Welcome to St. Andrews Presbyterian College Page 3 of 4 much more accessible. It is also much more organized and approachable. The services are more available. In short, she is a great addition and has made substantial changes in a very short time! One of the best things she has done is to make it possible for students with disabilities to problem- solve with her. In short, she treats all disabled students like adults and like people first-people who happen to have disabilities! Dr. Doonan is interested in getting to know students with disabilities as people. She talks about the assistance needed. She doesn’t just use pieces of paper to say what is needed. She discusses it with us as if we have a brain. The differences are many, but most importantly, she helps us to understand what our responsibilities are and how we can work together to “level the playing field” in the academic areas so we can be successful. One student with a disability said, “For the very first time in my career here at St. Andrews, Dr. Doonan asked me what I plan to do after graduation. No one asked me that before She cares about the whole person.” Another student told how Doonan has helped him to understand why a specific accommodation may not be best for him and how he might be able to use his learning strength to accomplish what he had to accomplish independently. She tailors what we need to what we can do and then we both work from there. One of her basic approaches is to help students use learning strategies to gain academic success. The way she has started to accomplish this is to replace “homework help” with the type of help that will assist students in reaching their highest academic success. This includes everything from time management, organization, reading and writing assistance and everything else in between. And these are areas where students have the most difficulties during their academic careers -- with or without disabilities! Dr. Doonan has a sense of humor. One afternoon in her office we had three wheelchairs and she directed traffic without any difficulty and with lots of laughter as we fitted into the nooks and crannies in the office. She is familiar with what we need, even space when we are together, and she is willing to help and work with us. She seems never to be tired and she is always available to listen. She even has secret pizza parties with students. Visit her and you may be invited. We love it. It is different. She enjoys being with us. How did we get so lucky to have her here? It is hard to get Dr. Doonan to speak about herself She would much rather hear more about the students. We can say that Dr. Doonan is familiar with colleges and with disabilities. She has worked for many years with students who have differences in learning and worked with them to achieve their best. She is definitely doing that here The feeling is on the part of everyone we spoke with that she is determined to help us feel comfortable in our skin, whatever that skin may be like. She wants us to reach our potential and beyond. She certainly is positive but she is also realistic. She talks to help us understand difficulties and successes. “We can come to her with almost any question. She is one of the best anxiety reducers I have ever met,” said one student we interviewed. Can any student ask for more? Remembering Professor http;//www. sapc.edu/studentlife/club/The%20Lance.php 10/5/2006