LAUiiii'iDUKG, N. C. 28352 IHE LANCIE VOL. 24. N0.1. St. Andrews Presbyterian College October issue FREE New Horizons For St. Andrews Photo By Nhi Phan By Deirdre Norris On September 7, 1985 St. An drews Presbyterian College began another acadenaic school year. Returning students immediately adapted to the recurrent process, while freshmen and transfer students attended various func tions of initiation. Coming together with SAGE classes, settling into dormitories, squaring away of financies and bombardments of flyers were just a part of the orientation weekend that was formally concluded with the traditional convocation. Yet informally their were farewells. The departure of parents opened a threshold to a new beginning. These fresh students, according to the Admissions Department, as a whole formerly held a “B” average in high school. On the Student Aptitude Test they ap proximated on average of score of 990. They are now challenged to strive for goals and adjust to steeper lifestyles than they are ac customed to. Living on campus is one of the various new realities one en counters. Dormitory life can bear little if any effect to some, while others can find it either terribly burdensome or terribly free. It is those who practice their freedom often that cause the obstruction for others often on Wednesday nights, people overlook quiet hours and the fact that suite mates have early classes. It is here that rules enter. In discuss ing lifestyles here on campus, Dean WilUam Loftus offered this reflection: “The rules present are not to make life miserable but rather to help maintain the quali ty of life”. In addition to this comment. College Pastor Robert Martin stated in speaking with “The Lance”, “We are each ac countable for personal communal integrity, to be of and for the com munity.” Students are not just challeng ed to adapt to a new lifestyle but a new academic curriculum as well. St. Andrews General Educa tion better known as SAGE is a conspicuously new scope, especially to transfer students. The goal of this SAGE course is to broaden a students perspective and simultaneously help extend interests and master skills that will enable one to use their knowledge more effectively. Each freshman student is given the op-' portunity to choose sa particular SAGE course that suits his or her interest. In speaking with various students the majority reflect positive feelings of their par ticular class. Whether it be “Supermen-n-Propaganda” (the study of semantics) or “Within You, Without You; Self Identity Through Committment to Com munity.” Many students take this academic challenge a step further, even a country further. During the winter term St. Andrews con ducts studies abroad at Brunen- burg Castle along with a variety of internships and exchange pro grams. These programs offer an extended education of Western cultures and offers students to ex perience areas of future interests. In late September each student received a letter in their mailbox concerning this program from Bob Martin, director of overseas studies. And so the students of St. An drews, old and new, continue to pursue their goals, attack challenges and adjust accordingly to all dilemmas and situations. Although intiations and orienta tions have ceased for the class of '89 as weU as preceeding classes, rest assured the process will con tinue again next year for the class of ’90. Left The Plow In The Field By Eric English As usual, St. Andrews has hired another excellent professor. Not only is Clyde Edgeton a na tionally proclaimed “Southern” writer (See Newsweek, September 30, 1985), but he is a source of vitality and character that will enhance the academic and cultural environment of the col lege and community. If you would like to meet a very interesting person just make an appointment with Clyde and your time will be well spent. I learned a lot about Clyde and life during my hour: Cly- . main interests are ®due&. , .1 and fiction. He is also pn aQconiplich'^d banjo player >and has been playing it “informally” for ten years. Two weeks ago I found Clyde Edgerton and his wife, Susan, Dr. Norman Roggs, and Darin Lawrence playing some good ol* traditional foot stompin music in the LA courtyard at three in the afternoon. They broke up after a good hour of music (that will be long remembered by all who listened) for a faculty meeting. Why mention a faculty meeting" Frankly, Clydes im pressed with the sense of faculty involvement in the governing of St. Andrews. Mr. Edgerton is with us today because of the lack of faculty involvement with the government at the college where (Continued On Page 5) Photo By Jim Sctimid 'I