Editorial Party Gudelines A Threat To Students Party guidelines have just been passed by the Student Life Committee, so as to provide “documentation, security, and Ereedom with responsibility.” These guidelines require that all parties of any type, and all kegs, be registered in advance with the proper Resident Director and/or the Student Life Office, rhis is a blatant attempt by the Administration to regulate j student parties, and the beer consumed at these parties. We students have been shafted, not only by the Administration, but by ourselves. I'he Student Life Committee is cwnposed of six students and six faculty members. The faculty members are: Dean of Students Bob Qaytor, Kathy Benzaquin, Dr. Alvin Smith, Professor Garrett Paul, Dean Betts, and Dr. Leslie Bullock, rhe Chairman, Dr. Bullock, is a non-voting member. Thus student vote on this committee outweighs faculty vote six to live. We students should have been able to squash this Administration proposal and give it the deep six. We didn’t. We weren’t looking, and we were taken. Now we must live with liese oppressive guidelines or refuse to obey them. The six students on this committee are powerful, in a very! quiet way. These students represent the entire student body and are charged with looking after our welfare. TTieir names are: Vivian Bikulege (representing the Cabinet), Richard Durham (representing the Senate), Mike Greene, Diana Prete, Rebecca Seifert, and Nancy Allen. Like most students on faculty committees, they usually do not effectively get in touch with the student body to tell them what’s happening behind closed doors, and to get our “creative input.” Most of the blame does not fall on them, though; we as a student body usually just areo’t interested and really don’t want to hear anything about “Administration affairs.” We are at fault. We have hurt ourselves, and the wound is deep. The Administration also deserves a lot of blame, and some student suspicion. It now needs some probing questioning by students. On such an important issue as party guidelines, they failed to contact the student body with a questionaire or a Dial(^ue. Resident Directors, the only members of the Administration close enough to student living to really know the truth about our so-called “wild beer bashes,” were not asked their opinion. In short, no research was done to see if there was even a need for party guidelines let alone our opinions for such a proposal. What are the purposes of these guidelines? Student Life says they are needed for security, documentation, and damage purposes. Also they say, unbelievable as it may sound, that these guidelines will help protect us from having our rights infringed upon by the Administration. (They called this “freedom with responsibility.”) Their reasoning? Since all students will now have to register our gatherings with the Student Life Office, records can be kept to show how many parties we have and how many kegs we drink each week. Using these records, the students can show the Administration how little beer we actually consume, and how many “clean wholesome” parties we have, so that we may then argue for less social regulation. As regards security, documentation, and damages, these to me sound threatening and hostile. We students have a right to be apathetic if we want to be. This is not, however, an invitation for the Administration to step in and regulate our lives. The aim of St. Andrews is, according to the catalog, “An increased sensitivity to human needs and concern for social justice,” and “An intelligent concern for democratic values in personal, national, and international relations.” We students can hardly be expected to measure up to these standards if we see the Administration ignore them in attempts to reduce our freedom of action. The essence and the true flavor of St. Andrews gatherings, parties, or whatever you call them, is their spontaneity. Only the CUB type of sponsored events are planned in advance and there aren’t many of these, not compared to the mainstay of St. Andrews socialization. I’m talking about the sudden parties where anybody within yellowing distance can be in on a keg for $1 a share. Try planning these in advance and filing forms with Student Life. The persons fetching the keg are already doing everybody a favor, and they’re not about to go through a procedure of approval, the scrutiny, of Student Life. These guidelines will squeeze the number of these parties, and aUow Student Life, the Administration, to keep tabs on all the rest. That’s IF we students obey these guidelines. The Administration has been operating with a take it or leave it attitude. Students are being abused and mistreated. If we don’t act now, immediately, all is lost. If you have one iota of concern regarding these party guidelines, do somettiing. Write a letter to the editor; we’ll print them all. Write a Dialogue. Paint the wall. Tell it like it is, not like they want it to be. Above all, don’t obey the guidelines. St. Andrews has had a tradition of encouraging student interaction and social life; this is worth preserving. If the Administration continues in its efforts to stifle such student interaction, then perhaps prospective students ought to think twice before they apply here. The campus they visit today, and the campus they live on next fall, will have little similarity. PARTY GUIDELINES PARTY GUIDLINES I. Definition of Terms: Closed Event: An event (party, movie, etc) includes only members of the residence hall in which it is held. Open event: An event that his open to residence hall individuals, off campus people, or guests other than the members of the residence hall where the event is held. Party Permit: A written form that includes in formation on type, location of party or event, and those individuals who agree to sponsorship and who will be responsible for the event. A party permit is required whether alcohol is served or not. n Closed Events/Parties A. A Closed Suite Party is a party that takes place in one suite and involves only residents of the hall in which it is held. The members of said suite are responsible for damages and for cleaning up within the suite. Suite parties [require the filing of a party permit for approval with the 1 Resident Director. B. A Multiple Suite or All I Residence Hall Party that is closed to only hall members requires the filing of a party Ipermit for approval with the iResidence Director. III. Open Events/Parties A. All Sui>e, Multiple Suite, lor All Residence Hall spon sored evenis or parties that are open to individuals outside of the residents ot that hall must file a party permit for approval wito the Student Life Office. B. The Student Life Com mittee strongly urges the use of Farrago for multiple suite or all residence hall parties. In the use of Farrago or other campus buildings (aside from residence halls) the party permit must be filed for approval with the Director of Student Activities. This individual will be responsible for pre-and-post- event arrangements. C. Chartered organizations and the College Union Board must obtain a permit for a aproval from tiie Student Life Office with signatures of those responsible for said party/event and designating the area and time the oartv will take place. The student Life Committee urges the aformetioned to utilize Farrago for its functions. IV. Additional Party Guidelines A. A given residence hall may sponsor a party in or near ^e haU area or at Farrago provided student organizers and a faculty or staff prson assume respon sibility for the event as in dicated in the party permit. In the event of failure to clean up after a party, or in a case where destruction of property or other detrimental behiavior results, as deter mined by the proper repr- sentative of the Student life Office, and where a guilty party is not determined, the persons whose signatures appear on the permit will be held responsible. Fur thermore, money for damages will be taken from the hall’s treasury. B. Those student leaders and faculty or staff members designated as advisors or responsible individuals for an event or party are required to attend the function and will be held accountable if need be. C. All kegs, whether for party or informal individual use must be registered with the Resident Director with a regular party permit. D. Enforcement of these guidelines will rest with the Resident Director who will refer violations to the hall councils. All other event/party violations in volving campus wide parties, CUB or chartered organizations will be referred to the campus judicial board. E. The reasons for such a policy involve documentation, security, and freedom with responsibility. F. The above policy will adhere to the state liquor laws concerning the use of alchool and to those policies that specifically concern the St. Andrews community. (Because it is illegal to provide hard liquor to in dividuals under the age of 21, parties which provide such alcohol are prohibited.) Elections Fill Several Elections for several student government positions were held yesterday. These were held due to resignations and moving of residence of office holders. In Granville, John Greene defeated Harvie Jordan for the post of vice-president. This post had been vacant due to Granville President Newcomb’s move to off- campus, and was succeeded by then Vice-Prsident Kunkle. In Mecklenburg, Tony Odom edged out Tom Langhome for the post of vice- president. This post was vacant because Mecklenburg Vice-President Hal Bailey had moved up to the Student Association Vice-Presidency. In Highlands, Franz Stillfried swept the field unopposed for the vicee- presidency. Highland’s Pr- sident T^ent had recentiy resigned. Allan Newcomb ran unopposed and was elected to the Student-Faculty Appellate Board. This board is where cases are appealed to from the Jdicial Board. Vacant Positions Steven J. Kunkle Editor Robert Thuss Managing Editor Rick Thomas Business Manager Vivian Bikulege Women’s Sports Editor Chris Strong Men’s Sports Editor Marion Bowden Layout Editor Staff; David Winslow AnnCaimi JohnFewell JoeySherr Jon Johnson W. W. Rolland, Advisor Printed by The Laurinburg Exchange Letters Welcome. Box 757, Campus Mail Anonymous letters will not be printed. The opinions expressed in THE LANCE are not necessarily those of St. Andrews Presbyterian College.