The Student Activities Union wants your in put! If you want to get in volved come to our meet- K ings every 1 st and 3rd Tues day of each month or E-mail to speak up about what you want to see on campus. SAU Events: Nov 7 Comedian Knight Life 6:30pm Michael Dean Ester Nov 10 Bonfire Granville Beach Dusk Nov 17 Airband Farrago 9pm-lam BYOB The Traveler Series: Sunday, November 11th ~ Fay etteville, NC The Climbing Place Cross Creek Mall and Dinner The Lipizzaner Stallions are coming to the Crown Coliseum on Nov 30th at 7:30 pm. The Equestrian program is ordering group tickets. The cost of these tickets is $20.50 or $17.50 (a $5 discount over the regular price.) If you would like to order tickets, please leave a check in the enve lope on my door LA A7 before Nov. 12th. This will give me time to order and dis tribute the tickets. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO JACKIE DWELLE and sign up on the form on the door. November Holidays List compiled by Melissa Whittaker Did you know that November is National Can cer Awareness Month? How about National Ameri can Indian Month? It is also National Peanut Butter Lovers Month as well as Leam Chinese Month and National Pomegranite Month. 1- National Men Make Dinner Day; National Plan Your Epitaph Day (you can never start too early) 2- Deviled Egg Day 3- Cliche Day (Isn’t that “something you can sink your teeth into”...’’takes one to know one”); also Sandwich Day 4- Use Your Common Sense Day and King Tut Day 5- Gunpowder Day 6- Marooned Without a Compass Day 7- National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day (yum!) 8- Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day and Dunce Day 9- Guinness World Records Day (go try to set one today-or at least read the book or visit http://www. 10- Area Code Day 11 - Death/Duty Day 12- National Pizza With The Works Except Ancho vies Day 13-World Kindness Day (*hugs*) 14-National American Teddy Bear Day; also Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day 15-National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day (Do you *really* want to look inside?) 16- Have a Party with Your Bear Day; also Button Day 17- Homemade Bread Day and Take a Hike Day 18- Mickey Mouse Day (sing it with me now “M-I- C...”); also Married to a Scorpio Support Day, and Push-Button Phone Day 19- Have a Bad Day Day (feeling bad because you didn’t do well on a test today? Look; you’re cel ebrating!) 20- Name Your PC Day (your computer does a lot, so stop calling your computer “if’-unless that’s your computer’s name). 21-Hello World Day 22-Thanksgiving Day; also Turkey-Free Thanksgiv ing Day and Start Your Own Country Day 23- Flossing Day; Buy Nothing Day (look it’s the day for all those people not wanting to take part in Black Friday, today); National Salesperson’s Day 24- International Aura Awareness Day 25- National Parfait Day 26- Shopping Reminder Day (whoot! You’ve got less than a month to buy all those presents) 27- Rockefellar Center Christmas Tree Lighting Day (go watch it on TV-you know you want to) 28- Make Your Own Head Day 29-Electronic Greetings Day and Square Dance Day (put on some “Cotton Eye Joe”) 30 (the professors won’t like this one unless they celebrate, too) Stay Home Because You’re Well Day