VOL. 11- No. 9 THE LANCE ^ 'THE STUDENT BODY OF ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE Band Performs In LA.A, Friday The St. Andrews Concert Band will perform Friday night, Dec. 3rd at 8:00 P.M. in the la Auditorium. George Wei- mer will conduct the 25 piece band made up of members of the surrounding community and regular members of the con cert band. The program opens with a concert march composed by [George Kenny entitled “Coat of Arms”. It is a work that extends the traditional mili- itary march into a new field. The next piece, “Essay for Band” by Heisinger makes full use of band instrumentation in displaying that which is nor mally portrayed in a symphonic orchestra. It uses the full sound of both woodwind and brass in making an “Essay for Band”, “Psyche and Eros’* is a symphonic poem compost by 1 Cesar Franck and transcribed for concert band by A,A. Hard ing. The composition is a gentle but strongly moving piece sometimes hinting at Wagner. (“Christmas Carols in Con cert” is the one Christmas number on the program. It is I an arrangement by Dan Sandidge and contains the Christmas songs “Deck the Halls”, “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” and I “We Three Kings”. The tradi tional themes of Christmas are recreated through a contem porary musical form. The second half of the pro gram begins with the theme [from “Profiles in Courage” more popularly known as the (Continued to Page 4) ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTjijKiAlN COLLEGE, LAURINBURG, N. Cj THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 1971 I \ HOWARD McCORD McCord to Read Modern Poetry Howard McCord, director of graduate studies in creative writing at the Bowling Green University in Ohio, will give a lecture at 8 p.m., Monday De cember 6th. This lecture will be presented in Avinger Audi torium and is open to those In terested. On the following day Mr. McCord will give a pres entation entitled, Today’s Poe try at which time he will read some of his own poetry as well as the poetry of third world writers. This presentation will also be given in Avinger Audi- troum at 8 p.m. Mr. McCord’s visit is being sponsored by the Calm, with the cooperation of Junior C&C. Connnittee Reports Given: Senate Apathy Prevalent The Senate has met twice during the last two weeks, once luring the regularly scheduled time and the second time at the special request of the Inter- Dormitory Senate President Scott Breckenrldge. In a regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate Novem ber 22, various committees presented reports to the Senate concerning the work that they are involved in; also discussed was the plans for the construc tion of a chapel to begin with the next year. Plans for the chapel were re vealed at the November 22 meeting of the Senate by Dean Rodger Decker. The plans were a part of a report by David Beale on the activities of the Cantus Space and Utilization Committee. It was announced that the Chapel will be a multi purpose building of four stories standing 85 feet tall at the high est point. The building will have a main sanctuary with a seat ing capacity of 250. There will be no fixed seating plan and the room will have two focal points, one of the traditional religious Luce on Campus Tuesday BY GARY MALLARD Many people at SA think Viet nam Is a “dead issue.” But for the Vietnamese people, it is still very much alive. Since Nixon took office, 300,000 peo- Peace Corps Awarded National Recognition A.P., WASHINGTON, D.C.— — For its volunteer work in serving community needs, the St. Andrews’ Peace Corps of Laurinburg has been named Citationist in the National Volunteer Awards program of toe National Center for Volun tary Action. Organized in 1961, it serves a county in which approximately % of the families earn $3,000 or less annually. In 1970-71, the Peace Corps operated 14 different projects reaching some 230 children and 20 adults. The projects, ranging from children’s tutoring programs to transportation services for the rural elderly poor, each has its own co-ordinator and the sup port of volunteers. The 75 stu dents and seven faculty mem bers who comprise the Corps give four to six hours of vo lunteer service weekly. In addition to regular pro- grams, the Peace Corps per formed special projects such as painting a foster home and setting up a swim program for underprivileged children. The National Volunteer A- "^rds, formerly known as the Lane Bryant Volunteer Awards, were estabUshed in 1948 to bring attention to “unsung volunteer heroes.” The pro- gram has been administered by the National Center for Volun- Action (NCVA) in Washing ton, D.C. since 1970. The National Center for Vo luntary Action exists to gene rate new responses to Ameri ca’s pressing needs throu^ greater utilization, coordina tion and recognition of volun teers. Henry Ford n is chair man, and Edwin D. Ethering- ton president. Formed in February 1970, the National Center is a private, non-profit organization and the hub of a growing network of local Voluntary Action Cen ters. NCVA also runs the na tion’s most comprehensive Clearinghouse of date on volun teer activities, as well as volun teer campaigns to meet critical national needs. This year’s awards program, the first under NCVA, drew the largest number of nominees in its history. From these, 119 Citationists have been selected. Preliminary screening was performed by a faculty panel from C.W. Post CoUegeof Long Island University, Each Cita tionist is now a candidate for one of two $5,000 first-place awards. The Citationists’ contribu tions reflect a trend toward growing citizen involvement in community problem-solving and aid to the handicapped and disadvantaged. Final selection of 1971 awards winners will be made by a panel of five judges; pie have been killed and ground troops have been replaced with devastating B-52 bombings. But whUe most SA students are ‘ ‘for peace” (whatever that means) few really know much about Vietnam. On Tuesday, December 7, we will have a chance to get the facts from an eyewitness who knows what’s really going on. Don Luce, the man respon sible for the exposure of Thieu’s “tiger cage” prisons for poli tical prisoners on Con Son Is land, will show a movie in Jr. C&C, answer questions during lunch in the President’s dining room at 1:30, and speak in the Student Center Lounge at 3:30. Not only will Luce speak, but his Indochina Mobile Exhibit, which includes over 300 draw ings and art works, 24 3 1/2* by 5’ photo-posters, and a 23 minute narrated slide presenta tion, will be shown in the Stu- dent Center Lounge all day Tuesday. Luce, an agricultural expert, served in Vietnam as the head of International Voluntary Ser vices (a private service or ganization that served as the model for the Peace Corps). He knows the Vietnamese peo ple. After exposing the “tiger cage” political prisons, Luce was kicked out of Vietnam by the embarrassed Thieu govern ment. Luce’s visit to ST. Andrews is sponsored by the Politlcs- History Department, Junior C&C, and the College Christian Council, The St. Andrews Chorale and Brass Ensemble, under the di- rectlon of Professor Edwin Barlow, will present their Christmas concert on Sunday evening, December 5th, at 8;00 p. m. in the Liberal Arts Auditorium, Admission is free. pulpit type and the other will be a large stage for drama and choral productions. Dean Deck er said it would take a year to draw vp definitive plans. Dean Decker also mentioned that work on the new snack bar and bookstore would start the day school closes for spring vaca tion. A member of the winter term committee then gave a report on its recent activities. The Committee is now in the pro cess of investigating possible new winter term courses. In order to aid them in this en deavor they are obtaining win ter term catalogs from other schools on the 4-1-4 program. Assemblies and Public Events Committee member Annette LaUber reported that the committee had almost fill ed the calendar for this year, and was working on next year’s calendar. In order to get a better idea of what students want in the way of cultural events, a survey is being prepared and will be distributed in tiie near future. Claire Johnston then reported that the Food Committee had been discussing the following issues: 1) Cold sandwiches for the snack bar; 2) extension of the drink bar to relieve con gestion. It was decided that the committee would not meet on a regular basis, but only when the need arose. Claire also re ported that the committee Chairman, Charlie Gottenkieny, wanted the Senate to appoint two new members to the Committee. The Senate then proceeded to appoint Elsie Mason and Mary Abell to the Food Committee. Scott Breckenrlde reported that the Student Life Commit tee had appointed a sUb-com- mittee to look at the future of St. Andrews. This is in con junction with the discussion In the committee about whether Student Life should concern Itself with Immediate problems, or whether the Committee should concern itself with the future of the college. The next item of business was the establishment of an activity fund for off-campus students. It was decided that the sum of $25 be subtracted from each dorm’s activity fund, and placed in an activity fund for off-campus students. Open hours for the liberal arts building was then brought 15) by Chuck Caldwell, vice- president of Meek dorm. Dean Decker stated that the new po licy on the LA hours was that the doors would be locked at midnight. Those students al ready in the LA before mid night would be allowed to stay. The Senate meeting this week was a special meeting called by Inter-Dormitory President Scott Breckinridge. The reason for this meeting was to discuss with the various senators the apathy that Mr, Breckin ridge feels prevails dur ing Senate meetings. Scott was of the opinion that many senators came unprepared for the meetings and were unwilling (Continued to Page 3) Class Action Case Taken to Court The three students who were denied the right to register to vote in Scotland County by the Board of Elections two weeks ago have taken their case to court. The three S. A, students, Rob Williams, Janie McLaw- horn, and Jeff Neill have ob tained the services of Dur ham lawyer, Jim Keenan. Mr, Keenan has agreed to take the case for court costs and per sonal expenses created by the case such as gas money. Filing suit last Friday in Prose & Poetry Finalists Chosen Eight contestants have placed In the finals of the Senior Ser ies prose and poetry competi- tion, annoimced Ron Bayes, writer-in-residence. Not to exceed 5,0Si worts of prose or 20 pages of poetry, manuscripts were due to be submitted to series Editor Ames Arnold by Monday, November 15, Circulation to judges, professors Jeffrey Gross, Whitney Jones, and Christopher Schenck began November 22. Final judge Is to be Sam Reagan, Chairman of the North Carolina Arts Council and editor of the Southern Pines Pilot. Winner of the contest will (Continuad to Page 3) Scotland County’s Superior Court, the three students made a class action case, suing the members of the Board of Elec tions and the Chief Secretary in their official capacity. A class action case means the three students filing | sxilt are doing so not only for them selves but also for all other students attending college in Scotland County who live in dorms and wish to register in Scotland County. The cost of this suit is ex pected to be close to or over $500. When asked where this sum of money was coming Jeff Neill said, “We are having to largely depend on support in the form of contributions from the S.A. community. Since this is a class action case and will af fect the SA students by allow ing them to register to vote here if they so desire, we hope the SA students will contribute most of the money needed. Fac ulty members will also be asked to contribute to this action.” Students and faculty mem bers who wish to contribute to this cause are asked to either place contributions in campus mail or to call Jeff Neill at ext, 273, Janie McLawhorn at ext, - 236 or Rob Williams at ext, 330.- Also, a table will be set up in the student center for collecting additional con tributions.

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