The Lance “Speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice. Then you must speak of one that loved not wisely, but too well.” Shakespeare, Othello V, ii. Vol. 36, No. 8 1 St. Andrews i^resbyterian College R^ycling Kelorms Underway BY SUE LEWKE March 7, 1996 BJ Tipton, a St. Andrews alumna and recycling coordina tor at UNC Charlotte, visited our campus on February 21 and 22. She started the ball rolling for reforms in the St. Andrews recy cling program. Ms. Tipton, who has been working at UNC-C for four years, did a waste audit here at St. An drews and found that we have a good start for our recycling pro -am, but there is plenty of room or improvement. Right now most St. Andrews students re cycle only cans, glass, and plas tics if anything at all, because that IS all that can be placed in the blue bins. However, much more can be recycled. Ms. Tipton says that card- What’s Inside p. 2 Adventures Abroad p. 3 Fran McKendree p. 6 Willow Tree P- 7 Internship Tales P- 8 70’s Party Spread A full Eight Pages of pure Lance-ian pleasure! board is UNC-C’s number one re cyclable; it makes up about j:) percent of all their recycling. During her waste audit here, Ms. Tipton found that, even though there is a cardboard recycling dumpster behind SAGA that is available to all students and fac ulty, there was a trash dumpster behind Morgan Jones with an abundance of cardboard in it. Granville dorm has under taken its own recycling program. Students living in that dorm have set up collection areas (continued on p. 3) Focus Groups A Success In an effort to truly tap the thoughts of S.A. students, SGA hosted two Focus Group sessions last week in Granville Main Lounge. Subjects ranged from residential life and academics to student involvement and financial problems. The “fruits” of the meeting were then presented to Dean Nance and President Board. Original topics for discussion stemmed from previous residence hall meetings. A second set of meetings will be held sometime after Spring Break which Nance and Board are expected to attend. “The meetings were very pro ductive,” one attendee com mented, “we covered a very di verse set of topics. This is a great chance to have your voice heard. 70's Bacchanalia 70’s Party Rocks BY TERRA MCVOY Things were rocking even sur prisingly early on Saturday, March 2, in Orange’s tin-foiled courtyard this weekend. The D.J. was pumping disco favorites by ABBA, the Jackson Five and Par liament at the expected time of 9 p.m. Later, he would enthusiasti cally repeat these same singles muhiple times during the night. Folks didn’t seem much to mind. Certainly the crowd was rock ing. Students brought cameras, video recorders and a variety of 70’s paraphernalia (Orange’s own Stan Dura was rumored to be handing out treats which Mr. Ed would find irresistible) to keep track of this wild ride, but the cos tumes were certainly the best part of the evening... St. Andrews citizens rarely hold back when it comes to get ting flamboyant (especially when there’s alcohol involved), and Vinny Eamma, Andee LagoJa. Jamie Peroni, Pam and Jose Ralat, Colleen Cunningham, Neil Davis, Josh Newman, Melanie Olkowski and Christie Peach were, by far, some of the best dressed that night. Certain faculty members of ten come out of their bookshelves when they catch word of a hot party, and we were lucky to have Dick Prust, Dennis McCracken and Bill Throop as part of our gyrating throngs on Saturday. Of course, all of this is gear ing us up for The Party of the Year, Extravaganza on April 11- 13, but more fun can also be had at the Women’s Soccer Team Eighties party this Saturday in the Belk Main Lounge. See the Photo Spread on Page 8!