EDITOEIALS 7 Evolution’s Hidden Philosophy By: Matthew Peak For the most part, evolution has been accepted as a scientific fact and taught as such in classrcK>ms and assumed as such on college campuses. Some have argued that it is merely theory and others would contend that is still a hypothesis. Against the possibility of intelli gent design or direct creation, it is used almost like a weapon. What has not been considered is that evolution as an idea has used biological science to justify what is essentially a philosophy. As a scientific hypothesis, or even theo ry, evolution’s idea that all exist as products of random chance and natural forces leaves man kind in a perpetual state of chaos and opens the door for great amounts of life or great amounts of death and both equal within the idea. The creation of a controlled society to promote the health and well-being of citizens could be considered to be a valid evolutionary step as can sending a large portion of that population to concentration camps to perfect that society. In such a state of existence, there is no good or evil. A group of people who promote their exis tence by men raping women can be considered just another part of our evolutionary process as can people choosing marriage and mutual submission within a family. It is not about right or wrong, good or evil, positive or negative. Everything that happens, from a person saving someone’s life to a person taking their own life, is all part of the process. Evolution, though, has been made to sift what is good from what is evil, what is right from what is wrong. People instinctively know that living in such a chaotic world is unfea sible. Most people would say that a couple who produces children through marriage is good and most people would say that raping women to regularly produce children is bad. So there is an effort to find a good and an evil to differ entiate between what is and is not acceptable, but without belief in any sort of transcendent standard. This need for a separation of what is good and evil has given rise to a philosophy that states evolution always produces positive growth. There is a presumption that humanity is consistently growing towards perfection and that only those events that make us better are evolutionary. We see this idea is everyday life, though we may not recognize it. For example, if a rock band starts out as poor song writers and five CDs later they sound much better, they are said to have “evolved.” Wherever we perceive improvement, we immediately say a person, place or thing has “evolved.” Included in this line of thinking is the pagan idea that man is essentially good, as opposed to cursed by original sin. The primary problem with this is that evolution uses biological science to support its claims and science, by definition, is concerned with facts and information and is incapable of answering life’s big questions. The current popular philosophy states that small changes through random chance and natural forces over an extraordinary long time (i.e. billions of years) shaped our immense and complex world. Now that philosophy has shifted into rejecting war and death as against evolution and peace and life as promoting evolution. The reason people have bought into it, whether consciously or not, is that educated voices have come out with vast amounts of information to proclaim it as truth and we believe that educated men and women have something that the rest of us do not. So we trust them and accept what they have to say. These same voices argue that religious thought can promote evolution but religious belief causes war and therefore, faith goes against evolution. So Christians try to be a little less “fundamentalist” by not believing in the very religion they claim to follow. Behind it all, though, there is the fianda- mental conflict over two vital questions: First concerns the existence of deity (God) and the second wrestles with what state man is in. In the evolution worldview, there is no God (and if there is. He is not involved in the affairs of this world) and man is in a natural state of imperfec tion, but basically good. So, we are constantly striving to “evolve,” to move a little closer to perfection. We look at our world and constantly wrestle, philosophically, about what promotes and hinders our evolution as a global humanity. What we do not really look at is that we still do not have a solid, objective standard for deter mining what is right or wrong, what promotes or hinders evolution, other than power With evolution, might makes right. People who live by the ideas of evolution are willing t^ empower those who are more highly evolved through government and education and trust that the more powerful the government and the vaster the amount of knowledge the farther we will climb the evolution ladder out of the “dark ages.” Conversely, it also becomes acceptable to view as undesirable those who are not as evolved and in today’s world, the difference is being drawn along the line between Christianity and Humanism so that a person who believes in God is less evolved that one who does not For example, take two people. First is a person with PhD who believes the Bible is the word of God, that the world was created in six literal days and that a resurrected Christ will one day return. Second is a person with a PhD who believes the Bible is just a text, the world evolved over eons and the story of Christ is just that, a story. Which would be considered more highly evolved? To contrast this, Christianity argues that God exists (and is involved in our world) and that mankind exists in a dangerous state in which the initial inclination of human nature is evil Standards for good and evil are sifted as what goes with or against the nature of God (revealed through His law, the Ten Command ments). For example, the nature of God is mer cy, but the natural state of man is cruelty. The nature of God is forgiveness, but the nature of man is vengeance The nature of God is labor and order while the nature of man is laziness and disorder The Puritans and other Christians of early America, as tragically flawed as they were but before Darwin, understood this clearly. It is why they created a Constitution guarantee ing freedom and a government with numerous checks and balance. They understood that fallen humans empowered become tyrants and do it naturally. So we are in a major battle of philoso phies On one hand is the idea that mankind is basically good and constantly improving via evolution On the other is the belief that man kind is basically evil and in constant need of help from God to overcome their natures. The defining factor will be power and time. We will empower to be our leaders those who follow the philosophy of evolution and trust that the power they surround themselves with, power that continues to grow, will be used for our good, for the continued evolution of our lives. To this end, followers of evolutionary philosophy view a globd, united world as a major step forward in the evolution of mankind, if not perfection itself They also think the same with ideas like feminism, atheism and socialism. The ends, the evolution of man, justify whatever means are needed, savgo^E^iand deiath, .though tho^e two options also eventually;become a/i option. This is why Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union the “Evil Empire.” He understood that com munism was attempting to empower of the evil inherent in man. Our founding fathers, whether they were deists or not, understood that human nature is the last thing that should be empowered in our world, especially through government. They understood that only a people who recognized their fallen state and labored to daily depend on Christ for redemption from their innate evil could produce a free nation. The opposite was tyranny and that is where evolutionary philoso phy is leading us. The Small Things In Life: A Reflection By: Melissa Whittaker It’s the end of the semester when proj ects and papers are soon to be due. The stress builds for many; small, unimportant things become annoying and ailments rise in and around the dorms. For the seniors, like myself, graduation is just around the comer, after the last round finals we will take in an undergradu ate college. The next path will take some to graduate school and others into the workforce. Lately I have been stressed over some projects that are due in the next few days. It has caused me to feel a bit down when I worry about whether or not I’ll finish the projects on time and wondering about how well I’ll do on them. I’m a sensitive person and will some times cry over the small things. I bottle things up inside and when passed by a friend or even a faculty member who says “hello, how are you” I mention the usual “I’m good.” This is an automatic answer Aat I am sure many oth ers answer with, too, even if you aren’t feeling 100% “good” that day. I have also been worrying a bit about what I am going to do after graduation, which is ap proaching fast. Will I find a job in the theatre and/or film industry, will I at least be able to get an internship somewhere. Where will my life take me? And most importantly, am I ready to leave this behind me and move on to new adventures on the next part of the path I am on. At times I don’t think I’m ready to gradu ate and that my life seems to be going nowhere. I am pretty sure that is not true and is just how I feel at the moment. I’m not sure where my life will take me, however, if I keep searching for opportunities I’ll find something. I remem ber that one of my classmates in high school, wrote in my yearbook to “reach for the stars. You’ll get there someday.” This classmate and I weren’t really friends but that message had made me smile. Recently I had a meeting with one of my professors about career opportunities. I had no clue where to begin as I’m not even sure specif ically what I want to do. My professor told me to go through any open dgors I see, much like reaching for the stars. Throughout my years at SAPC I’ve been given quite a bit of advice from my friends and also a few select members of the faculty and staff who I know I can talk to any time and jvho I consider friends (I hope they consider me a friend as well). If I was feeling down for one reason or another and told of why I was in an off mood, I could always look to someone for advice and to cheer me up. I can chat about my hobbies or a favorite movie to them, which helps since 1 tend to be pretty shy and quiet. I have also realized that while it is the small things that may upset me, it is also the small things in life that can make me smile Anything from the advice I’ve been given to a fLinny photo that a friend sent me. While gradu ation may be coming up quickly, I don’t have to fully disconnect with those who have helped to shape my college years and see that I succeed. I know I can still chat to the friends I have made here, including the few members of the faculty and staff who I have connected with. If I ever need someone to talk to, even if it is through email, I know there are certain people who I hope will be there to help me out or just to chat about anything, for years to come. In a way 1 find it hard to leave somewhere, especially if it has been like my home, such as SAPC has for four years St. Andrews is a small college where one can feel at home and like they can talk to almost anyone about almost anything. And with email and websites like Facebook, the connection to the many friends someone has made doesn’t have to end when graduation does The advice doesn’t have to end, either. There really is a lot you can learn during your years in college, as I have realized myself I’m not talking about the stuff you learn in class but about what you learn outside of class that will stay with you for years to come. I feel that an appropriate quote to end this reflection is one of my favorites: “Be happy for this moment because this moment is your life” ~Unknown.