B M D D I E P E A R T?«y\S5S. t m Si Opinioa jRnuftry 31, 1997 .. ^/Sj X i. -s *•>•• ba.r pc*.^ (tU b»r^' Ki''[fvr af S^fcfWi 0?,uf- v,»> >f— -/n I'9 Wj ' Tr > • L , j»% ! O S ptar - rAoi> i i v S' Sa)§«stl«ni, eomm«itti, reelpas? E-niil Marlon tt CartyMAO # -4- . ^ ^ 1 i -» ^l'l ,,\«,N !'1 , d',*i/ / ’r ^ !F4 *^- 5 it??' i V I \ o I , /'I The Lflnce Editor-ln-chlef Amanda Willoughby Suzyn Smith Sports editor Melissa Collins Cnrtoonist Marlon Carey The Lflnce is o bimonthly pubiicfltion which is produced, ed ited. ond designed by St. Andrews students. The Lflnce is printed by the Lflurinburg Exchflnge in Lflurinburg. NC. Letters to the Edi tor ore welcomed, but must include name. The Lflnce stflff reserves the right to refuse unsigned letters Staff Editorial Winter term is good for students Times are tough. College graduates know that they might have a difficult time getting a job that will support themselves, much less a family. It’s tempting to focus more and more on high GPA’s, summer in ternships and other things that look nice on a resume. After all, who doesn’t want a good job after graduation? One can get that kind of education at any state school. Any state school will allow one to major in biology so that one can get in to medical school. Any state school will have philosophy and politics professors capable of encouraging a future lawyer. Any state school can teach an engineering major how to design a bridge. So can St. Andrews, but we’re not a state school. Those of us who came to St. Andrews were expecting a little more. It’s called the liberal arts. And it means that doctors who come from St. An drews can also tell their kids about the adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the round table, just like Edna Ann Loftus told them. It means that lawyers who come from St. Andrews don’t have to hire somebody to design a web page for their firm. Bill Rolland taught them how to do it themsfiiyes. It means that engi neers who come from St. Andrews can talk about politics with engineers from Malay sia. After all, Howard Reichner told them all about the Malaysian political system. If SAPC were to get rid of Winter Term, there’s no doubt that students would find another time to have internships and travel, but it’s easy to forget that we would also loose the innovative courses that are a part of the St. Andrews experience. Any school with any type of aca demic calendar can graduate students who are knowledge able about one field. But it takes a special place with special kinds of courses ^ teach students that life is bigger than their major and that a class- that might seem frivolous now might ac tually teach you quite a bit. _ Right now, St. Andrews is one of those places. Let’s keep it that way.