THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25.1975 Valentine Calls Guyana Land of Contrasts “In many ways my summer trip to Guyana was a metaphysical journey within myself,” according to Robert Valentine, Asst. Dean for Student Academic Affairs and Assistant Professor of Spanish. Isolated from the of South America, geographically and culturally, Guyana’s population is com prised of English-speaking East Indians who were br- tought to South America as in dentured servants by the British after the abolition of slavery in 1838 and blade descendants of the slaves who cut lumber and sugar cane. Since independence was gran ted to this former British colony, most whites have left, as have most foreign in vestors. Foreign companies, mostly sugar and bauxite, are gradually being nationalized by the pro-Cuban, pro-Third World, socialist, black party of Prime Minister Forbes Bur nham, whose party came to power in a coalition with Portuguese businessmen who have since left Guyana. Although blacks are out numbered by the East In dians, they have managed to win all of the elections since they came to power, thanks largely to their control of the ballot boxes. Racial tension betweoi blacks and East In dians is critical and could ex plode into violence at any time, as it did in 1964. If this happens, the British army will not be present separate the two groups, according to Valentine, as they did in the past. Dean Valentine returned from Guyana with a collection of literature, school books, photos and posters currently on display in front of the Registrar’s office in the Liberal Arts Building. He en- ountered swne trouble shop ping in bookstores, as il BOB'S JEWEL SHOP The Place to go for all your Jewelry needs Main St. College Plaza stores in the capital city of Georgetown dose at 4 p.m. because of frequent muggings. Valentine was war ned not to walk around town alone in daylight and his hosts gasped in horror when he ex pressed a desire to j(^ around the park at ni^t. The most illuminating aspect of the trip, according to Valentine, was being a mem ber of a small racial minority. The other U.S. members of the entourage sponsored by the Piedmont University Center of North Carolina were black, with the exception of one woman who was thought to be blade by her Guyanese hosts prior to her arrival. While Valentine’s black travding companions were lodged in private homes and schools, he was isolated in a hotd in the middle of tovm. “I thought I was getting special treatment imtil I discovered that hosting a white in one’s home in Guyana was not the fashionable thing to do,” Valentine says. “The ex- perioice of reverse jyejudice was intense and un forgettable. Although the majority of my hosts were ex tremely gracious and kind, I found myself devdoping an unjustified case of mild paranoia. Generally speaking, I can only conclude that being a membCT of a radal minority can be a very threatening ex perience, whether the threats are real or not. I am still trying to discover why I felt threatened and what this says about me,” Valoitme said. Professor Valentine studied the educational system of Guyana from the first grade to the university level, visiting over twenty schools throughout the country. Although shocked by the la^ of facilities, the overcrowding and elitism, Professor Valen tine was impressed by what was being accomplished with the few materials available. The best dementary school in Georgetown boasts a student- teacher ratio of one to 45. Six large first grade dasses are conducted in one large hall, separated only by moveable portitions. In spite of this crowding, *the uniformed students are very disdplined and quiet. The reason for this uncharaderistic six year-old behavior is the long waiting list of applicants to this public school. “If a child misbehaves, he is out ot his ear,” said Valaitine. The ab sence of textbooks is prevalent through the college level. At a vocational school for home economics the teachers asked Professor Valentine to send them used McCall patterns and pattern books. Rather than spending its limited resources to improve education, Valentine noted, the goverrunent of Giq^ana is pouring millions of dollars into the establishment of a quasi military organizatiai called the National Service, a cross between Boy Scouts and brownshirts. Platoons com prised of unemployed “toughies” are sent irto the jungle to establish colonies and to prevent the invasion of a part of Guyana claimed by Venezuela, "^s bright-green uniformed private army ser ves to augment the Idack regular army, should the East In^an majority decide to at tempt to overthrow the Bur nham administration. Valen tine attended several parades at which the presence of large numbers of this elite force was impressive. Among the of ficers of the National Service were several Mack American expatriates who left the U.S. for a variety of reasons. A for mer New York activist for example heads the propagan da unit that turns out thousan ds of booklets and posters sup porting the current regime and its policies. Valentine is full of praise and criticism for this emerging nation and would be happy to relate his ex- periaices to interest students. Art Sale Scheduled A representative from Baltimore’s Ferdinand Roten Galleries will be at St. An drews on Wednesday, Oct. 15 for an exhilxt and sale of original graphic artworks. Induded in the exhiW will be nearly 400 works by such noted artists as Jean Miro, Max Ernst, Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, Henri Matisse, Edvard Munch and Victor Vasarely. According to a Roten Galleries brochure heralding “THE LOVES OF A BLON- DE“ directed by Milos For man. Concerns the bit tersweet love affair of a fac tory worker and a concert pianist. Bosley Crovfther of the New York Times called it “human, true but understated - inconclusive, indeed, as in life...” Apparently a comedy with great emotional sub stance. (7 pm., Sunday, Sep tember 28 in Avinger Auditorium). the exhibit and sale, “While important limited editions of outst€^@ding graphic ex pressions by major artists in the Rotai collection can cost many thousands of dollars, most of the works in the catalog cost under $100. Some of these original prints cost as little as $10.” The nature of the graphic Bunn Awards— (Caitinued From Page 1) group. A group report will be drawn up presented to the ad ministration. Offering both classrown in struction and actual fidd ex perience, this course is one of the truly important places where students can get in volved in the future of St. An drews. The devdojHnent package currently planned by the college indudes construction of a 21-acre shopping and business office complex at the intersection of Hi^ways 74 and 15-501, as wdl as, a couple of hundred acres for residential housing. media, which can produce dif ferent editions of wiginal {ffints from the same work, accounts for this broad range of prices. The Roten exhibit and sale will be held in the foyer of the Vardell building mi the south side rf campus from 9 ajn. until 5 p.m. The works will be laid out Ml tables for in dividual perusal. "Die public is invited to attend. Farrago— (Continued From Page 1) from the first show back for another run. Niblock said he would try to run Farrago as he had seen some similar cof feehouses in LondcKi run—a special guest or two, along with some regulars who ap pear frequently. “I hope it can be a place where people can try things out, too,” he said, “their first songs, or their first per- formanceS“that sort of thing.” He said suggestions would be welcomed regarding future entertainment, as well. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED We need independent distributors for this area. In vest only your time and ef fort. Earn part time and retain your jyesent job, or full time arvd triple your inccme. For additional information, send your name, address, and phone no. tO: TJ^.T. Enterprise Suite B/8 4719 New Hope Rd. Rald^, N.C. 27604 RESEARCH PAPERS THOUSANDS ON FILE Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, mail 5,500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling. COLLEGIATE RESEARCH 1720 PONTIUS AVE., SUITE 201 LOS ANGELES, CALIF.90025 Name I Address.