Dear Editor, Our newly elected President George Bush, in the first week of office stressed the importance of ethics in government. As a concerned member of the St. An drews community, I,believe that those who have been entrusted with positions of authority should leam the importance of ethics in their respective jobs. A lot of the students would like to have access to the limited facilities that are offered at the college. How ever, our access to these facilities is being hindered by the ineptness and lack pf:«ommunication between the P.E. Department and the Work Study Department, which results in the Knight Room and swimming pool not being available at peak times. The bowling lanes cannot be opened between 3:00p.m. to 5;00p.m. or after 10:00p.m. because there are no person(s) avail able to monitor the facilities. The issue of employing qualified lifeguards and getting insurance for the pool continues to problem for the P.E. Department. Stu dents are not able to gain access to the pool at con- sitent and apropriate times, and the people responsible for the area do not make whole-hearted attempts to rectify the situation. An underlining trend in these problems is that the P.E. Department does not employ enough people nor those who would be most appropriate for the jobs. More non-colegiate athletes should be hired as work study students, so that during practice (from 3:00- 5;00p.m.) non-athletes can still have access to the facilities. It will also be a wise move if more students, male and female, were instructed on how to operate the bowling lanes; unless, of course, the department plans to close the lanes down when the present stu- dent-operators graduate or transfer. There is no better time to join in the new ethics concensus than now. We can all follow the example set by President Bush, by being mcM’e aware of what needs to be done and by making constuctive efforts to see that they are done successfuly. The students will look forward to the changes. Name Withheld By Request To The Editor, I would like to comment on the security at St. Andrews, or rather, the lack thereof. On the weekend of January 28, several bicycles were vandalized at various Residence Halls, with damage ranging from bent rims to total destruction. The person(s) respon sible apparently spent a good deal of time Saturday night and early Sunday morning destroying these bicycles, yet security saw and did nothing. When I called campus security Sunday evening, no one picked up the phone-I let it ring thirty times! I then checked Belk Center (where the security office is located) and Burris on the off chance that I would find a security officer. If security was out patrolling any of these areas they were well hidden. I went back to my suite and proceeded to call the security office intermittently until 11p.m. Had there been a real emergency, my suite-mates and I could have been structurally rede signed before help arrived. By Monday, a few students had written letters and posters to the vandals and had posted them on the bul letin board outside of SAGA. By Tuesday evening they were gone. While I understand that security excels at removing signs from walls and doors (as they demonstrated this past fall in Winston-Salem Suite 6) one wonders just how effective they really are at their primary responsibility, which is to safeguard the students and their property. Name withheld by request Xanthippe with Mary Griggs Right Speech/Right Action There are things happening on the campuses of America that I find very distubing. Racial tension and violence against black students seems to be on the rise. There are people on this campus who truly believe that the coIot of a person's skin is the most important thing about them; more important than the content of their minds or the quality of their feelings or the manner in which they behave. Buddha, the enlightened one, taught that to reach salvation a person must follow the Eightfold Path. This path is very active and includes right views, right aspirations, right speech, right conduct, right occupa tion, right effon, right thought, and right contempla tion. As Christians, we are taught similiarly. In Philip- pians 4:8 it is vwitten, "whatever is true, whatever is honrable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excel lence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." By following either teaching, a person can achieve both peace and happiness. Both ways speak of proper thought. One of the biggest problems facing the Continued on page 4