Thursday, March 24,1994 What Did YOU DO During SPRING "I went to the Florida Keys for Spring Break. Myself and nine other people stayed at the KOAinSugarloafKey. I spent eight hours a day lying and drinking in the sun. I played some basketball. Andreas get that shit out of here!!" David Getman "I went to the Va. moun tains and did some repelling and white water canoeing." Shad Minshew "I travelled the entire state of Florida (except Talahassee) with Melissa Ambler. We experienced Bike Week in Daytona, Medieval Times and Hard Rock Cafe in Orlando, two great days of camping in the Everglades (and giving blood) and the rest of the week on Don Pedro Island baking in the sun with Susan Pell, Shelley Johnson, Andi Bogan, Chris Femer, and Leslie Leaf. Then I got my new car." Heidi Coleman Junior "For Spring Break I went to the Florida Keys and stayed on Marathon Key. I spent the night of my birthday on Duval Street in Key West and had a relatively good intoxicating night All in all, it was a pretty good time." Rachel Rountree Junior "I went to Chicago for my break! I went downtown and ate at Ed Debevick's and saw Capone's Place! I did a lot of shopping and socializing with old friends! I also saw the movie Reality Bites. I strongly advise seeing it." Kim Zdobylak Senior "Over Spring Break, we played a lot of baseball and enjoyed the time we had off from school." Mike Karg Sophomore "This Spring Break I traveled with four friends down South to Calabash, Brunswick, Georgia, where we stayed in a Youth Hostel, then we hit Savannah for St. Patrick's Day and finally Charleston for the Blues Festival." Pepe Miranda Senior "I joined a car club. The guys in the car club call me The Cruiser. My hobbies over Spring Break were fast cars and fast women." TLS "My Spring consisted of spending time with my family, hiking with a long, lost fiiend and day dreaming." Anne "I went home to Richmond, Va. for Spring Break. I looked at a few graduate schools, played pool and drank a lot of beer. The weather wasn't nearly as nice as it was for those of you that went to Florida, but you can bet the beer was a lot cheaper, I was able to spend a lot of time with Dana and some friends." John Hess Junior "Over Spring Break I went home to Hilton Head Island, SC, My birthday was in the middle of break so I celebrated it at my house. My parents didn't know what to get me for my birthday so they gave me the house for the weekend and went out of town. Other than that I was a bum on the beach." Monika Herrman Freshman "Katey, Catherine, and Cristy went to the Bahamas. It pays to be 18 in some countries (drinking age). All of the houses were pink. We drank, danced, and laid on the beach. Some people think riding in a taxi in NY is bad, driving with crazy Bahaman drivers on the left side of the road doesn't even compare. Over all it was a blast, it was fun in the sun." Seth and Ian ii) MISCELLANEOUS TOP TEN REASONS TO ATTEND GANZA CLASSIFIEDS 10. Get to wear a cool ami band. 9. To watch Leafy wrestle Condor. 8. Show the new R.D.'s what it's all about. 7. Find out what alums are REALLY doing with their degrees. 6. THE BUD TRUCK!!! 5. Get to play with the bladder wort. 4. Hear Neal complain about the drinking but still manage to have a good time. 3. To see our friends naked. 2. We heard Slim Whitman was playing this year. l.FUBAR!!! For Sale: Ball Python, 4 Ft. long, beautiful markings, well-mannered. Must see to appreciate. $175 or best offer. Serious inquiries only. Ext. 5778 or 5318, ask for John. Mike- How's that scorpion you found in your sleeping bag? "YOUR CARD HAS BEEN DENIED" Mahatma Scoles One saltine's night of chewing with chili, now seeking Rolaids for inti- mate night of relief!!! PMS SUCKS!!! - Bov Georgg.=a