THE LANCE Official Publication of the Student Body of St. Andrews Presbyterian Colleg VOL. 14 NO. 17 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, LAURINBURG, N. C, « , ^ *-'BR.ARY Anmv/vs Presbytoi;.: APR 24 - THURSDAY, APRIL 10,1975 Constitution Approved After Eight Year Delay Election Results In elections on Monday, these results were recorded by the Elections Board; Vice President Keith Crib ble was elected president of the Student Association, defeating last-minute writenn candidate Kevin Corrigan 325 to 53. Steve Ekins’ 296 votes gave him the vice presidency over Larry McDaniels, who received 128. Incumbent Secretary Lisa Tillson, running unopposed for a second term, recdved 363 votes to lead the fidd in votes won. In the race for Treasure, Rob Howard defeated Lin Thompson, 250 to 170. Jacob Houge was easily elected vice president of The College Christian Council over Vic toria Nichols, 312 to %. Betsy Styers edged into the CCC’s secretary-treasurership by just five votes over freshman Sancfy Hart, 198-193. The vice presidency of the College Union Board went to Beth Lyon, who defeated Joyce Dew, 259-145. The results of the Attorney Gaieral, CUB and CCC presidential cam paigns were not released. (See related story on this page.) UFO’s? In the last week and a half newspapers and television news programs have carried reports of unidentified objects in surrounding counties, but none have beea reported in this area at least not until this week. A number of students here have repated to The Lance sightings of a mysterious object in the sky Moiday and Tuesday ni^ts around 11:45 pjn. The students, who were all quite sober at the time, said Uie object fitted the general descri^ion of the other recent UFO reports. It appeared, at first glance, to be an airplance with its standard running li^ts in operation. Further observation revealed, however, that the object stop ped in mid air, moved i?), down and sideways as well, all in sudden, darting motions beyond conventional aircraft capabilities. Its lights also changed color (from a light orat^e to bright white) and in tensity before it disappear^ from view. The students said that on both occasion it ap peared in the sky in the direc tion of the Lake Moore dam and was visible for four to five minutes. Princess Begins Lectures Princess Mary de Rachewiltz, daughter of famed poet Ezra Pound, gave the first annual Pound Memorial Lecture Monday night before a capacity audience in the Libert Arts Auditorium. St. Andrews’ writer-in- residence Ron Bayes opened the evening’s proceedings with some general remarks about the lecture series and them )ielded the floor to student Tony Ridings, who spent his winter term last year visiting and photographing many of Pound’s haints in Italy. Ridings introduced the prin cess, whose own, life story, along with recollections of her father are contained in the book “Discretirais”, published by Atlantic Little-Brown and now out of print. Princess de Radiewiltz ex pressed pleasure at being oi the St. Andrews campus, noting that her hosts had “taken very good care of me. My hotel room’s Bible w^ opened to the Book of Ezra.” The book of Ezra was well at hand as the Italian princess opened her remarks. “I am here because of my cultivated curiosity,” she said. Im pressions of the American Southland had her glance at the Biblical source before the address, reflecting, “One fin ds the new light where ever CTie turns. New openings are everywhere. We go through life learning new ^gs and getting new angles.” “Learning requires faitn. she told the educational colony at St. Andrews. “Faith is a virtue hard to believe “Learning requires faith,” she told the educational colony at St. Andrews. “Faith is a virtue hard to achieve. If we have faith, we enter a state of grace. I remember my fatha- telling me one (fio' when I was feeling especially obtuse,” I don’t want you to understand. I want you to learn. Poetic in her own right, de Rachewiltz pondered quietly, “K all is understood, the field - of understanding will never be extended. The journey of wisdom continues for a lifetime.” Ezra Pound has been called a ‘onennan university’ The ‘clarity, serenity and silence found and cultivated in Ms werks led his daughter to in sist, “My father mastered himself into silence. He is always back to the master thyself. He followed a strai^t and narrow path. He was like a scientist - tracking down every symptom believing he has the answer of world peace.” Heightening this plateau, de Rachewiltz illustrates from “The Cantos”, “0 God of silence make clean our Hear ts within us. Be men, not destroyers. I^t the winds In the last years of his life, the aging poet refin^ and hammered out his miages suspending time in the palm of his hands. “A poet has to (Cbntinued rai Page 4) In an extraordinary session last night, the Student Association Government did in four hours and twenty-five minutes what it had not been able to do in the preceding eight years-they passed a constitution. The chain of events leading to the historic event picked up markedly from the snail’s place they had followed for nearly a decade of Monday when Sharon Hall, a candidate for president of the College Union Board, questioned the validity of a recent Elections Board decision on campaign eligibility. The question put before the Student Life Com mittee was whether or not the Elections Board was em powered to set aside a long standing requirement that candidates for president of the College Union Board, College Christian Council, and At torney General have served on a constitutent committee of that organization for one year prior to the seeking the top post. The interpretation of the majority of the SLC was that the Boani had overstepped its bounds in the affair and that the old Constitution still held. Members of the Cabinet and Senate, however, defended the Board’s action, delcaring that there were too few qualified candidates under the one year rule and that it had been set aside until a new constitution could be established and ttie issue resolved once and for all. A heated debate ensued, hinging on the indeterminate state of the constitution, with the SLC deciding in the end to hold the elections in question in abeyance until the problem could be work^ out. An angered Student Association president Phil Bradley ac cused the Student Life Com mittee of taking on ob structionist attitude toward the elections, saying, “Now we’ll be in the same shape we were in at the start of this year - the Cabinet uncertain, dorm elections behind schedule, the Senate unorgainzied, and the budget nowhere close to com pletion.” Declaring that “we’ll have a constitution this week no matter what, ” Bradley called a last night’s meeting of the Cabinet, Senate, and Student Life Com mittee to do just that. Meeting in the President’s Dining Room of the College Union, the Constitutional Con vention, as itcameto be called, began with the Preamble and worked its way through the twelve articles, thirty-four sections and thirty-seven sub sections which comprised the document. The meeting was sur prisingly low-key throughout; it moved along at an irregular pace, giving more attention to some parts than others but careful consideration to all. The one year rule came up for inclusion in the constitution twice, but was defeated both times once by voice vote and once by a vote of 13-10. ' As a majority of the Senate, Cabinet, and Student Life Committees were present at the meeting, the favorable vote doubled as pa^ge by each of those bodies, thus speeding the process toward its hoped-for approval by the faculty and student body in the next few weeks. Presidnet Bradley said that the fate of the candidates for the three contested offices had not yet been resolved, but that ther would more than likely be a new election held. Doubles Re-Elected To Targum Group Dr. Mal'-olm C. Doubles, Associate Professor of Religion and Dean of Studen ts, was diosen to continue as Chairman of the Executive Council of the Association for Targumic Studies at its meeting in Atlanta March 21 through 23, 1975. Founded in 1972 to support and encourage the publicatioj and study of the Targums and related sub jects, the Association for Targumic Studies is an in ternational organization with members in over 15 nations in cluding most of Western Europe. As Chairman of the Executive Conmiittee, Dr. Doubles will be the diief executive officer of the Association. The targums are tran slations of the Hdjrew Old Testament into the Aramaic language and were meant to be used in Jewish synagogues in the ancient world. Varioudy dated between 100 BC and 900 AD, most of them are unpublished and some of them have only been discovered recently. Since many of them contain lengthy paraphrases and expansions rather than lita-al word for word translations, they provide valuable insists into the religion and culture of the groups using them. Such a vehicle for knowledge of Jewish synagogue life and belief is of importance both for a modem understanding of Jewish life under the Romans and pertiaps for a dearer in- terpretatiai of the meaning (Continued on Page 4)