THE LANCE Official Publication of the Student Body of St. Andrews Presbyterian College Vol. 14 No. 19 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, LAURINBURG, N. C. Iliursday, April 24,1975 Bottoms Speaks On Grass Roots Faith Dr. Lawrence W. Bottfflns, moderator of the General AssonUy of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, addressed the SA community in Harris Courts last Thursday night as Spring Convocatian Speaker. Dr. Bott(Hns, the fir st Uack moderator of the cen tury-old body, addressed him- sdf to the role of the in dividual in todays’ church, telling his audience; “God is calling us to serve at the grass-roots level.” He said that God’s intent is that all St Andrews’ President Donald Hart presents a gift to the college’s spring convocation speaker. Dr. Lawrence Bottoms. mai belong to a universal diurch, encompassii^ “the people of today, the people who are dead, and those yet to be bom...God didn’t create man to serve systans and in stitutions. He created man to serve other men. You have creeds you’ll die for, but you won’t live them.” Church, state, and home are all creations of God, established as checks and balances, not as divisions he stated. “This is why the church is divided today.” An entertaining and witty speaker, Dr. Bottoms was in troduced by College pastor George Conn. The convocation opened with a prelude, “Sing My Soul, His Wondrous Love,”. Sung by the college dioir, directed by Dr. James V. Cobb. Bagpiper Arnold Page led the processional. Tom Hay President of the College Christian Council, gave the invocation, and the benediction was by J. M. Nicholson, moderator of Fayetteville Presbytery. Also a part of the con vocation were a statement of perspective by Dr. Hart, an anthem, “"nie Lord is Risen,” (William Billing) by the choir, and the college Alma Mater. Perkinson Calls Enrollnient Top Priority Rat In an interview with The Lance last week, St. Andrews president-elect Alvin Perkin son said that his first priority as president would be “to begin work on increased enrollment.” “We are currently drawing up a marketing plan to be put into effect July 1 that will enable us to pinpoint those areas fron which we’ve had the most students in the past and work on those areas, taking advantage of the reputation the college has built up”, Perkinson said. “At the same time we plan to go after junior collie transfer students, who tend to wait un til early summer to decide where they are going to go in the fall.” Most of a college’s problem with attrition, he noted, comes in the students’ first two years. The transfer ®ffort, he noted, “will help strengthen the small uppw classes as we try to reduce at trition in the lower classes. Asked how he felt about his experiences at St. Andrews since the April 3 an nouncement of his ap pointment, Perkinson laughed and said, “If everyone is as friendly in a year as toey ve been so far I’ll consider ^e whole venture a success. He said he would take over as president on a full-time basis on May 5, and be joined by his wife and four children when school ends. Describing his view of ms iob as it relates to the students of St. Andrews, Perkinson said he wanted to become acquain ted with as many students as possible and cultivate an “ooen door atmosphere m which students would feel free to come by and see me at any time.” Recalling a line by Thomas Hardy he ^quoted in his ac ceptance speech on “hi^ thinking and plain living”, at St. Andrews, the Tennessee native said he did not an ticipate any drastic cuts in programs w budgets next year. “We’re just going to have to make sure our money is well spent,” he said. “Tliere may have to be a slowdown in salary increases for a while,” he said, “and there are some ad ministrative areas that we can save in.” Perkinson approaches his new position with an air of complete confidence. “There will be a substantial increase in enrollment in 1976,” he says. “We can overcome these proUems-I have no doubts about it.” Cultural Weekend A Success The majority of students at St. Andrews agree that the communities surrounding the college play a major part in the school’s image, growth and devel(^)ment. On Satur day April 18, the Black Student Union, in its efforts to bring about a stronger unity between the collie and those conrniunities, sponsored a Cultural Enrichment Weekend. Not really sure of how St. Andrews and its surrounding communities would react to the extravaganza, the BSU sponsored a number of dif ferent events and speakers in as many diverse areas as possible. The wide range of en tertainment and features proved to make their efforts a success. The Cultural Enrichment Weekend began with a dance Friday evening featuring “Z^uilis,” a thirteen piece band from Charlotte, l^tur- day afternoon, the BUS choir, along with the Peguese Singers and the Jones Chapel Junior Choir put together an emotionally moving concert, in which soloists Brenda Howard, Grada Byrd and Greg Smith filled their audien ce with joy as they led the choir in a numer of songs. When the final SMig, “Reach Out and Touch,” was being sung by the BSU choir, one of the most moving scenes of the sraigfest took place as Brenda Howard reached out to the audience and everyone joined hands and sang together . Art was another aspect of the weekend. Artist Beth Mc- Clennahan and Professor Charles Refers displayed a variety of works from their collections. Miss Mc- Clennahan, a Laurinburg native, displayed toi different pieces of her work, reflecting her fascination with old people and the many different struggles that they encounted after the Civil War. Charles Rogers, Assistant Professor of Art at Jduison C. Smith University, presented both his art and a sli^ presen tation. His paintings reflect the feelings and expressions of black people during the sixties President-elect Perkinson