vOL.jtg NO. 10 ihelanee _ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE. LAURINBURG, N,C, MARCH 11, 1966 andidates Seeking Election ^ crfiirlanfc resifclt bob ANDERSON A year ago I applied for a po tion in student government, yet ere was one important difler- ce - I ran unchallenged and un posed for this major office. Hie statement “apathy reigns preme” became the byword of _e day. The blame for lack of interest and participation was placed upon an apathetic student too wrapped up in individual ■terest and academic problems to care who was elected to lead. |But now, in retrospect, maybe 's position on the party of many dents, can be understood, for students had every right to ask sad to what?" for what did dent government symbolize how vital was it one’s total college experience?” believe many of the answers to these questions have been found as we have gone through the first yiar under the new Constitution,^ for at least, functions of organi- tions have been defined, and ob- ations of leaders stated. I’ll not take this space to make |ist of all the various items that sd to be acomplished by Stu nt Government next year be cause many of the problems we ire now wrestling with will be re- sflved by the current student go vernment, |What I would like to do is pre sent a basic outline for action into which certain areas of concern y be inserted this year, or as the problems arise. It Involves four main points: tter Communication, Re- aluation and Revilalization of anizations which perform various duties and owe certain *ligations to students, and con- Vulnerability to student 'gestions for improvement and ther development in all areas (campus life. l?is leads me Into my first jor area of concern - Better mmunication. One of the basic efects which we have found this •ar is the marmer in which op ens are conveyed to student ders and likewise, the manner which student government in- vations and accomplishments we been conveyed back to the students. This results from a partial breakdown of communication in several areas of student life - student to student, student to student leaders, ana student to faculty-admlnistration. The student to student com munication, the key to progress, is found on the dormitory and suite level. But one of the biggest gaps in communication is found in student to student government re lationships. Though the basic element of communication in this relationship should be the dorm senator, concern for better com munications should also be ex pressed by the Cabinet, S.C.B., C.C., and other organizations. Next year the Cabinet should work for better coverage of stu dent government affairs in THE LANCE, dorm meeting at which student association leaders should be present, continued stu dent body meeting, which provide an open forum for direct com munication between student as- sociatisn leaders and the student body, a weekly radio program on WSAP, at which time various members of student government will present new programs or a summary of student government activities, and possibly the is- isuing of a monthly student go vernment newsletter which could provide a concise written sum mary of student government ac tion. The third area within the realm of communication is student to faculty and administration. A very good example of a break down in this area is the new calendar. We must further stress our desires to be a greater part in helping to formulate policies which vitally affect us. One way to strengthen this communication is through continued joint Admin- istration-facuity and student go- .vernment meetings. The next point I would like to Bsmphasize is a re-evaluation of certain areas of student life. Al ready Cabinet committees are studying the demerit system and an honor code. It is also im perative that the Cabinet con tinue to try to impress upon the Administration the need to fur ther revise the calendar estab lished for next year. All of us realize that THE LANCE has had problems with gfgff and printing this year; therefore, it might be good to further evaluate these problems and if the situation demands It, suggest to the publication board that students have a more direct Influence upon policies regarding THE LANCE. It has also been increasingly evident that student leaders ^ould take an Interest in af fairs across the lake, referring specifically to problems facing aie library. A right step in this di rection might be the establish ment of .a joint Adniinistratlon, iaculty and student committee, In which viewpoints from all ares of campus life will be re presented, SUSGA is another' area which should be studied with care, for, as of yet, we have not taken ad vantage of the services offered t« ^d in solving many campus prjrtjlems. My third point is Revitaliza tion, Though many student or- gaiLizations are working at peak performance, most are dragging far behind their potential capabi lities. Some organizations need to rework their programs to at tract a wider campus participa tion; the Cabinet and Senate need to work In closer communication to avoid needless repetition; and a new bookkeeping system needs to be established for student go vernment funds and minutes. My last pomt is a carry over from the program of Tommy Sea son. It’s Vulnerability - Openness pn the part of student government jx) criticism, with an always In-, ^erested search to minor student feelings and opinions. Vulner ability to the extent of always realizing the value of compro- nilse and the need of humility in student government. We are In a unique situation at St. Andrews, Where other col leges can only amend or add too, we can shape a tradition of stan dards and attitudes which will be remembered long after we leave, and far beyond the gates of St. Andrews. an It can be a tradition of “apathetic acceptance of an at titude of ‘T don’t give a damn”, or It can be one of creative student participation, tempered by a willingness to know the value of compromise and the Insight of to view our accomplishments ^th humility. The more we put Into St, And rews, the more we will leave for others to draw upon In the future. In conclusion, I’d like to quote a fellow student who said, “This school is over-priced and over rated, but it does have potential unlimited, and that potential Is found inthe 940 students who form the student body.” He’s right. No amount of money, no repu tation, no official policy can buUd a strong schooL It takes people, all kinds of people, and for anyone to represent such a varied mass, he must be able to communicate. It Is not, what a student leader can offer and say that determines whether he will be a success or not, but how he can listen and re present, This Is the important thing I’ve already learned from this campaign, the continued need to listen to you, so that what I do will better reflect your desired ahd opinions concerning student government. Communication, revitaliza tion, re-evaluatlon, and continued vulnerability - these are the key areas in which I will work with you If you elect me to lead the Student Association next year. Bob Anderson BRENDA KEEL This year through the four fol lowing positions; 1. President of the Student Chrisian Council 2. Member of the Cabinet 3. Resident Assistant, Gran ville Dorm 4. Vlce-Moderator of theW.F. Synod of North Carolina I have come face to face with almost all phases of the academ ic society —religious, social and political. In each instance the responsibility has been different and the experience has been In valuable, Having seen plans suc ceed, I have collected a practical re sevoir of methods and creative Ideas; and on the other hand, hav ing witnessed others successful ly flop, I have collected a mental first aid kit that goes beyond mere band-alds and Is capable of proj ect surgery. For instance, the enthusiasm demonstrated at the Student Body Meetings and the effectiveness of this method to communicate issues and activi ties has resulted from the added color of entertainment, supplied for the most part by the Cabinet. Now here was a real tonic! With additional creativeness next year and a responsive audience, the Student Body Meetings have the potential to develop even more. Yet, when it came to the New Calendar Issue, well, here was for many students a real pill with nothing to help wash It down. In fact, the majority of the stu dents did not even realize that the old calendar was sick and that a Calendar Committee with student members even existed. Of course, the actual format of the new ciendar may be debatable on several points, however, the breakdown in communication is a blanket statement of poor diplo macy, if not poor leadership on someones part. Aside from project ideas or realistic solutions to problems that have already reared their Ufflv head, these previous posi tions of responsibility and leadership have instilled a con cern as well as a sense of obli gation, on my part, for student government work at St. Andrews. As president of the Student As sociation, the opportunity will be there to transform that concern and obligation into meaningful and active results, Brenda Keel ViM-President I am a candidate for the office of Vice President of the Student Association. The Vice President serves as the President of the Senate and as a member of the Cabinet. I have a definite program which I think should be brought to your attention and consideration. 1) There must be a definite improvement inthe character, at. titude, and quality in our student newspaper, THE LANCE. 2) There should be a stren- ghthening of the responsibilities functions of the dormitory coun cils. An increase in the function and power of the dormitory coun. ells In their judiciary capacities would facilitate such a strengthen. Ing. 3) In order to increase the effectiveness of the student body, through student government, I would like to see Increased par. tlclpatlon on the part of the sena tors in the life of the dormitories and in the roles as student re presentatives. 4) I would like to see a great. ;r role of activity and responsi bility placed upon the suite lead ers in such a way that greater suite, dormitory, and campus cohesiveness would result. 5) A serious consideration must be given to a re-evaluation of the requirements for Student Association offices, in the light of the decreasing number con stitutionally qualified candidates and the decreasing interest on the part of the student body in or ganized student government. Q) I; believe, that because of the complexities and responsibi. lities of the office of Student Association Treasurer, that the office of Treasurer be changed in name and function to that of Comptroller. 7) There should be a greater mor6 positive participation inthe life of our campus, not only by the students, but also by the adminis tration and the faculty, and other members of our academic com munity. 8) In regard to our academic community, there is one point of vital concern to me. I am speak ing of the library and its facili ties. All are aware of the inade quacies present In what should be one of the finest examples and strong points of our college. Few are aware of the devastating effect these inadequacies can have on our college’s ability to retain its accreditation in the Southern Association. I would do all that is within my power as a Student Association officer to see that this situation Is corrected. In view of this-.my program- I would greatly appreciate your consideration for the office of Vice President of the Student Association. Joe Overton