UBRARY St. Andrews Presbyterian CollegS THE LANCE Official Publication of the Student Body of St. Andrews Presbyterian College VOL. 14, No. 13 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, LAURINBURG, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 6,1975 Compromise Sought Between Graduation Committee and Senior Class Renewed efforts to secure a speaker for St. Andrews’ May 23 graduation ceremonies got underway this week following an acrimonious meeting of the senior class last Tuesday. The meeting, called by the Graduation Committee to review progress made and resolve the matter of choosing senior and guest speakers for the commencement program, quickly degenerated into a heated argument between the seniors and the committee over Oie all-female list of speaker nominees presented by the committee. As ex plained by the Conunittee member Dianne Hogg, the unisex nature of the list was a reflection of the fact that “few women are in positions of im portance here at St. Andrews and St. Andrews students rarely get to see women in such positions.” ReferrL^g to the limited funds the com mittee has available with which to attract a speaker, Hogg also noted that women speakers are in “much less demand and therefore ought to be both cheaper and easier to get.” The original list in cluded of Gail Parker, President of Bennington (Vt.) College; Barabra Jordan (D- Tex) the black Congresswoman who gained fame in last year’s televised impeachment hearings; M. C. Richards, a professor at Black Mountain College now at the University of Chicago; Anne Erlich, environmntal scientist and author; and Lette Russell, a professor of theology at Yale University. Considerable discontent with the list was voiced by the seniors, who were pointedly reminded by Committee members Jeanette Mc Clelland and Nat Rackett their two attempts had been made to secure suggestions from the seniors with a mea ger response. With no real interest shown by the seniors and no precedents to guide the Committee of three in its efforts, the members under took to draw up and research a list of their own. Many Seniors replied, however, that they had not received any thing from the Committee about the process and ob jected to being given such a limited dioice just because the initial response had been poor. There was a small but vocal'group as well who dis liked the absence of any male candidates on the list, one of whom, registered an un passioned plea for a “token inale” in the group. The Committee countered with the argument that there was insufficient time to adequately research a new list and contact them all. As Dr. Hart was this year calling the nominees by phone rather than inviting them by mail. One student observed that the time saved by not using the mail would give the Com mittee time to check out a new list. The debate continued back and forth rather heatedly for a while longer before a com- (see ‘Speaker List’ p.2) American arts and letters sin ce 1950 with a selection of slides from his famous collec-: tion. Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Vardell Choir Room, fielding Dawson will read from his work. A (see ‘Jargon’p./; Jargon Festival Continues in Black Mountain Tradition St. Andrews College opens its week-long celebration of the famous Jargon Press Sun day afternoon at 2 with a unique exhibition of Jargon publications, letters, and memorabilia, as well as an exhibition of photographs by Lyle Bonge, whose “Sleep of Reason” was recently published by Jargrni Books. Mr. Bonge will be at the opening to discuss his work. A special feature of the event will be a talk by Theodore Wilentz who will discuss American arts and letters sin ce 1950 and the role of the small press in bringing to the public significant new voices. Mr. Wilentz himself is a small press publisher. As director of Corinth Books, he has published early works by Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and LeRoi Jones. The exhibition and opening will take place in the Vardell Gallery on the St. An drews Campus. Further events during the week include a reading by Jonathan Williams, poet and founder of Jargon Press, to be given in the Vardell Choir Room at 7:30 Monday evening. Mr. Williams will speak again Wednesday mor ning at 11:30 in the Vardell Choir Room, and will illustrate his discussion of 1 Jonathan Williams, founder of Jargon Press and The Jargon Society, will participate in a festival celebrating those two North Carolina-rooted organizations this month. The event is on the campus of St. Andrews Presbyterian College, Laurinburg. Williams himself will read from his works Wednesday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m. He’s the one (above) with the cigar. Williams, a student at Black Mountain College, NC, now shares his time between homes in Highlands, NC, and Yorkshire, England. Hurley Attempts to Bridge Gap Between Business-Educatiori LAURINBURG-The gap between the academic and business worlds is being narrowed by St. Andrew^ Presbyterian CoUege. A major and far reaching new program designed to create “better understanding and cooperation” between corporate and educational communities was launched early this year under the direction of Frank Hurley, and is already producing results. Starting in his “own backyard,” Hurley, a former Greensboro resident with broad experience as a management consultant, has begun a series of projects in volving business and college leaders, and plans to expand the program gradually to a state and regional basis. “We have two broad pur poses in mind,’* the St. An drews Director of Corporate Relations explained. “We are exploring possible ways of achieving greater un derstanding between business and higher education. And we are seeking ways in which St. Andrews can better make its unique resources available to the business conraiunity.” There is a definite gap bet ween the two worlds. Hurley acknowledged, and it was probably best described by Charles H. Reynolds, a prominent textile” executive and original member of the North Carolina Board of Higher Education, who recen tly said: “The academic community has had a tendency to be critical of the business com munity, and not as familiar with the free enterprise system as it should be. On the other hand, business is ill- advised to be overly critical of higher education because too many businessmen don’t really understand its problems, or appreciate its achievements-they ought to learn more about it. ” Business and college leaders will have the op portunity to follow Reynolds’ advice under the new St. An drews program. Already Hurley is increasing emphasis on the involvement of (see ‘Business Affairs p.7) PIRG Elects New Members - Battles Brown Lung Disease Elections held last week to fill vacant seats on the St. An drews Public Interest Resear ch Group Board resulted in the selection of seven students to serve two year terms. Leading the ticket was junior Glen Kennedy with 128 votes, followed by another junior, Shoon Ledyard, 128, sophomore Elizabeth Scott, 120, and freshman Margaret Thompson, 105. Freshman Rodney Mathews and Ann McCoy tied with 98 votes a- piece, and were followed by sophomore John Copeland with 89. Running behind the top seven were freshmen Ran dy Kauffman with 80 votes, Buzzy Pierce with 70, and David Swanson, who rounded out the field with 69 votes. According to outgoing board member and State PIRG treasurer Greg Dickie, the new and old board members mil meet together this spring to achieve an orderly transfer of authority and to help the new members familiarize themselves with the work of PIRG. Its most recent activity has been a petition entered with the Textile Workers Union of America, asking the U. S. Department of Labor for new standards regulating cot ton dust in textile mills. “The Labor Department has delayed firm action on this standard for over four years, while cotton mill workers in North Carolina and throughout the country suffer grave and irreversible respiratory damage,” said Wib Gulley, N. C. PIRG Direc tor. “Our petition formally places the Labor Department on notice that an effective cot ton dust standard is expected immediately, and that further delays will not be tolerated. In a letter accompanying the petition to Assistant Secretary of Labor for Oc cupational Safety and Health John Stender, N. C. PIRG charged that the Labor Depar tment’s delay in promulgating a cotton dust standard was politically motivated. A memorandum written in 1972 by the tnen Assistant Secretary of Labor George Guenther details a strategy of delaying the cotton dust stan dard as a sales point to attract corporate donations to the Nixon re-election campaign. Mr. Guenther proposed that “. . . no highly controversial standards (i. e. cotton dust, etc.) will be proposed by OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Ad ministration). “Our research further reveals that efforts to manage (see ‘Brown Lung’ p.7)