Friday, May 13,19J3 U.Ga.-S.A. Start New Program St. Andrews Presbyterian College has released details of a special academic program agreement that it has signed with the University of Georgia at Athens. Under the agreement, an undergraduate may attend St. Andrews for approximately three years and the J.M. Tull School of Accounting at the University of Georgia for two years, then be awarded both the bachelor’s degree from St. Andrews and the master’s of accountancy from Georgia. “There are many univer sities and colleges considering these three-two program, but we are obviously two pioneers in actually developing such a program,” said Robert Ander son, associate dean for academic development at St. Andrews. Anderson also said that the program was unique because it represented an The Great St. Andrews Raft Race. Doctors Create Artificial Skin By GREYTON FLANAGAN A housefire downtown sent three people to the hospital with second and third degree burns. One pa tient had third degree burns over 80 percent of his body. Ten years ago this patient would have almost no chance of surviving because there wouldn’t be enough skin to graft to other parts of the body. Infection would be dif ficult to control; the person would have to spend weeks in bandages. Dehydration is the second serious problem; there is no skin to prevent evaporation of vital body water Sometimes the primitive operation of graf ting cadaver skin onto the person is used. With all these : techniques the person would stand a small chance of sur viving. But now two Boston researchers, loannis Yannas and John Burke have design ed a suprirsingly effective burn treatment. An artificial skin is (sewn) into the wound of a burned patch of skin. In a few days cells from the underlying wound tissues invade the ar tificial membrane and a new dermis (skin layer) is grown. After twenty days the upper artificial half of the skin is just peeled off. Then a small section of epdermis (upper most layer of skin) is transplanted to that spot. This is much simpler than the old mutilayer skin grafts. The area from which the agreement made between a public university and a private college. For St. Andrews, a four- year liberal arts college in rural North Carolina, it is the second academic program agreement to be signed. The school also has established a three-two tract in engineering at Georgia Tech. Both are be- ing called major achievements in the academic development of the college. “The J.H. Tull School of Ac counting at the University of Georgia was rated 11th in the nation by a poll of accounting department chairmen at near ly 400 colleges,” Anderson said. “We are pleased to offer to students enrolling at St. An drews such an excellent op- portiuiity to attend two fine in stitutions.” ' The first students will be ad mitted to the program in the fallof191«, cont. from p. 4 Warner Records spokesman jq people who Bob Merlis, “you can see them, so how could they be secret attempts to brainwash people?” Merlis calls satanic backward masking “a bogus science,” adding the crusades haven’t affected record sales. But after the Kantner-Ates debate at Illinois State, local record stores sold an addi tional 2000 concert tickets. And after Anthony’s anti rock visit to Washington, local record store owner Bill Larsen says he even sold a: few Led Zeppelin and Queen wanted 1o hear the alleged backward masking for themselves. “Most of the groupds that do bizarro-type things like that are only doing it for pro motion and attention anyway,” adds Dr. Davis Joyce, a rock ’n roll historian at the University of Tulsa. He believes the crusaders are “right-wing crazies put ting down anything that doesn’t fit their tight little value systems.” He calls most of their charges “off- i the-wall paranoid beliefs.” epidermal skin is taken resumes its normal ap pearance very quickly. Then more harvests of the epider mal skin can be taken from that spot again fairly quick ly- The artificial skin is a com bination of an upper film of silicon rubber and a bottom layer of porous collagen, (skin’s natural structural portein); crosslinked with a starch-like molecule taken from animal tissue. So far this new skin has a great track record. Until now there have been 35 terminally ill patients when admitted to a hospital and all have surviv ed with the use of this techni que. This process has been patented, and MIT has licens ed Marion Laboratories of Kansas City, Missouri, to study the safety of this new method. The inventors claim that it is also useful to regrow diseased skin. Right now the two doctors are well on their way to inventing an artificial skin that also grows an epidermis. There are many other medical projects underway that will change the face of medicine forever. These are just two examples of what is going on in the world of inedicine today. So the next time you see your medical in surance rate rise you’ll know that it is for the new genera tion of medical technology now being implemented in your local hospital. Danny Dunn enjoys the food at Extravaganza. Cont. from p. 6 Bob Dascombe and Wirt Williams. The Grand Prize, a trip to the beach, will be awarded to Kathy Francour for raising the most money. Music was provided by Tony Diaz and Joe Newell. The amount raised from Superdance ’83 was $1,341!! The CCU would like to thank everyone who par ticipated and helped with this very special event. Also, the CCU expresses appreciation to the following businessess for their contributions: Music Master, Brenda’s Florist, The In-Place, The Highland Shop, Hertiage House Florist, The Cove, Wendy’s, Pizza Inn, Showtime Pizza, McDonalds, Laurinburg Lanes, S & H Sports, H. & S. Sportsworld, Warren Fur niture & Music Co., Rizks, SAGA, CUB, College Rela tions, WEWO Radio Sta tion, Albemarle Hall, and Ramada Inn/Wilmington. McGaw Winners Announced Winners of the McGaw Prizes in Science and the Arts at St. Andrews Presbyterian College were recently an nounced by Thomas Blackburn, McGaw Professor of Chemistry at the college. The prizes are awarded an nually to the St. Andrews students who excel in the art and imaginative writing that unites science and the arts. First prize in the poetry competition went to Gerald Fields, a jimior from Den mark, S.C., for his poem “The Things I Saw.” Sophie Mott, a senior from Bowling Green, Ohio, won second place for “Cockleshells.” In visual arts, top honors went to Laurinburg sophomore Mark English for a set of three pieces-in oil, in marbleized paper and mixed media on canvas. CleVe Zahner, a sophomore from Newton, took second prize in the visual arts with “En vironmental Piece.” “Again this year, both categories attracted a good number of very fine works, making it difficult to single out the best among the many beautiful entries,” Blackburn said. “I want to thank all of the students who worked hard and took seriously the fun damental unity of art and science as ways of looking at our world.” Cont. from p. 3 summarizes. “This year (the grad will get) gwo or three or four” job offers. Last year there might have been nine or ten. The high-tech grads are consequently settling for a little less. “Students are ac cepting jobs earlier, even if it’s not exactly what they want.” Employers, according to the survey, also found students more willing to relocate than in past years. The blip in the high-tech hiring market isn’t enough to convince more engineers to go into teaching, and thus ease the terrible teacher shor tage and classroom over crowding problems plaguing virtually all engineering schools. “Going into teaching means you have to put in three-to-four years” after getting a b.s., observes W. Edward Lear of the American Society for Engineering Education. He doesn’t believe one year of softness in the job market is going to convince many grads to invest the time in teaching. He says “nine- to-ten percent” of the 18,W college engineering teaching positions in America remain vacant.