rising junior from Mocksville, N. C. Ned Browning, an appointed member of the 1962-63 Honor Court, is the sole candidate for the office of Student Association Vice-President. He was named to the Dean’s List last year and has played leading roles in sev eral productions of the High land Players. Ned is a rising Senior from Winchester, Va. NED BROWNING A Freshman from Newport News, Virginia, Jimimy is asplr- xng to the office of Student As sociation Treasurer. He has participated in the S. C. A. Con gress and on its Board of Elec tions, as well as being on the Honor Roll first semester. In high school Jimmy was Homeroom President, a Key Club Officer, and the winner of two 'track medals. of the Dean of Students for ap propriate action on behalf of the College. Treasurer: The Treasurer maintains a permanent record of all financial transactions of the association. He formulates a bud get for the coming year in con sultation with the Student Cab inet and presents this budget to the Senate for action. He is re sponsible for making semi-an nual reports to the Association and quarterly reports to the Senate. The Treasurer is requir ed to submit his books to the Business Office to be audited once per semester. He is a mem ber of the Student Cabinet. The Honor Court The Honor Court is the major student judicial body, with its members comprising partial membership of the Student-Fac- ulty Judiciary Committee which hears all major cases, such as those involving the penalties of probation, suspension and expul sion. In addition, tihe Honor Court reviews reports from the dormitory councils and hears the cases of students who have reached the 20^merit deduction limit. The court hears appeals from the campus court; and dormitory councils. The officers of the following groups perform within their or ganizations the duties normally associated with their positions. The Christtan Council The Student Christian Council coordinates campus religious ac tivities and promotes Christian citizenship. The Council is re sponsible for providing students oportunities to enrich their Christian faith and to relate their faith to life both on and off campus. It is further con cerned with ways and means of developing and undergirding campus citizenship. The Student Center Board The Student Center Board functions through the Office of Student Affairs in establishing guidelines and programs of ac tivities and services which will serve the general welfare of the campus community. (Continued on Page 2) JUVEVIY VEKSER