Viewpoints/Opinions: In Support of the Name Change / In the Name of Tradition When the Lance was restruc tured early this spring, the idea was to create a new image. From the begiiming, an impor tant part of the new image was considered to be a new name. The name finally suggested by the staff was Paladin, but the Student Life Committee responded by asking the staff to delay the name change and reconsider it next year, ^icnd that decision there has oeeh considerable debate among students and faculty about the change, so the staff has decided to put it up for a vote. If students support the change, the^ first fall edition will be labeled “Paladin.” If the name change is voted down, the paper will remain the “Lance.” Democratic. Be critical. Read both of the arguments presented below and ask yourself questions. Will a new name really help create a new image? Does it matter that the Lance means to kill? Do the opinions of the alumni really have a bearing on whether we should change the name of the paper? How do I feel? Then vote. Place the balloL in cam pus mail. Dear Editor, ' I’m writing this letter to ex press my opinion on the pro posal to change the name of the newspaper from Lance to para^n. As I understand it, there seems to be only one fac tor hindering the change, and that is traditon.-Since St. An drews has b^n open, (they in form me) the paper has (religiously) been called the Lance. Throughout the school year the paper has gone through a number of drastic changes in cluding the fall merger with Under The Kilt. I feel the next appropriate step is eliminating the name “The Lance,” which Webster’s defines as: “1) A weapon of war consisting of a long shaft with a sharp steel edge carried by mounted knights and light calvary. 2) Any of various sharp objects suggetive of a lance.” (Do (they) mean like the in strument used on Jesus as he hung on the cross?) and finally^ “3) A- spear used for killing whales.” Personally I don’t see how tradition, in and of itself, can allow the paper of church affiliated school be to be iden tified with an object so deadly and violent. If the purpose of the title is to project a fighter of a noble cause then I thoroughly en dorse the newly proposed title fo paladin which Webster defines as: “1) The champion of a Medieval Prince and 2) An outstanding protagnoist of a cause.” Thereby we may con tinue ‘our tradition of ■ the medieval Knight as oiir mascot and avoid blantantly depicting violence. Personally, I’d rather read a paper whose goal is a cause, than one whose goal is to kiU. I hope with the help of the stu dent body we can convince the necessary conunittee heads that the name change is not an attempt to destroy or under mine tradition, but rather a positive effort to improve upon and enhance a tradition, the tradition of- a quality newspaper. St. Andrews is a young school searching desperately for tradition. Extravaganza weekend, the “Lamp and Shield,” the “Lance” are the few traditions the school has. To change the name of the Lance is to eliminate the part of the limited tradition of St. An drews. Alumni who look upon their school paper as a penna- nent, time-surviving link with St. Andrews wiU feel discon nected from St. Andrews if the Lance no longer exists as the Lanqe. Aluiimi will feel as if their stint at St. Andrews has become lost in time and space, that their presence here made no impact. Ask all the alumni on campus this weekend how _they fesel about the name_ change. The Paladin V.S. The Lance Let Us ICnow Your Opinion! ! I oppose the proposed nam^^ange and prefer the name "The Lance" □ I favor the proposed name change and prefer the name "The Paladin" □ Cut Out and Mail to The Lance April 26, 1985 Lance Page 7