the lance Volume 15. Number 2 sr. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE LAURINBURG, N.G. FRTOAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1975 Student Association Budget Passed President Speaks At Convocation As the waiting crowd sweltered in the heat and humidity that engulfed DeTamlie Terrace last 'niur- sday night, the faculty of the college, in full academic regalia, joined the freshman dass in a march across the causewaUc from Wilmington Hall for the annual fall om- vocation. Led by noted North Carolina bagpiper Harvey Ritdi, the assembly moved across the lake in a solemn irocession marking, as Dean ^ Students Malcolm Doubles expressed it in his statement of per spective, “the welcoming (rf new adherents to the world of higher education.” After an invocation by Dr. Leslie Bullock and remarks by Orientatioi Committee Chair man Terry Clark, Student Association President Keith Gribble and Dean of the College Victor Arnold, President Alvin Perkinson ddivered his first major ad dress to the college com munity on the subject of “Potential.” Noting that “unrealized potential is one of the tragedies of American society and in the lives of many institutions and in dividuals.” He went on to ex press his belief ttiat “As a cdlege ... a cranmunity of scholars ... we have aior- mous potential” in a number of areas of personal and academic achievement. With the self-confidence that has set the tipie of his brief tenure as the college’s third president, Perkinson closed with an admonition to his audience; “Let us assess our strengths,” he said, “Iwtlet us not indulge in self- congratulation. Let us assess our weaknesses, but let us not fall prey to hand-wringning. Let us assess our purpose, but not become lost in generalities. Let us assess our method, but avad making an end out of our means.” To a standing ovation Perkinson left the podium and led the assemblage to a recep tion in the Vardell Gallery as scores of theori« and reac tions to the address floated in the evening air. Then the students went back to their rooms, the Senate went to wcffk (HI their budget figures, and the administration prepared for another day of turning potential into reality. Beset by a reduced overall budget allocation, escalating funding requests by campus organizations, and a host of lobbyists clamoring for their causes, the Senate met after convocation last Thursday night to draw iq) the Student Association budget for 1975- 76. Meeting in a double classroom in the I^ysical Education Building whose folding wall had been drawn back to accommodate the overflow crowd, the Senate was called to order by Student Association vice president Steve Elkins, its presiding of ficer. Prior to addressing it self to the natter of the budget, tiiough, the body ap proved two nominations by Attom^ General Bill Wilmot - Sharon Hall and Fred Hovey — for the two Assistant Attorney Generalships created by last year’s revision of the ccmstitutiwi. ■Riey also approved the draft of a letter drawn up by Steve Chasson of Mecklenburg Hall expressing the Senate’s disagreement with the recen tly announced plan to convert the dormitories to a private teleohone system. (See related story, page 2). Mter approving the leUef, the Senate then appointed a com mittee of three—Chasson, Fran Newbold, (Wilmington) and Lin Thompson (Gran ville) to accompany the letter to the president and discuss with him any possibile avenues erf compromise in the matter, matter. The Senate then turned its attention to the principal item on the evening’s agenda-the budget. A working budget drawn up by Treasurer Rob Howard and approved by the Cabinet on September 3 was presented to the group as Student Association president Keith Gribble discussed v4iy the overall Association budget, whidi has, for the last few years stood at $30,000, was reduced to $27,000. Each item on the budget was then scrutinized separately, with any rq>resentatives of that group making any presentation they wished to explain or darify the request. The first two items on the list, the budgets of the College Unicnt Board and the College Ouistian Council, were passed with lit tle or no discussion, as was an appropriation of $500 for payment on the Association’s stock of rental refrigerators. A major snag developed, however, over the Black Student Union’s $2000 r^uest and subsequent allocation (tf $700. Out in force, the BSU members argued that by being forced to raise money to supplement their allotment, they could not adequately plan ahead in such areas as invitation of guest speakers for BSU events. “You can’t call up someone like Dick Gregory (who ^oke at SA last year) and say; “Wdl, come on down and maybe by then we’ll have enough to pay you’”, one perswi noted. Op ponents of the $2000 figure argued that the KU had ob viously been quite successful in raising funds in the past- over $2000 last year-and that to grant the full amount from Student Association funds would be an unfair ap portionment of funds in relation to the number of blacks on campus. After con siderable repititious debate a compromise was r^ched un der which the BSU was allot ted an additional $300 from the Senate contingency ac count to give them a total of $1000. (Continued On Page 3) Wilmot Calls New Judicial System An Improvement One of the most significant aspects of the Student Association constitution ap proved last ^rmg is lis ®tablishment of a centralized judicial system. Hie new con stitution does not include ^idence (Courts, though, it rather serves to extend the jurisdiction of the popularly elected, seven member Judicial Board to include casffi formerly tried by those Residence Courts, as well as continuing the board’s Ijuisdiction over Hwior Code violations. Another change brought about by the new constitution IS the expansion of in vestigative and prosecutorial orces at the disposal of the 1 Geieral. In the past, I functions were left ex- l^usively to the Attorney of the Student I Association; the constitution I provides for the appdntment 1 ^ two assistant attorneys general and a Judiciary Com mittee, whidi, not to be con fused with the Judicial Board, is essentially an investigative entity composed of the At torney General and one representative of eadi class. The student members chosen by the self nommation process employed in the selecting of members of most student Association com- mittees. “The expansion of tne ai- torney General office sho^d provide for a more responsive and efficient judicial system this year,” said Attorney General Bill Wilmot told the LANCE. “In the past couple of years the judicid system has been quite stagnant and inactive, with the result that in sever^ cases students were not ^le to aijoy their guaranteed right to a trial by their peers because of the inefficiency of the system. “We hope to diange tna this year. With more m- vestigators to ascertain the facts of cases that come before us, we should be able to investigate cases more thoroughly. Intend to give any accused person the due process of the system; every diarge fUed wUl go to trial. In the past peojde have initiated diarges in a fit of anger, for example, and then withdrawn them before the trial. In nocent people have been slan dered and suspected unfairly because of sudi actions, and were, not given the op portunity to vindicate them selves in court. - ye plan to see every charge fded through all the way to a decision, in the hope that it will serve to lessen the num ber of unfounded accusations. “At the same time,” con tinued Wilmot, it is alwa^ best if disputes can be ^ttled outside the judicial system. I can’t stress enou^ the im portance of dorm autonomy. that is, of the government of the dorm by its elected leaders and suite leaders. Ideally, disagreements and problems should be solved within the suite. If this cannot be accomplished,” said Wilmot, “dorm officers should be consulted and should try to mediate the dispute. If nothing can be agreed ipon even then, a dorm council should be assembled. “Only whai every avenue of settlement within the dorm have beai exhausted should the president of the student association or the attorney general be contacted. “Of course,” said Wilmot, “violations of the Honor Code will be brought directly to me for immediate action.” me Attorney Geneiiial the importance ot an ,lfiid«Und impartial judicial system. “In a setting like that of St. Andrews,” he noted, “trial by a jury of one’s peers can be extremely im portant. niey can be sensitive to the conte^ in which the of fense is supposed to have been committed, and weigh it in their decision. Being judged by seven people in stead of one gives one a better chance of a fair verdict.’ Still one more avenue of ac tion exists, he said, should a defendant be dissatisfied with the decision - an ^peal to the Student-Faculty Appelate Board. The Board, consisting of two seniors and one junior, each elected at large, one faculty member and one representative of the dean of students, reviews sudi cases and eitlter upholds or over turns the decision.