page 2 Glance ^Pril 1, 19^9 Concord Up in Arms Over Prust's Platonic Verses Richard Prust, Professor of Philosopfiy, and author, has re portedly received threats on his life. Prust has stated that he has received threats by telephone, mail, and telepathic channels. The threats are believed to be related to Prust's newly published book, The Platonic Verses. The Platonic Verses is a novel which deals with the residents of Concord Hall. In the novel, Prust describes the Concordials resi dents as "virgins" and "nun-like." Although the book is, and is publi cized as, fiction, there is reportedly a bounty on Prust's head. When asked about the book, .Concodials agree that Prust should pay the ultinnate penalty for chastising their chasity. One resident, who wished to remain iinonymous, but lives in suite one, said, "The book is a piece of garbage (pronounced gar-bahzh). We are teases at the very worst." Others warned that the threats should not be taken lightly, and that at certain times of the month women can be be much more vicious and vindictive than men would dare imagine. The ultimate sin that Prust seems to have committed is his flagrant insult of the virgin goddess, Vanna White. \Nh\le,o\ Wheel of Fortune and Venus fame, has had her oood name and virtuous virtues Dragged through the mud by Prust, according to Concord terrorists. "It is written in our by laws yhat anyone who insults the virgin goddess, or penetrates our privacy, is doomed to death", seated one resident. The college bookstore has reportedly removed all copies of the book from their shelves. This incident infuriated Writer-in- Residence Ron Bayes. "This is a f agrant act of censorship," said : ayes. " We are letting a bunch of blood-thirsty, vendetta-seeking, midol addicts dictate what we-can and can not read." Bayes added that he intended to use the book as a text to his classes next fall entitled "20th Century Virgins"." Prust has reportedly gone into hiding as a result of the death threats. His whereabouts have not been disclosed, but rumours have been circulated that he is on campus and hiding in a place that no student would dare adventure. t\/1ost people believe that place to be Dean Greer's office. Prust is scheduled to make an apology to the Concordites, but many feel that will not be enough to save his skin. Others do not want Prust to apologize because he would be compromising a principle. Some say he would be allowing these extremists to hold the literary world hostage. And still others do not want him to apologize because the terrorists have threatned to blow up SAGA. When contacted by telephone, Prust seemed whimsical about the ordeal. When asked if he took the threats seriously, Prust stated, "Oh, I take the threats very seriously. But what I doulDt is the incentive which has been provided for taking my" Prust was referring to the $25 in 'downtown dollars'. When asked for his views on the situation, Dr. W.D. White, Distin guished Professor of the Humani ties, and expert on sexual ethics stated," Virginity is not something to be made light of. May people feel compelled to hide their virginity. Whether through peer pressure or changing social mores, virginity is beginning to rear its ugly head. A certain virgin phobia has emerged. Prust has placed himself in a grave predica ment." White also added that open-minded individuals, who do not participate in virginity, should use a good latex condom. Helpful Household Hints with June Cleaver On campus recently, I have heard discussion about the 's' word. And if that wasn't enough, people around here also are using the 'c' word. I think contraceptives are disgusting-people using each other for pleasure. Like Pope John Paul II says," We are opposed to all forms of birth control with the ex ception of natural family planning." It is such a sign of the times when good Christians attempt to avoid their responsibilities and the consequences of sexual intercourse. The worst thing is abortion, however. God gave us our bodies so that we may reproduce and marriage so that we don't sin. All extra-marital sex is wrong, and those who do it it ought to be punished. What we should all go out and do is join those brave souls who are risking arrest by opposing the killers who wish to kill the unborn. Operation Rescue is equivalent to the Civil Rights Movement. The people who block the doors of clinics and harass and intemidate those poor women are freedom fighters like the contras. While we are at it, we should also petition to end sex education classes in our public schools. All they do is promote incest (Jimmy Swaggart says so) and are in home sales parties for abortions (says Phyllis Schlafley). It is positively un-American to let this deplorable situation continue. Tip for the Week: To remove lipstick stains from your collar, use a piece of white bread. Then rinse in cold water. Remind her to use lip-gloss next time you two tryst. The Glance P^naM Trump : Sebasrian Qie. Vofunrie 27 Nurnber 7 ....editor in chief manaijin^ editor design dirc|ror senior v.p. |dvcrriiising a ssoc i a t e ■■ .v iii v PiUi(Is and '|||; , ,;?j';' t s y .£ v. *. 3Bt|l 'll«cker." ■Hiw' ^ f'' x;'? i'; ^ S" |,; i!® ^ :iPoe i : ilf '' ;f; Legal Counsel 8(jbha The opinions expressed on these pages are noi necessarily those of the Glance. Editorial remarks are the responsibility of the Editorial Bores. We do not welcome and encourage unfavorable responses to our material, however complaints can be made to Bmno "the Hook" Zapparelli, in c/o The Glance.