I B B V' VOL. 4. NO. )2 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, LAURINBURG, N. C. MAY 14, 1965 Christians Go All Out; Claude Attempts N ew Conversions Strangely Believelt By CHUCK FARLEY ♦Number of times during his * incidence April 7th C&C 202 lecture that Dr. Reddick said “ah” - 714. ♦Amount of annual tuition in crease for next year - $160. Any bets as to where it’ll be by 1970, if we don't get any en dowment? ♦Rough percentage of women (or girls) in Concord dorm who weren’t asked to the Concord- LANCE formal dance - 40%. Somethii^ the Publicity Com mittee neglected to emphasize . . . “niis is National Garden Week - take a wallflower to the May 1st dance.” ♦Ratio of support given to the recently proposed “Honor Com munity” Code, voted upon along with the new Constitution - re jected, two to one. St. Andrews continues without honor. ♦Number of beach trips on these warm, sunny weekend (closely correlates with recent revision of C&C 202 weekly testing sched ule) - figures still pouring in. ♦Number of deadline evenii^s during which the LANCE staff has heroically remained into the morning hours in order to provide you with the very best in news and sports coverage, editorials, features, cartoons, philosoiiiy, and other amusing trash. - 13. ♦Number of new dorms this year - one. ♦Number of new dorms quickly and expertly converted into beat- up OLD dorms, this year - one, ♦Number of wastelands this year - 17. (King’s Mountain courtyard, and 16 classrooms). ♦Faculty loss this year - gross, 3. net, 0. ♦Number of buildings remaining to be built in 1st phase of Build ing Plans - 5. ♦Number of umbrellas suddenly and violently destroyed in local horizontal rainstorms this year - , 39, and a rib. ♦Number of professors whose initials also stand for “Rat Fink” - one. of “flinch” reflex noted among freshmen and sopho mores at mention of the name “Brinton” - 97% and rising. (3% unconscious) ♦Minimum length oftimeneces- ary to get a busy signal, by dial ing “2” at night (for you busy signal fans) - 1.2 seconds. ♦Number of people who ought to try Marnie MacFarlane’s pene trating capsule psychoanalysis - 851 students, 138 faculty and ad- minstration members. ♦Number of NEW “traveling salesmen” for St. Andrews this year - none. ♦Number of people provided by the college to check your cuts - 4. Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Stepheris, Louis LaMotte, and the LANCE censor who proofs this article. ♦Maximum possible accommo dation of tennis courts for stu dents, faculty, AND administra tion - 2.4%. ♦Number of LANCE editors to date not in WHO’S WHO - one. The PRESENT one. ♦Number of varsity athletic scholarships given for next year - none. ♦New dormitory auxiliary fa cilities built this year - two. (located on baseball field), ♦Number of administration members from Other side of lake at present at the Stringfellow lecture - none. ♦Number of Negro students at St. Andrews this year - none. ♦Ford Foundation endowment at St. Andrews this or any year - lone. (see above for reason) ♦Number of student body presi dents who before coming here attended the Citadel for two weeks, beat a hasty retreat be cause it was too rough - -? People talk about the moral ur gency of race relations and poverty, but here at St. Andrews the Christians know otherwise. After all those problems don’t exist in this area. It’s that den of iniquity just about eight miles south that needs purging. That evil place where the devil rears his foamy head nightly and en snares poor unsuspecting St, Andrews’ students in his bubbling web. Well sir, Claude just couldn’t stand it any longer. The Chris tians have been the brunt of criticism concerning apathy too long. As a parting service to God and school he decided to do something about this horrible situation single-handedly. With Bible in hand, God on his side and the good graces of the ad ministration (who have long been aware of this most vexing pro blem) Claude ventured forth one stormy night. Of course with “fear and trembling” (and a little shivering - he forgot his rain coat in his anxiety to get at those sinners). It was just as Claude had al ways suspected (you see he had discussed the situation many times with his fellow Christians, back at school of course, safe from ole Satan who has been restricted to below the border by the good people of the com munity in their age old stniggle with this fiend). Potentially good students were wallowing In sin, guzzling beer, talking of gross ly secular matters, and even, even - oh It’s almost too de cadent to mention - they were actually indulging in physical contact in the back room. Well, the Old Testament talks of the wrath of God, but those ole He brews just didn’t realize what righteous indignation could be (unless some of them, in their angellzed forms of course, just happened to be passing over on their way to some more sancti fied ground), Claude could hard ly restrain himself when he first layed his eyes on such debauch ery. It exceeded his wildest Imaginings and all those of his fellow Christians. He didn’t know where to start. It would sure take a lot of good ole evangelizing, continued on page 7