He Lance THE LANCE http://intranet.sapc.edu/clubs/lance/index.html Masthead E-Volume 2 The Symphonic Chronicler Senior Billy Christiansen has sold over 100 CDs on MP3.com . He has 3 albums, Electronic Stories, Fantascape and Discoveries, all of which he composed on a single keyboard. Student Opinion: Campus Apathy Somewhere, shortly after the baby boomers did their booming, the entire system fell apart. The proverbial dung hit the fan and everything went to pot. We are living in a time that creates, or is composed entirely of, apathy. Romeo Must Die Review There are 3 reasons to see Romeo Must Die and each is a different fight scene with Jet Li. You can go see it for Aaliyah and DMX, but DMX dies and Aaliyah, well, she plays a character who's really friendly and hangs out with kids. The Making of The Princess Bride Mikey Romano and Dana Youmans have an ambitious project ahead of them in their final semester. They're bringing The Princess Bride to the stage at St. Andrews. Snow in Laurinburg Blame it on El Nino, the Y2K bug, Saddham Hussein, Pokemon or whatever you will, but it SNOWED in Laurinburg. Diary of a Nerf Gun-wielding Veteran I know you’ve seen us; we’re the people running around campus with toy dart guns. Sure, it may make us look childish. Sure, it may be taboo in this day and age. And sure, we might look really, really stupid to a lot of people. But you know what? I bet we’re having more fim than you are. Browse the Lance's Article Archives This is a link to The Lance on the Internet. The Lance will be available on the Intranet until the end of the semester. Graduations and transfers cleanse the staff and only one member will remain next semester. We’d like to thank everyone who supported us. No thanks to everyone else, who didn't turn in articles or who wanted The Lance on paper, filled with news two months old, so the coUege could have something to send to alumm who wouldn't notice how dated it was. The Opinions Expressed WUIUn Do Not NecessarUy Reflect Those of St Andrews Presbyterian CoUege.