1'piTlRSDAY. APRIL 22, 1971 the lance ARE YOU AWARE OF EARTH WEEK? PAGE THREE '•By the year two thousand, at our present rate, the world’s oopulatlon may have doubled and ^ planet may not be fit for Cman tnhabitance.” You have probably heard this a number of times but have you ever mought what It could mean to ,ou personally? Are you aware jl,gt It Is Earth Week? This Earth Week, can also aean' a lot to you as an In dividual 11 you participate. We hold the ecological key to our own future. The green light Is 00 and the time is now to start himlng that key. Z.P.G. (Zero population Growth), along with various other national and local organizations prompt you to contribute to Earth Week and to your own future. Z.P.G., the newly establish ed, rapidly advancing organiza tion for environmental control Is actively responding to Earth Week and urges you to join us. As afreshly chartered chap ter of a national committee, Z.P.G. is concerned with ac tion on the question of environ ment and is already well under way. The active membership cumbers close to twenty-five and Is constantly increasing. At the present time Z.P.G. is trying to make aware and actively Involve both the col lege community and the “me tropolitan” Laurinburg area. Our projects Include; making non-pollutant detergent avail able on campus, informing our community on the ecological problem telling individuals how they may actively help and pro mpting the local merchants to sell non-pollutant products. These, of course, are just a few of the widely diversified activities performed by Z.P.G. Our chapter on campus is far from being closed in member ship and new members and fresh ideas are always welcomed. In order for this chapter to be functional we need the back ing of YOU, our fellow students. St. Andrews is, by no stretch of the imagination, the world, but It is a great place to start practicing an environmental at titude. For example, while you are here, try not to have more than two children and try to keep your showers down to less than twenty-seven seconds. As “eco-freaks” we do seriously suggest that you be conscious of your environment and help Rules To Live By Be constantly aware of the Interdependence of Man and Na ture. •Everything we do has an effect somewhere. ■Be alert to the ultimate fate of Items you use. ♦Before using, ask, "what will it do to the state of the environment?” Use only those materials es sential to your existence. •EUmlnate the “1 WANT” philosophy of life. *"Eat to live, don’t live to eat.” ♦Fight needless consumption; purchase only Items that you really need. Buy durable items, avoiding those designed for obsole scence. •Make what you can, bake what you can, grow what you can.” •Avoid "take what you can.’ Seek to recycle anything you "Consume.’ •Reuse products rather than discard them. •Donate things that others can use. Inform yourself about the ac tivities of the overdespoilers of the Earth. •Question everything! Teach others ecologically sound concepts of living. *Begin with your family. *Nature is the best teacher. *Leam also from books, TV specials, and conservation meetings. Support any political acticm that tends to alleviate the pro blems facing our Earth. *Vote, write letters, petition, boycott, testify. Oppose the social myths of growth, progress and develop ment. ♦There Is nothing inevitable about “progress’ . ♦Natural beauty and open spaces are the common heri tage of all life and should be protected from “Improve ments.” Fight the social pressures perpetuating the production of large families. ♦The population bomb is your baby. Set a good example yourself in your lifestyle, awareness, waste, consumption, reproduc tion, and communication with others. ♦Nothing’s going to change unless we’re willing to live it ourselves! 1 Reprint from Everyman’s Guide to Ecological Living. GROSS WORLD PRODUCT E make it fit tor your children to live In and enjoy. During Earth Week WSAP wUl be announcing helpful eco logical hints which may be prac ticed day to day. There will also be a Z.P.G. table set up today e Play To Open (Continued from Page 1) players (Bill Forrest, Keith hartke, Jeff Albertston, Ken Culwell, David Smith and Dave Griffith) on the way to Hamlet’s court. Rosencrantz and GuU- denstem then become Involved In the confusing world of thea trical make-believe and in the chance experiences of everyday living. And as they ponder furth er the result is not so much philosophical speculation as It Is broad comic revelation. Additional members of the cast are Phil Scales, Danny Mlzell, Wylie Smith, Janie Me- gee, Steve Wilson, Kathy Koch, Ralph Clayton, David Wagner, and Bonnie Stuart. lighting Is done by Michael Lowery, sound by Linda Logan, costumes by Glenda Buck, construction by John Biba, and publicity by Dave Bunn. Bonnie Stuart is serving as assistant director to Professor Howard Cobbs, di rector of the production. Reservations may be made by phoning 276-2652, ext. 204. Registration Registration begins to morrow with juniors only re gistering from 2:30 to 5:00 in room 131. Underclassmen will register next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the same times. The early registration for juniors is designed to pre vent rising seniors from being closed out of classes they need. SCOTLAND DRUM GILLETTE stainless blades -gB. ST^N-l J.-»4.s APRIL PERSONNA 74 Double Edge Blades 5 s Reg.SSC 510 Injector Blades 7 s RegSr> 890 Waring CENTURY 8 BLENDER Avocado White RegS29'= $1038 pHlsoHex SOFT & DRI Antiperspirant 5oz 12oz R89S'“ $1°® 16 oz Reg S2« Beg S3" $199 $165 GILLETTE PLATINUM PLUS injector blades SPECIALS in the student center. Tliere will be available there a check list of ways In which each of us may help. Any other in formation on Z.P.G. may be found at this table and a mem ber will be on hand to answer questions. Be eco-conscious; the world you save may be your own. In conclusion, the key to ecological salvation Is personal awareness. Granted, a great many people are “aware” that a number of “eco-freaks” are prophesizlng that a catastrophy tantamount to the destruction of mankind is before us. What they do not realize is that we do face an ecological disaster which could reduce humanity to a barbaric state. This lack of understanding stems from the fact that very few people have been educated about the problem and its consequences. These articles therefore have been directed, as has this year’s Earth Week, toward awareness. For once a person t>ecomes truely aware, not only does he understand the problem, but he is prompted to act upon the solutions which are basically very simple. Most Important, what almost everyone doesn’t realize Is that If we don’t act soon, nature will solve the problem her own way. For example, one of na ture’s solutions to the problem of overpopulation Is the rapidly growing epidemic of gonorrhea, another area of Ignorance. The greatest danger is not taking ecology seriously. Un less you think and act ecolo gically every day. It will have as much effect as the plU would for a girl who decides to take it only on weekends. Remember, you are a mem ber of the aware generation. Any change rests on your shoul ders, so become aware, ecolo gically. Ecology Reading List If you, the crew, are at all concerned with the many pro blems confronting your space ship - EARTH - and wish to educate yourself further, Z, P. G, has complied a short comprehensive bibliography of the t>est reading material to date on this subject. The sources are as follows: Borgstrom, Georg. “Too Many”: “The Biological Limi tations of Our Earth:’ New York; Macmillan, 1969. An ex cellent discussion of the limits of food production, Cailllet, Greg M. “Every man’s Guide to Ecological Liv ing,” New York: Macmillan, 1971. By far the l)est book of this list. Answers to all ques tions like “What can I do?” DeBall, Garrett. “The En vironmental Handbook. New York: Ballantine Books, 1970. For expanded list of references on population environmental is sues. Domhoft, G. Williams, “Who Rules America?” Englewood Clifts, New Jersey: Prentise- Hall, 1967. A well documented discussion of the composition of the American ruling class and power elite, Enrlich, Paul R. “How to Be a Survivor.” New York: Bal lantine Books, 1971, A well written plan to save Spaceship Earth, Hacker, Andrew, “The End of the American Era, New York: Atheneum, 1970, A very gloomy but informative and perhaps realistic view of our future, Nader, Ralph. “Ecotactlcs,’ New York: Pocket Books, 1970. A guide for environmental ac tivists. Reich, Charles A. “The Greening of America.” New York: 1970. Random House. A well written codification of counter culture ideals; a very hopeful preview of the emer gence of new men. York, Herbert. ‘ 'Race to Ob livion. A Participant’s View of the Arms Race,” New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970. A horrifying examination of our military Industrial stupidity from an impeccable source. §1 If you have a taste for living, Pizza Inn has a taste for you. Sjvo'y Oafced; coverca wiin » tangy tom»io sauce and neip^a wth youi (opp>rji lha! s SO'T’P ti'odol And P‘tli Wtyen gola for get with the tasi* otpnt» trom Put* Put your fun Your Favorite Beverage ROCKINGHAM — ON U,S. 74 Across from Richmond Plaza Shopping Center