Board hears appeal: Decision reversed to Salmon By SHARON STANLEY On Thursday morning December 3 at 8:30 a.m. in Belk Main Lounge, the Student-Faculty Appellate Board held an open hearing to consider Ross Bannister’s appeal of the administrative decision of November 12 to revoke his housing contract. Bannister had been sentenced for holding a weeknight par ty in Suite 2, Granville without approval from the Student Life Office. Appellate Board members Jerry Hudgins, Rick Thomas, Student Life Representative Dr. Ronnie Newman, Faculty Represen tative Dr. Jack Roper, and Chairperson Bruce Junkmann heard the case. Professor Ronald Bayes was defense counselor for Ban nister, and attorney-general Ike McRee represented the prosecution. Defendent Bannister was introduced by McRee. Ban- nistei addressed the court and pleaded “not guilty due to extenuating cir cumstances” to a charge issued by Assistant Dean of Students Mike Salmon that he “deliberately and inten tionally, with full knowledge of the college/residence policy (concerning weeknight parties) and the possible ad ministrative consequences, did in fact violate said policy.” Dean Ronald C. Crossley was called as first witness in the hearing. He said the Ap pellate Board had no jurisdiction to hear the case stating that appeals may only be made to the president of the college. He reminded the court that the trustees are the legally empowered owners and operators of the college. These trustees, he said, delegate to President Perkin- son the authority to oversee certain areas of college life. The president, in turn, delegates portions of this power to faculty members, the Student Life Office, and the Student Life Committee. New Core Curriculum at SA By MAUREEN iNGALLS Change seems to be the watchword here at St. An drews this year. The core cur riculum, a unique element of the academics of the college, has been revised this year. SAGE (St. Andrews General Education) has replaced the old SAS (St. Andrews Studies) program. In actuali ty, SAGE is the old “Chris tianity and World Cultures” that was part of the core curriculum several years ago. The objective of SAGE, taken by freshmen, sophomores, and seniors, is to provide a more com prehensive and universal view of Man’s civilization. ' The newest addition to this program, SAGE 104, is taken along with SAGE 101 and 102 during the freshmen year. Taught by an inter disciplinary team of the faculty, the course deals with the time period from “The Big Bang” to the Fall of Rome. Professor Neal Bushoven is both teaching and serving as Chairman of the 104 team. Other section leaders are Alexander, Ap plegate, Bullock, Gratz, Ir vin, and Roper. The course meets during the old STMS time slot (11:30-12:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays) with a lab period scheduled on one weekday afternoon. During the labs, activities will in clude films and planned lab exercises using the lab equip ment. Other laboratory ac tivities planned are guest lec turers and various creative projects. Bushoven and the other members of the 104 team are eagerly anticipating Spring Term and being able to teach this new program. When ask ed to commen on the changes, Bushoven stated that “This course is intended as an antidote to the rampant civic illiteracy on our college campuses. It is designed for a generation who has lost sight of its historical values beyond those proposed by the representative mass media.” Never, Crossley emphasized, have the SLC and the Stu dent Life Office operated autonomously. Speaking for the Appellate Board, Dr. Jack Roper based the validity of the Board to hear the case on a letter from President Perkinson to Pro fessor Bayes. In this letter, the President declined to hear Bannister’s appeal before its consideration by the Student-Faculty Ap pellate Board. Crossley then continued his testimony. He informed the court that he had been in structed by President Perkin son to consult with Dean Salmon concerning Ban nister’s sentence. At their meeting, Crossley and Salmon reviewed several op tions for punishment sug gested by Dean of Students Robert Claytor. Crossley ad vised Salmon to revoke Ban nister’s housing contract because it was a clear viola tion of dorm and SLC policy. He said no student had reported the party in fraction, and Bannister had assumed a lead role in the party and was currently a member of the SLC. Therefore, Crossley stated the administrative decision “was just, (and) demanded by circumstances.” Prosecution representative Ike McRee then called Business Manager and former Assistant Dean of Students Jerry Surface to in form the Board of previous housing contract revoca tions. Surface told the Board that previous warnings of ad ministrative actions had been given to students within 24 hours of their infractions. Salmon testified next. He emphasized that the revoca tion of Bannister’s housing contract was, justified because earlier contract revocations were not always limited to cases of drunk or disorderly conduct. He reiterated that he accepted Crossley’s advice to revoke Banniter’s contract because Continued on page 3 Senior at 19? Ruth Swaringen By KIM BECKNELL Ruth Swaringen is a nine teen year old senior at St. Andrews graduating in May. Ruth began kindergarten at the age of four, by passing a special test in California. Ruth went to elementary and junior high school as usual, but once in high school, she began taking college courses at night, which helped her to graduate at the age of six teen. Two days after her high school graduation, Ruth came to St. Andrews summer school. She followed the regular semesters, taking two summer schools at S.A. and one at George Williams Col lege in Downes Grove, Il linois (near her hometown). After three years of St. Andrews, Ruth will graduate with a bachelor degree in Psychology, but her school ing isn’t over with yet. She plans to work a year and then go to Northwestern (in Il linois) graduate school. Ruth plans to get a PhD in Clinical Psychology or go to law school. So much work in such a short time; was it worth it and why was it done? Ruth’s family moved from Ken tucky to Illinois and she was bored. She was ready to get out on her own and her mother encouraged her to go ahead and push forward. Looking back, Ruth realizes that sixteen is an ear ly age to be in college. She feels she would have had a higher GPA, had she started college at a later age. She was still an adolescent with a lot of maturing to do, Ruth feels. Just the same, Ruth is a perfect example of ambition and hard work. It really will get you somewhere! Ruth Swaringen