THE LANCE Official Publication of the Student Body of St. Andrews Presbyterian Colleg VOL. 13 NO. 10 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, LAURINBURG N.C THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1974 Dorn, Duberman Address SA The Black Mountain Festival continued last week with historian Martin Duber man presenting a series of talks and question-and-answer periods to the school on Thur sday and Friday. Duberman authored the best and most complete accoimt of Black Mountain College in his book “Black Mountain: An Ex ploration in Community”. However, his visit provided in sight into a good deal more than a summary of factual data about Black Mountain. He spoke on subjects ranging from sexuality to his theory of writing history. A new book upon which he is working will be called “Sex and Society” and will be the history of sexuality and sex roles in America. Duberman is an individual very much concerned with the established hierarchies and established power which he sees as dominating our society. This hierarchy and power is the creation of the in tolerant heterosexual white male, as he sees it, which ex plains why women, blacks, Ed Dorn: Verbal Wit Edward Dorn, Black Moun tain poet, stood before the St. Andrews Community last Wednesday in dungarees and hand-sewn boots. The bright ness of his eyes and rhinestone button vest was harmonious with his rustic, weather-worn face and humor. Although his poetry centered a great deal on the West he is not native to that part of the country. He was bom in 1929 in Villa Grove, Illinois, educated at the University of Illinois and “somewhat corrected at Black Mountain College.” Dorn was a student and still is friends with Charles Olson and Robert Creeley. It was for Dorn that Olson compiled his pamphlet “Bibliography” for Ed Dorn about prehistoric times, myths, and terrain. They share an intense interest in geography. Dorn’s book, “Geography” published in 1965 is dedicated to Olson. “Gunslinger”, which is Dorn’s large-scale work is similar to the technique of Olson’s “Maximus Poems”. Both poets are concerned with a whole or a total image but Dorn is much more clear; less recondite, than Olson. There are two apparent sides to Dorn; his dry humor and the historical relating of direct ex perience which is more ser ious and profound. The reading Wednesday night was divided into these two parts although there was still interweaving of the two. Among the intricate lines of Dorn’s face was the downward turn of his lips which •and members of the gay liberation movement are questioning their positions in society, which are subor dinate. A professed homosexual, he sees the social structures and taboos of our society as inhibiting natural, normal bisexuality which he believes is present in everyone. “Beware of the ex perts,” Duberman warned during his lecture Friday evening, referring to psycho analysts in particular, with their models of what eve^one should be like. “Stop trying to be something you’re not and putting people in categories. The varieties in people will be exciting to see.” In order for people to be what they really are, Duberman sighted the importance of a closeness bet ween people; a conmiunity thought, in which individuals can openly talk to others about who and what they are. “Black Mountain: An Ex ploration in Community” has been described as being in “bad taste” and being inap propriate “exhibitionism”. Du^rman was accused of misusing history and factual data in order to exhibit him self. It was in the book that he Dublicly recognized his homosexuality, after a great deal of questioning the wisdom of such a move. Two of the first three critical reviews he read about his book were positive, the other strongly negative. The negative one mentioned his homosexuality; the positive two did not. Psychologically rough days were ahead, for he worried about his career as a result of some of the harsh criticism he had received. He felt as though he was being labelled a “talentless queer”, the combination of which he found totally unacceptable. Duberman is now beginning to write once again and his theory of historical writing, making the writer noticeably present in his work, will be used as it was in the Black Mountain book. As Duberman sees it, there are two main factors in historical writing: the factual data and the author himself. Rather than attempting to make history third person descriptive, as it traditionally ironically gave the ap pearance of a smile suggesting symbolically the integration of a humorous and series tone in each word. Among the earlier poems of Dorn are examples of his ver bal wit. One of these is ‘ The Hide of My Mother” in which he says “My mother, who has a hide/ on several occasions remarked what/a nice rug or robe/my young kids would make,/Would we send them to her?/When we had them but chered?/.” In the reading Dorn evidenced his humor in various ways, one of which was his comment about America, “Isn’t it marvelous. Corruption saves us again. In America nothing goes to W3StG«^* Dorn prefaced a poem by saying it was a long, extended metaphor and in a sense “tested its tensUe strength. It is interesting to note that Fuller was intrigued by tensile strengths of metal and did various experiments with them. Later in this same poem Dorn referred to the charac ter’s head as a “pyramid, the minimum solid.” The triangle is important to Fuller as the smallest, yet strongest area. After a brief intermission, Dom read “Recollections of Grand Apacheria”, His new book which will be coming out in a few months from Turtle Island Press. Dom interwove history, legend, present and the particulars of experience in one extended poem. He ex pressed the nobility, the savagery and the strength of the Apaches. It was apparent that they were misunderstood in the past as well as now by the “white Tom Mixes”. “One cannot have a part of what is indivisible. This is Apache policy, yet for us it is only a philosophical implication. There was a captivating rhythm in Dom’s voice as he read which at certain points almost seemed a reflection of Indian rhythms. Edward Dom has taught at Idaho State University at Pocatello and State University of New York at Buffalo. From 1965 to 1968 he was visiting Continued to Page 2 is, he sees the need for the historian to give more of him self to his readers. In their “conversations with those of the past”, historians should record not only the facts of the conversation but their own reactions. They should include in their works the human ex perience of the actual in vestigation and writing. The result of this in Duberman’s eyes would be a much more meaningful experience for the reader; one which he can feel, not merely read. Duberman spoke of education in America and the absense of a community feeling in our educational in stitutions. “Most of the in novation that was going on in education happened in the late 60’s. . .1 think most of the in novations, if they’re going to work, must be made on a much lower level. By the time we get to a university, our at titudes are so well formed that they can’t really be changed.” (Continued to Page 2) Admissions Office Shaken Up As follow up to President Hart’s address to the students before Christmas, the “Lan ce” staff has investigated dif ferent areas of the college for continuing information on cut backs, etc. From discussions with Everett Gourley, Jean Raybum, Elaine Liles, and Allan Smyth the situation of the Admissions Office is as follows. David Chestnut and Jim Perrin, the two junior coun selors are gone now. The general rationalization in the office was that although St. Andrews has always kept year round junior counselors this is not what most colleges do. Neither of these 2 employees had received contracts this year which used to be the usual procedure. Apparently there are quite a few em ployees without contracts. The majority of recruitment done in January was by two professors, Sommerville and Valentine and several studen ts: John Robinson, Steve Chasson, Paul Finger, Phil Bradley and John Gillingham. There has been little significant change in ap proach or technique in the Ad missions Policy, although this year there was a great deal more correspondence, phone contact, and follow-up work done. Also the St. Andrews film was shown on several net works in North Carolina. It seems that in this time with so many colleges and univer sities desperate about at tracting students that it is im perative to reaffirm students who have already made ap plication. Even though our ad missions counselors have always gone to private, public, community colleges (junior) and preparatory schools, there has been a slight shift of emphasis from private and prep to junior and public. Rayburn and Liles were on the (Continued to Page 3) SENIORS We are pleased to announce that Stewart Brand will give the commencement address at the graduation exercise on May 26, 1974. He is the past editor of the now discontinued Whole Earth Catalogue, and is currently residing in Califor nia. His visit here will be his first retum to North Carolina in 13 years and he is eagerly anticipating the event. Stevie Daniels Tom Patterson Dennis Sharpe