THE LANCE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE STUDENT BODY OF ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE VOL. 11. No. 2 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, LAURINBURG, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 1971 Few Freshmen to be Drafted Tarr Says The Selective Service Sys- year and will be subject to in- _/ ■ J !.• i • . . - /_ _ tern today clarified expected policy changes on undergra duate student deferments. College students who were enrolled full-time in the 1970- 71 academic year will be eligible for student deferments in the 1971-72 school year if they continue to make satis factory progress in their pro grams at study. Selective Ser vice officials said. However, young men who entered school for the first time this summer and those who enroll as fresh men this fall will not qualify for student deferments If the pending changes to the Selective Service Act are passed by Con gress. The House has com pleted action on the bill and final Senate action is expected in September. Dr. Curtis W. Tarr, Selec tive Service Director, said; “Few incoming freshmen stu dents are likely to be inducted in the near future because of the student deferment' phase out. Of the 1,034,000 incoming freshmen males estimated by the Office of Education, ap proximately 80% are 18 years old and only 20% are 19 years of age or older. The 18 year olds will receive their lot tery numbers in 1972, and they will not be subject to induction until 1973, when draft calls should be low. The 19 year old freshmen received their lottery numbers August 5 of this duction next year; at least 1/2 should have hl^ enough lottery numbers to preclude their in duction. Of those remaining, approximately 50% will be dis qualified on mental, moral, or physical grounds. This means that a maximum of 50,000 men will be directly affected in 1972 by the student deferment phase out and one-half of these, or 25,- 000, will probably not be in ducted because of enlistments in Regular, Reserve, or Na tional Guard units, participat ing in commissioning programs or because of procedural de lays. Dr. Tarr said that college students will not be drafted in the middle of a semester or term. “If called while en rolled, they will be allowed to postpone their induction until the end of the semester, or term. If In their last academic year, they will be able to post pone their induction until af ter graduation.” Dr. Tarr advised incoming freshmen and students who started their program of study in the summer of 1971 or later not to file applications for stu dent deferments even thou^ the current law authorizes granting deferments to students in full-time programs for study. “If the pending Selective Ser vice legislation does not pass,” Tarr said, “it would not be in a registrant’s best interest to New Dates For NTE; November 13 First PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY, College seniors preparing to teach school may take the National Teacher Ex aminations on any of the four different test dates announced today by Educational Testing Service, a nonprofit, educa tional organization which pre pares and administers this test ing program. New dates for the testing of prospective teachers are; Nov ember 13, 1971, and January 29, April 8, and July 15, 1972. The tests will be given at near ly 500 locations throughout the United States, ETS said. Results of the National Teacher Examinations are used by many large school districts as one of several factors in the selection of new teachers and by several states for certifica tion or licensing of teachers. Some colleges also require all seniors preparing to teach to take the examinations. The school systems and state de partments of education which use the examination results are listed in an NTE leaflet en titled “Score Users” which may be obtained by writing to ETS. One each full day of testing, prospective teachers may take the Common Examinations which measure their profes sional preparation and general educational background and a Teaching Area Examination which measures their mastery obtain a student deferment which would extend his lia bility until age 35. Should Con gress change the legislation to provide for deferments for new Incoming freshmen, which is most unlikely, applications for deferments will not be jeo pardized by delaying their sub mission until after passage of the new law.” The President’s authority for the induction of all men under 35, except for those who have or who have had deferments, expired on June 30, 1971. If Congress does not reinstate the general induction authority, the President could authorize the Induction of those registrants who hold or have held defer ments. In this unlikely event. Selective Service officials be lieve that manpower require ments of the Department of Defense probably could be met by inducting those young men who have recently dropped de- ferments because they gra duated, dropped out of school, or changed their occupations. Recent college graduates or dropouts would make up the bulk of inductions, the of ficials said. The officials added that cancellations of deferments probably would not be necessary nor would it be necessary to call those who have passed into the second priority selection group. Currently, there are approxi mately six million young men under age 35 with deferments. Approximately 500,000 of these normally lose their deferments during a 12-month period, largest groups of deferred of the with part SOMERVILLE MR. THOMAS College Choir Andrews Choir Concert Aids Director's D.M.A. of t h e subject they expect to teach. Prospective teachers should contact the school systems in which they seek employment, or their colleges, for specific ad vice on which examinations to take and on which dates they should be taken. The “Bullentin of Informa tion for Candidates” contains a list of test centers, and in formation about the examina tions, as well as a Registration Form. Copies may be obtained from college placement of ficers, school personnel de partments, or directly from Na tional Teacher Examinations, Box 911, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jer sey 08540. Cycle News A meeting was held Sep tember 6 of the newly formed St. Andrews Bicycle Club. The club is considering national af filiation with either the League of American Wheelmen, Inc. or the American Bicycle Lea gue. Saturday morning, September 11, the Bicycle Cliib is going to ride to Johns, N.C. Anyone in terested should meet at the front of the Student Center at 9;00 a.m. For further informa tion, contact Dyer Ramsey at 268-4879. BY LANI BALDWIN The St. Andrews Choir, un der the direction of Professor Thomas C. Somerville, will present, for its first perfor mance of the 1971-72 season, a Fall Concert at the First United Methodist Church in in Laurinburg, on Sunday, Nov ember 7. This performance has the special significance of being the doctoral dissertation per formance of the choir’s con ductor. A candidate for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts at the University of Southern Cali fornia, Professor Somerville Senate Acts On Major Issues Of New Semester Major items on the agenda at the meeting of the Inter-Dor mitory Senate Monday ni^t were the approval of a new dorm vice-president, a discussion of the issue of the open dorm policy, a question about the jurisdictional responsibility for the impeachment of suite lead ers, and a resolution concerning cable TV. The Student As sociation treasurer. Jay Ben der, announced that the Stu dent Association budget would be ready for presentation to the Senate next week. Eddie Smith, president of Orange Hall, presented the name of June Davis for the Senate’s approval. She was ap pointed vice-president to re place Anne Polley, who did not return to St. Andrews this fall. Cherryl Holt, president of Concord, launched the discus sion of open-dorm policy by asking about the power of resi dence directors to veto re quests for 24-hour open suites, and also asked if suite leaders could make requests for open dorms in the absence of dorm officers. The Senate agreed that some criteria, or standards as to when the request should be denied, should be established, and several suggested that Dr. Hart and Deans Decker and McNair be Invited to Senate meetings to discuss the issue. Scott Breckinridge, president of the IDS, appointed a com mittee, consisting of Bettye Jo Flowers, Laura Humphress, and Dave Beale to draft a pro posal of policy to be recom mended to the residence di rectors. Eddie Smith asked what body had the jurisdiction for the impeachment of suite leaders. Ken Watkins, president of the Student Association and ex-of ficio member of the Senate, consulted the Constitution to find that impeachment of dorm presidents and vice-presidents is accomplished by a 2/3 vote of the Senate. Scott Breckin ridge appointed a committee, consisting ofEddie Smith, Susan Whitford, and Chuck Caldwell, to look into the problem as it relates to suite leaders. Dave Beale proposed that the Senate recommended to Dr. Hart that the installation of hookups for cable TV in every room be installed as soon as possible, since provision for this measure has already been incorporated into the college budget for this year. The recommendation was passed. has chosen for the title of his dissertation “A Study and Per formance of Sacred Choral Mu sic of Contemporary Scottish Composers.” The College Choir is to sing sacred music chosen by M r. Somerville from the music of the composers in the Scottish Music Archives of the University of Glasgow, Scot land; music is chosen for the Archives on the basis of its quality, and the fact of the composer being Scottish either by birth or residence. The con cert is to be tape-recorded and sent to Dr. Charles Hirt, who is chairman of Mr. Somer ville’s doctoral committee. Mr. Somerville has already suc cessfully completed oral and written examinations in his four fields of emphasis — church music, music history, choral arranging, and conduting— and this dissertation performance if the final requirement for his degree. The choir will perform the works of such eminent com posers as Kenneth Leighton, Reid professor of music at the University of Edinburgh, and Dr. Frederick Rimmer, chair man of the department of music at the University of Glasgow. Members of the choir who tra veled to Scotland during winter term last January had the op portunity to meet, talk with, and perform for. Dr. Rimmer and other members of the music faculty. Dr. Hirt will be visiting the St. Andrews campus on October 6, to observe Mr. Somerville at work. An authority on secular and sacred avant-garde music, it is expected that he will pre sent lectures on “The Choral Scene in America,” and “The Avant-Garde in Choral Prac tices.” These will be open to the academic community. Other fall term performances for the choir include; Friday, December 3, TV performance on WECT, Wilmington; Thurs day, December 9, Christmas Concert, Plnehurst Country Club; Friday, December 10, Christmas Concert, Liberal Arts Auditorium.