Papp 4 Knight's Baseball team members Travis Seahase (standing) and Marc Norris (sitting) pump iron during one of the teams hard training schedules. The team works out everyday, alternating between running and weight training until their season begins in February. Lance photo by Jerome Baker Mother Earth Needs St. Andrews’ Day, In the last Lance article about the Year of the Enviroment, I defined what the Year of the Enviroment was and outlined some possible suggestions on how to get involed. Ruefully, I may not have been specific enough because not a single individual contacted me about details on how she could get ac tive. Now the end of the semester is upon us and woric, stress (from the holi days and otherwise) and illness are mounting daily. So even though you may not have the time and energy to be Eco-Man or Woman-saving the world form the perils of ozone depletion and deforestization-here is a list of simple things to do that take only fifteen min utes to raise enviromental awareness. 1. Turn off lights, heal/air -condition ing, stereos, etc, when not in the room for a long period of time. All too often lights are left on academic and residen tial sides of the lake. Heating becomes wasteful when people are not even in the room, or a (suite lounge) door is left open when the heat is on. 2. Work with your suite to organize recycling bin take-out sign-ups to share the responsibility of taking out the recy cling bins every TUESDAY EVENING for Wednesday pick-up. Filled recy cling bins on this campus have a ten dency to hang around for several weeks if they are not taken to the long part of the curb Tuesday nights. 3. Consult your club (Tri-Beta, CSO, Eco- Action, etc.) and organizations (S AU, BSU, etc.) presidents about spon soring an enviromental project for the Yearof the Enviroment President Eddie Brown released a memo several weeks ago reminding the presidents of the vari ous clubs about this plan, and if you haven’t joined a club this would be the perfect opportunity. 4. Make suggestions to your Enviromental Dorm Chairs and Dorm Presidents about an enviromental project Nov. 30 th Sl Andrews College will cel ebrate St. Andrews Day on Monday, November 30, with a variety of ac tivities. Andrew is the patron Saint of Scotland and was Jesus’ first chosen disciple. There will be an Open House in the Heritage Room of the Library fit)m 9:30 - 3:00. Monday night will feature a St. Andrews Day celebration for the Monday Night in the Arts program beginning at 8:00 p.m. Chaplain David Thomton v/ill give a presenta tion on the topic, “ Who Was An drew ? “ followed by a reading of greetings from St. Andrews Societ ies nationwide as well as greetings from St. Andrews University in Scot land. Members of the college pipe band will perform selected Scottish tunes. A special feature of the enter tainment wdll include Highland Dane- Your help! sponsored by each dorm for The Year of the Enviroment. A dorm clean-up (and picnic) might be a suggestion of one. (hint, hint). 5. If there is a pressing (enviromental) concern that needs attention call me (Gregg Phelps at 5598), or if it is really important visit Dr. Reuschling (the fa ther of YOE) for an answer. His door is always open (unless he is on a business trip). The next step after this aware ness is action. So even though this article may seem elementary and/or authoritorian, it is just a subtle reminder of what needs to be done to make the Year of the Enviroment campaign a success. Let’s not be just “armchair activist” (taken from a speech on cam pus involvement by Katie Bonsai), but get advice. The Lancei ing to be performed by students Fionil Montgomery and Susan Walmsb i Also, the Chaplains Officeii| sponsoring a St. Andrews Day essaii contest on the topic, “ If St. Andre* were alive today and visited St. Am drews College, What would HeSajj ?“ Cash prizes of $50.00 and $25.0|j will be awarded to the first and sec ond place winners respectively. For more information abor the contest, contact Chaplain David' Thomton at ext. 5143. Gathering Place presents "Unplugged" For those of you who missed the first" unplugged " of the year, Tim Freeman has scheduled the next jam session for Thursday, December 3rd, beginning at 9:(X) [>m. The guest list for December's "un plugged " includes Charlie Hamilland David Southwood Smith, Lindi Wiggins and Just Forest. Anyone interested in performing may contact Tim Freeman or Rod Riley for more information. Equestrian continued from page 3. ics at St. Andrews for the past five years. She compi ’mented the St. An drews Equestrian team and the im provements she has noticed in tiie program the past few years. St. Andrews riders JR Macaully, Kathy Kassel, Beth Anna Perry and Susan Yeaman, accompa nied by Shelby Finch, will be repre senting the U.S. in Panama, Deceni ber 12-18. They will be competingin international show jumping. This is a once in a life time opportunity to the St. Andrews Equestrian program' They feel fortunate and honored to be able to participate and represent the United States in Panama.