THE LANCE VOLUME MMX, ISSUE 2 Brunnenburg & the Mannettes Febniary/Mardi 2011 By Alice Harrison Editor St. Andrews has offered a full fall semester at the Schloss Brunnenburg castle since 1983. Courses at the castle are annually taught by two profes sors who live at the castle. One of the professors is a literary scholar while the other is an anthropologist. For fall semes ter 2010, Mark and Alice Mannette escorted the students for the trip. Below are some of their reflections based on this year’s adventures. you get Q. How did involved? A. We had wanted to do it the year before, but were concerned about work ing schooling out for our kids. Ted said that he had talked to the “Family” over there and they said they could accommodate us, so we decided it was a once in a lifetime chance and said “why not?” Q. How long did the entire process take? A. There was about 6 months of preparation and plan ning and three month over there. Sept- November. Q. How many students went with you? A. 9 plus our oldest son took classes too. Q. Academically, where does the trip fit — is it consid ered a class? A. The students took five 3 credit courses and one 1 credit course for a total of 16 credits. There were six courses. They were: a Guess Who? Each issue of the Lance will contain a photo or two of a current employee from their youth. Learn more about the employee pictured to the left on page 6 and see 2 bonus g;uess who entries. Brunnenburgers Fall 2010 - Spencer Phillips, Brain Shanks, KeUy Stine, Victoria Bickett, Amelia DiPillo, Jessica Frey, Jeff Cox, Aren Montgomery, Christina Guiffre and the Mannettes. ENG 362 Saints and Heroes of the Middle Ages - taught by Sizzo de Rachewiltz, ENG 371 The Cantos: American Epic — a course on Ezra Pound taught by his daughter ENG 372 Myth and Agro-Archaeology — taught by Sizzo de Rachewiltz, COM 390A International Dramatic Literature -taught by me, COM 390C Topics in Film - Fellini - Mary de Rachewiltz, (See Brunnenburg, Page 4) Inside this issue.... Perspectives Page 2 Class Experiences Page 3 Campus Experiences Page 4-8 Arts Alive Page 9-11 Coming Attractions/ Classifieds/The Buzz Page 12