What's inside .Turkey wstlng technique used IsSuecans "My other life as «Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle” Vicyciists enraged over cause- walkbreathlllzer tests ; Winter term in Iran; history de partment offers new overseas crises course and more! April FoolsJ April Fools! April Fools! TheGlance by twisted minds brought to you President Replaced by Intern en intern. The board of trustees an nounced earlier today that the office of college president will be made into an intern position in the coming year. They are in the process of searching for a student intern to replace current college president, Thomas Rueschling. Citing financial reasons for the change, the board says the college will use this policy until the school "gets back on its feet again." Responding to the violent demonstration of protest by students during lunch in SAGA, one board member said," It was never our intention to permanently replace the president with an intern. However, because of our financial status, we will look into interns for the next few years." A student upon hearing the state ment made by the tmstee member commented, ’That's just not a good enough reason to replace him. Students aren’t going to stand for this. We never even got the chance to get to know him. A P.E. staff member also re marked on the situation, "He’s comes down to the gym every so often and plays a little ball. He’s not bad. We'll sure miss him." The board also announced that because of their decision, the Bushoven Will Stage Naked Protest Mecklenburg Must Go, He says He's at it again. Neal Bushoven, Chairperson of the Social Science Department and resident activist, is protesting once again. In an attempt to draw attention to his recent request to have Meck lenburg destroyed and rebuilt, Bushoven has vowed to sit naked on the causewalk for an unstate amount of time. Bushoven supplied The Glance with copies of the three requests to have Mecklenburg "obliterated, flushed into oblivion, and sent to dormitory hell." The requests spurred by the recent rebuilding of "Chez Granville , calls for the residence hall to be destroyed this spring and rebuilt by next fall. "I don’t consider this at all unreasonable," said Bushoven, "because students have the rig to expect decent housing when they attend college. As an R.D. am forced to live with these inauguration that was to be held later this month, has been cancelled. A communications officer that helped prepare the the inaugura^ invitations and booklet said What a waste of time and money for the board to make such a last fri'nut decision and such a nice man. It s ^ A^Sent disappointed that the inaugural dinner was ca"edj^ said "What a shock. The admini stration is playing hockey with our lives again. 1 was so looking foward to the prime rib. Rueschling, out of town on college business could not be reached for comment residents. They want change b are unsure as to achieve it. I m _ iust setting the wheels m mot on. When asked support of Bushoven s protest. S president Greg Dorsey S "We are behind Neal 100 SrceKe place is areals^ On any given day, you can walk covered With unne. Thetioonn roaches, 1 years to S«/sSsHed«studer«spla" ..v^iihouladoubtT^OT a hundred Sitting on ^e we can mation. Dean Greer stated that the protest was immoral and "outra geous". "Dr. Bushoven is attempting to allow students to have 'nput on »he way things are run around liere. He is encouraging them to be free, critical thinkers. There's no place for that on this campus^Besides he's exposing them to S-E-X, sne ^^in a poll conducted by The Glance, Bushoven seems to have overwhelming support frorn the student body. consider Bushoven as an iwn o_ strength" and a "beacon of hope. A great number say they plan to join Bushoven in the -Drastic times call for drastic measures." said Bushoven. welcome student 'Evolvemen but don't want the thing to tum into an orgy and for us to forget our ’°Sishoven plans to begin h^ naked sitting on Monday, Apnl 3 at noon. Refreshments will be provided by the Residence Council. Dr. • White will provide the latex condoms "just in case. The ever-protestlng Dr. Ne,l Bushover, A A A • A A r-Today's Weather Ideal for plenary skipping! Boy it's a hot one— Time to hit Granville Beach or Jim's, you decide. Lake Ansley Fish Count. Minnows- 38,000 Carp- 5 ^ , Riadderwart- S* tons \