nurtdwr Th€ Lflnc€ Student Newspnper of St. Andrews Presbyterinn CoOege Vol. 38. No. 4 St. Andrews Presbyterian College, Laurinburg, NC 28352-5598 February 18,1998 Admissions expects increase in enrollment By Suzyn Smith In some positive news, the admissions staff has re ported that enrollment is ex pected to sharply increase. “We’re building next year’s budget on a class of 250 students, and we’re hoping for even more” President Warren Board said. Most of these achieve ments come fi-om the hard work of SA’s admissions staff. Counselors have made more than 23,000 phone calls to pro spective students. Nearly 400 students have visited the cam pus so far this year. Associate Director of Admissions Shirley Arnold at tributed the rise in applications to “the combination of the con sulting firm’s suggestions and Dean Nance’s leadership style that uses the admissions staff s strengths to best fit the pro posed guidelines.” The admissions office has already received more ap plications than it got all last year. Board also said that the num- “The pool of students is geographically diverse, socio-economically diverse and culturally diverse,” -President Board bers would not mean a drop in quality of applicants. He stated that the standards were actu ally higher. 78.6% of the appli cant pool has SATs of 900 or above. 60% have SATs of 1000 or above. “The pool of students is geographically diverse, socio economically diverse and cul turally diverse,” Board said. Arnold agreed. “We’re not looking for just one type of stu dent. We’re recruiting diversi^.” Arnold explained, “It’s not admssions defming St. Andrews. The stu dents and profes sors have to do that. Many of the students the admis sions office has re cruited had been quite enthusiastic. One student, Sarah Zimmerly, wrote a let ter to the admissions staff that was so good, the admissions staff sent copies of the letter to other prospective students. In her letter, Zimmerly wrote, “At St. Andrews, a person can think, explore, and try on new ideas, or even very old ones, without the fear of being rejected for taking too long, or breaking the mold, or looking out of place.” Mew Major approved by Board of Ttustees As expected, the Board of Trustees okayed the new major in Church Services, which will be offered by the Religious Studies Department starting next fall. This major is designed for students who want to go into church work, but not necessarily the ministry. The first course in the new major, entitled “Christian Education” will be taught this spring. The Board of Trustees approved the program during its meeting on campus February 12. The major will feature both required and elective course work, as well as an internship. It will require courses in church history. Biblical studies, theology, and contemporary issues from a religious studies per spective. In addition, students will choose areas of specialization, such as youth ministry or counseling, which require other courses. Major requirements will be fully satisfied by the student completing other elec tives and an internship. Students sad to return from Brunnenburg by Maya Pottenkulam ’99 A common wish among little children is to travel and see the world. Along with that dream comes the next, to be an air hostess, to make the first one possible. As we grow up, though, we have to forget dreams and focus on reality, but I don’t think those dreams ever die completely. As it happens, a decade after those dreams, I found my self in the United States. I be lieve I came here for an educa tion. Battling through new cus toms, ideas and people, I have finally adopted this as my new home. Halfway through my second term in America, a friend introduced me to the idea of taking a semester abroad, per haps in Italy, China or Ecua dor. I gave it a thought or two, but not seriouslyi I was al ready abroad and wasn’t ready to jump ship yet. A year later, I found my self living with a group of stu dents in a castle in Northern Italy. Brunnenburg Castle, once home to poet Ezra Pound, was in the German speaking village of Dorf Tirol. It was beautiful, just like a postcard. In the first days we were introduced to our family at the castle. Mary de Rachewiltz, Ezra Pound’s daughter, was the first person I met, and right fully so. She is such an extraordinary woman, brilliant beyond belief She could read, write and speak English, Ger man, Italian, Greek, Chi nese, Latin and many more, I am sure. She was truly inspiring. I thought, at this point in my life, that I had achieved plenty, enough to keep me gloating for a while. Only when I talked to Mary did I realize I have so much more to learn. I feel I would be letting her down, not to men tion myself, if I just settle for what I have now. The imposing stone walls of Brunnenburg Castle were much friendlier on the inside. Photo by Paul Southwood-Smith (Continued on page 3)