THE LANCE Officuil Publication of the Student Rody, of St. Andrews Pf^esbyterian College Vol. 14 No. 18 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, LAURINBURG, N. C.. Thursday, April 17,1975 Bottoms to Speak at Tonight’s Convocation Distinguished Dr. Lawrence Wendell Bot- Itoms, moderator of the Ipresbyterian College in the lunited States, will speak at Itonight’s spring convocation lin Harris Court. The 7:30 pjn. I address, which is open to the Ipublic, will be Dr. Bottoms’ Ifirst appearance at St. An- Idrews. A native of Selma, I Alabama, Dr. Bottoms is the I first black moderator of the I religious organization. He is a I former moderator of the Synod of Kentucky and the LouisviUe (Ky.) Presbytery. IA graduate of Geneva Collie in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania I and the Reformed I Presbyterian Seminary in Pit- 1 tsbur^, Dr. Bottoms received his D. D. from Davis and I Elions Collie. Prior to assuming his I current position as pastor of 1 Oakhurst Presbyterian Chur- I di in Decatur, Georgia, Bot- trans served for Twenty-three years as a member of the Presbyterian Church’s Board of Church Extension and the Board of National Ministries whidi succeeded it. An additional feature of the convocation will be the academic procession with whidi it will be begin and end. The faculty, garbed in the academic robes of their par ticular disciplines, will be joined by pastors of diurches in the Presbytery. By joining in the procession, the pastors will be demonstrating the vital link between faith and lear ning in the Biblical tradition. In point of fact, the black pulpit gown has its origins in the academic world, having been adopted for clerical wear by the clergy of Geneva, Swit zerland during the sixteenth century Reformation movement as a rebellion against the white priestly vestments worn by clergy of the Catholic Church. Ad ditionally, the black gown was also the everyday dress of teachers and students of the time, giving the gown’s use in religious affairs added significance, as it expressed the pastor’s role as “Teaching Elder” in his church and in “the priesthood of all believers”-a role whidi is fin ding renewed signifcance today as society finds itself shaped and influenced more and more by educational processes. •iv: Students planning to Uve off x campus during the 1975-76’.;: iiiij school year must apply for ap- proval to do so, the Office of ;v;:|Student Personnel Services ;:; iv;;: announced today. w Applications for permission :; live off campus may be j •:§;picked up at OSP office, and:-; j-i-imust be returned by April 24. jijiliPerson’s living off campus;:; ;;;:|:ithis year or who are on the off- liji.yampus priority list must sub- :; :;§^t a re-application to con-> ;^$l.nue their auto Scholars Announced The Office of Admissions an nounced last week the winners of St. Andrews’ hipest scholastic award, the Distinguished Scholars Award. The award, whidi is based on merit and is given to members of the incoming freshman class, is worth $2,000 a year and is renewable for each year the Student is at the collie. The winners were chosen af ter a series of interviews by members of the faculty and student body at St. Andrews the weekend of March 20. Fourteen contenders were chosen to receive the award, with nine runners-up receiving Presidential Awar ds, whidi carry an annual stipend of $750. DISTINGUISHED SCHOI^ ARS AWARDS were presen ted to Stephen Allgood of Atlanta, Georgia; DcHina An drews of Rockville, Maryland; Barbara Branges of Rockville, Maryland; Susan Brister of Waco, Texas; Cindy Carter of Nashville, Ten nessee; David Dwiggins of Fayetteville, North Carolina, Martha Gettys of Asheville, North Carolina; Michael Greene, Jr., of Columbia, South Carolina; Robin Green of Baltimore, Maryland; Nadine Greenwood of Lynch burg, Virginia; Lu Anne Holt of Allendale, South Carolina; Rose Marie Martin of North Miami Beach, Florida; Steve Newton of Fisherville, Virginia; and Grace Noblitt of College Park, Georgia. Wiimers o! the PRESIDEN TIAL AWARDS were Greg Chocklett of Charlotte, North Carolina; Carltcm Dwiggins of Fayetteville, North Carolina; Kim Felthousen of Virginia Beach, Virginia; Shannon Huff of Watertown, New York; Scott Lyon of MooresviUe, North Carolina; Gerald Musselwhite of Fayet teville, North Carolina; Charles Scott of Richmond, Virginia; and Celeste 'nilson of Jamestown, North Carolina. ^ .-w- -> -A •, • ■ I ^ T ■*' ■ ANNE SMITH and the Howard Hanger Trio were on campi^ last weekend, April 11-13. The weU organized common experience was one of the most interesting and va ua e programs offered this year. Fulcher’s SAS 102 To Offer Work Ethic Survey Have you ever thought what the meaning of work is to your personal attitudes and values in life? Most of us have asked these questions at one time or another, but not in depth. The SAS 102 class under the direction of Dr. Rodney Fulcher will administer a sur vey concerning work attitudes and ethics to the student body during the week of April 21-25. Fulcher’s course, entitled “Job and Career Choices,” has over the past semester studied the attidues collie- educated workers will have towards their careers. The students have also done research in the problems of American workers. Next week’s questionnaire will help the dass better distinguish what the St. Andrews student community considers to be meaningful work. The dass has been trying to learn how college educated wwkers go about discovering the op portunities open in their choice of careers, and the per sonal attitudes and assessments taken toward those new careers. jectives, survey methods and skills have been studied. Aiding the students have been Phil Bradley, Jim Putnam, and Rick Morgan contributing comments and suggestions on surveys and their own ex periences in survey ad- minlstratiai. Not only will the survey fulfill the objective goals of the SAS 102 class but it will help all of those involved to better formulate their own personal value assessments. All are encouraged to par ticipate. Bill Gaither and Jim Craig are involved in a survey role-play while To accfflnplish these ob- Rick Morgan and Phil Bradley give advice.