■Sftotember 9, 1983 The Lance The Lance Comment Student Input Removed Recently at St. Andrews, three decisions have been made that will definitely shape student life for the entire academic year. Unfortunately, there was a total lack of student input involving any of the decisions. Last year, the administration decided to terminate the Resident Assistant position in each of the dorms. The RA position was many faceted, but most importantly they pro vided leadership for the entire dorm. The RA s were also an integral part of the “channel system . which was designed to make the work of the Student Life Officer less cumbersome. The RA postion was eliminated m order to save money. . ■ n Financially, this was a very sound decision. However, in regard to student interest, the decision may have been a costly one. The duties of the RA will now rest upon the RD’s and the dorm councils, each of whom already had a full slake of responsibilities. One alternative to this decision may have been to see it there were any students who would have been serve as RA’s without pay, but out of concern for the dorm and a willingness to help their fellow students. This is just one of the alternatives students may have produced if they had been consulted on the matter. During the summer, the residents of Mecklenburg Dorm were informed that their dorm would be closed for the 1983-84 year, in order to complete renovations. This move caused 40-50 students to be relocated in other dorms and destroyed any fellowship among the residents of Mecklen- burg. j u • The residents of the dorm were under the impression that the building was to be renovated over the summer months. It would appear that the adminstration could have consulted with the dorm residents last year if there was a question as to whether or not the renovations would be completed before the opening of school. It must be noted that Patsy Webb, Director of Housing, has done an excellent job of relocating the Mecklenburg residents, which was her first task once she accepted her present position. The third decision concerns the appointment of Dr. William Loftus to the position of interim dean of students. Loftus will certainly perform the task in a very competent manner, but why was the decision made without consulting the students? Although realizing that the decision had to be made quickly we feel that the selection process was unnecessarily rushed. Including students in the process would have made the transition smoother for all involved. A dean of student’s job is to work with other students, as the name implies, and it seems the students should have had some input in the selection of a faculty or staff interim dean. A committee of students and faculty could have made recommendations or perhaps there could have been recommendations for the interim position. Hopefully, in the future, there will be more students in put involved in the decisions that so directly affect their lives. Rick Hanna (for the Editorial Board) Global Glance Jay Austin, a member of the St. Andrews community for two years, died this sum mer shortly after returning to his home. His death was at tributed to heart failure. In Memory of Jay Austin While at St. Andrews , Jav worked extensively with the volleyball team as manager and participated in the in tramural program as statisti cian. Jay’s parents sent a brief note acknowledging the shared sense of loss of such a valuable individual and par ticipant in the St. Andrews community. By Corey Ingold One of the most important political developments in re cent memory was initiated last week when Russian fighter planes missiled down a Korean commercial airline plane. Thirty Americans were aboard and all were kill ed among them Con gressman McDonald of Georgia. Much of the world St, Andrews Forum Faculty of communication between the administration and the Communication students. The administration must at once stop this great was and still is in a state of outrage over this attack on a non-military and helpless group of people. The Soviets have claimed that the plane was over Rus sian property, yet this hardly excuses an act of piracy such as occured. While the United States is not totally blameless in all of its many interna tional disputes this recent Continued on Page 8 Dear Editor, It would be quite easy to scrawl out a quick editorial blasting the administration for its irrational decision to close Mecklenburg Dorm. Yet, so often, such outraged comments only lead to fur thering the gap of com munication between the students and the administra tion. Therefore, I would like to offer a brief and hopefully constructive cirticism of the administration’s decision, and then I would like to pro pose that both sides (strange that we should feel as we must take sides!) discover a lesson from the experience. Primarily, it seems that Mecklenburgers’ request that “We’re not asking for an Orange, but we’re tired of living in a lemon” was fruitless. Anyone who closely examined the issue would have concluded that not only do repairs take time, but the building of relationships bet ween fellow Mecklenburgers and their growing identifica tion with the dorm (not merely the structural aspect of the dorm, but the underly ing essence of common ground among all in habitants) took years. Yet, the administration seems to have single-handedly made the decision to close Mecklenburg without con sulting students or without weighing the consequences of each move. Ah, but perhaps Mecklen burg may become the “mecka,” the birthplace of a new era for St. Andrews, There must be a true means “mosque-a-rade” and see that student frustrations can not simply be vented as in a machine, which requires a steam valve. The valve is opened only to release pressure while the machine continues to function. In stead, both parties should cooperate by means of open communication, and most importantly, joint decision making. The emphasis should be shifted from mere ly listening to student input to actually acting upon stu dent input. If the Mecklenburg deci sion does not become a “mecka” for ending the great “mosque-a-rade” in which students are not allow ed to participate in making decision, then my next editorial will simply be to nail you Turks! All I can say is, if you are wondering whether or not to let students have a true say-so, well, “You Ot toman!” Sincerely, Philip Leist (Presently Crusading in Europe) Continued on Page 8 The Lance Editor Rick Hanna Assistant Editor Maureen Ingalls Features Editor Sally Schiel Assistant. Features Leslie Palmer Sports Editor Christie Williams Science Editor ; i:^David Propst Photo Editor ; .Patrick Voswinkel Assistant Photo . .-CraigPiccola Art Editor ... Jan St. Pierre Layout Editor...'. . tl;. .. Kim Lutian Advisor I,., Jim McDuffie The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of THE LANCE, college, or stu dent body, but are of the signed individuals. THE LANCE \/elcomes and encourages responses to the material in this publication, but reserves the right of editorial freedom e«s governed by responsible jour nalism.