Wanted Responsible people who love to write humourous poems, stories, or editorials. People who are skilled in photography, or have layout experience. You are needed for your school paper. If you have imagination, a good sense of humor and enjoy finding out interesting facts about things in general, then The Lance is the right place for you. All interested people need to come by The Lance office and leave your name, phone number, and box number in the message box. Now is the time for all good people to rise up and voice their opinions to their friends and com rades. This is your opportunity to be known, and to get involved with one of the fastest growing infor mation processes at St. Andrews. Become a part of the team, join today. Other openings include: * Sports vv'riters * Feature writers * Student Activity writers * Macintosh computer operators For further information, please contact Matt Peck #5659, or stop him anywhere that you see him, and tell him your interest in the paper-your paper!! cLj /l^‘ Mi WECtillitoAYS « FRIDAYS D You Pick the Winners In just a few months The Oscars will be upon us. Here is a list of the big nomina tions. Make your own predictions. Who knows, your choices may be the winners. f~l *Th« Ciying Game* Q ‘AF«wQoodM«n* *HowardsEnd* n •So»nt of a Woman* □ ’Unforgivan* r~| Catharina Danauva 'Indochina* f~1 Mary McDonnall *Pa8tion Fish’ □ Michalla Pfaiffar ■LovaFiald* □ Suaan Sarandon ’Loranzo't OiT □ Emma Thompaon ’Howards End* □ Judy Davis *Huabante and Wivas* □ Joan Plowright *Enchantad □ Vanassa RadgraNW *Howards End* □ Miranda Richardson *Damaga* □ Marisa Tomal *My Cousin Vinny* r~| NaN Jordan •—* Tha Crying Gama* n Jamas Ivory ’Howards End* □ Robert Altman •Tha Playar’ □ Martin Brast ’Scant of a Woman* □ dint Eastwood *Unforglvan* □ Robart Downay Jr. *Chaplln* r~| Clint Eastwood •—* tlnlorgivan* □ Al Pacino ’Scant of a Woman* □ Staphan Raa ’Tha Crying Gama* □ Danzal Washington *Maicolm X* r*1 ^9 Davidson *—* *Tna Crying Gama* rn Gana Hackman ' ’Urtforglvan’ □ JacK Nicholson *A Faw Good Man* □ AlPacbw *Glangarry Gian Roaa* □ David Paymar *Mr. Saturday NigM* Media convention being held Wednesday, March 17, to Saturday, March 2nd at the Doral Inn, New York City COLLEGE MEDIA ADVI SORS AND SCOLASTIC PRESS ASSOQATION Learn from the best of this country’s professional com municators in the most excit ing media city in the world. As an editor, staff member, business or advertising man ager or broadcast staff mem ber of a college student me dia operation—newspaper, yearbook, magazine, radio or television station—you’ll be glad you came. This is the most extensive conference of this kind in the northeast Inquire at the Lance Office for further Information. • mm WL CONVENTION Page 3 Trivia 1. Why did Chacfii of Happy Days wear the band around his leg? 2. How do horses sleep? 3. By what bodily part did former president Johnson like to pick up his dog? 4. In the original “Star Trek” series. What is Captain Kiric’s middle name? 5. From what well- known English family did Charles Darwin’s wife come? 6. What is the Mayflower’s real name? 7. How long did Henry David Thoreau stay on Walden Pond? (years, months, days) 8. What is the differ ence between concrete and cement? 9. What is the offi cial title of the G.I. Bill? 10. Who was the 1st star of the Superbowl who caught seven passes despite a bad hangover? 11. Who was the only president besides Bill Qinton to have a poet recite a poem at his inauguration? 12. In the movie “2001, A space Odyssey,” where did the computer HAL say he was from? 13. Who is the French cyclist known as the “Eternal Second” finishing 2nd in five Tour de France bicycle races? 14. Who are the four U.S. presidents named Bill? Tlie Lance St Andrews’ StudentPaper iTORRIl , ^ : THUR^AYS »SATURt>AYS THURS. ALTERNATIVE OU)IES. ;iP.&SEMEMB|RSi Church Notice Trinity Presbyterian Church invites all St. An drews' students to worship services every Sunday at 11:00 am. Transportation will leave from the Belk Center at 10:40 am. Matt Peck and Elizabeth Chesky Co-editors Jerome A. Baker Photographer/Sports editor Contributors; Ralph Powell, Chris Lindstrom, and Chip Neal.