8>ktrl A STUDENT PUBLICATION OF FLORA MACDONALD COLLEGE VOLUME 1 RED SPRINGS, N. C., APRIL 17, 1953 NUMBER 7 Around The World X K r ^ a MdBack I* “fee with CHRISTINE MALONEY Conferences between allied ne- goitators and Communists in Pu- son, Korea, resulted in the Reds being expected to sign a plan for the swapping of Prisoners of War. According to the plans the Com munists would turn over 600 sick and wounded at the rate of 100 a day. Of this number no more than 125 are Americans. The United Nations Command would deliver 500 a day of the 5,100 North Koreans and 700 Chinese. This plan will possibly begin the- last of April. The men will be flown to American bases in Japan for treatment and observation. If their conditions" permit, they will im mediately be put aboard planes for the U. S. and then to military hospitals close to their homes. Leonard W. Hall of New York has been approved by Senate Re publican leader Robert A. Taft to be the new GOP national chair man. The retiring chairman is C. Wesley Roberts. Convocation Begins For the past two weeks, dozens DIGNITARIES TO SPEAK AT FMC—These are some of the notable guests and speakers to be at the three-day convocation at Flora Mac donald College this week. Left to Right, top row, they are. General The Convocation inaugurating the 60th' Anniversary Celebration of the founding of Flora Macdon ald College opened at 3:00 p. m. this afternoon with registration. Distinguished guests, including Honorable George Catlett Mar shall, General of the Army, are scheduled to give major addresses of the great event. The Convoca tion Chairman is Dr. Walker B. Healy who is pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Fayette ville, and the theme of the entire Convocation is The Christian Ed ucation of Women for the Second Half of The Twentieth Century. Open house for the guests fol lows registration with campus tours beginning in the library and ending in the Flora Macdonald gardens. The students are acting as guides to the guests. A Pastor’s dinner will be served to the pastors of Orange, Fayette ville, and Wilmington Presbyter ies at 6:00 p. m. The Flora Mac donald College Glee Club will sing during the dinner, after which Dr. Warner L. Hall will address the group on the Primacy of the Pastor in Religious Education. Dr. Hall is pastor of the Covenant and Mrs. George Marshall and Mrs. Ernest Ives. Center right, Con- Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, gressman Walter H. Judd. Botton row, left to right, Robert M. Hanes, of Greensboro residents have re- | Dr. Clarence Macartney, and Norman Cordon. Communist propaganda I — ceived through the mail, and reprints of the Communist newspaper have been found on the streets. It is be lieved to be distributed by Com munist workers who drive through the city and throw leaflets from ttieir cars without stopping. How ever, the material received in the,, mail was postmarked in Charlotte but signed by the Communist Party, New York City. Federal agents in the Greensboro area declined to comment on the action they are taking regarding the Communist campaign. The retiring American ambas sador to India, Chester Bowles, is touring Southeast Asia on his way back to the United States. He is scheduled to arrive in Washing ton for consultations with the State Department May 5 and then go to his Essex, Conn., home. Roman Magsaysay won by a landslide the Nacionalista party’s nomination for President of the Philippines. He probably will op pose President Elpida Quirino, his ex-boss, in the November elec tion. New Prayer Band Leaders Installed Because of the Ford strike in Detroit, 47,000 workers are idle. Ford spokesmen say that 18 of Ford’s 18 Ford, Mercury, and Lin coln plants across the nation will be closed and the number of idle workers may reach 75,000 by mid week as additional plants close. Former President Herbert Hoo ver says that the Eisenhower ad ministration is doing a remarkable job of cleaning up what he called “that mess in Washington.” He told a news conference—“he’s go ing about reorganization, and I am sure there will be reforms to eli minate waste.” o RECENT ELECTION During a recent student body election, Sara Dudley was elected recorder of points; Mary Archie Brown, college cheerleader; and Eva Gray Davis, fire chief. An impressive vesper program was held on the front campx;s Friday evening, April 10, for the purpose of installing twenty-two newly chosen prayer band lead ers. Shirley Fitzgerald, Chairman of Prayer Bands, opened the ser vice with a short devotional, af ter which each girl came forward and in turn lighted her candle from the candle of the speaker. Then, forming a semi-circle fac ing the main entrance, they re mained standing while Saradee Davis, president of the Christian Association closed the service with a prayer. The installation marked the climax of a week of preparation and study for the new leaders. Tuesday afternoon they gathered in the right front parlor to hear Mrs. Leslie Bullock speak on “The Power of Prayer”. In Wat kins Hall on Tuesday night, Shir ley Fitzgerald spoke on “The Res- posibilities of a Prayer Band Leader” and at ten-fifteen Wed nesday night the girls met again in Watkins where they heard Saradee Davis speak on “What Being a Prayer Band Leader Has Meant to Me”. At seven o’clock Thursday morning, a morning watch was held at senior bridge, followed by a cook-out at the fireplace. New Prayer Band Leaders for the coming year are: Doris Dunn, Christine Maloney, Lillian Mc- Innis, Gladys McCain, Sallie Ann Monroe, Mickie Ozlin, Mary Mc Cracken, Ann McGirt, Marie Sellers, Kittye Oliver, Nickie Ellis, Allene Powers, Anita Wil liamson, Shirley Willis, Dot Ham ilton, Marjorie Davis, Harriet McAuley, Fay Buck, Mary Ar chie Brown, Shirley Thornton, Doris Tucker, and Mary McLean. .0 A woman’s mind—scheme^ en gine. —Gig Rosenfield, Earl Wilson. Highland Players Present Play N. C. and Chairman of Synod’s Committee on Higher Education. Norman Cordon, who is a form er Metropolitan opera bass-bari- tone, will be soloist of the evening. Mr. Cordon is a graduate of the . 1 University of North Carolina and “I’m sure care is an enemy to . ^ „ , , li ■ j ' IS now Director of the North Caro- life are words of “wisdom” writ- quoted by ten by Shakespeare in his play •‘Twelfth Night” which was pre sented by the F. M. C. Highland Players on Thursday night, April 9, 1953 in the college auditorium. The play was directed by Pro fessors Neil Watson and William Reagan, assisted by Lucile Wilds. This much loved comedy, as merry as the holiday night it is named for, is relatively free from vexatious problems. You may write your own title if you don’t like the author’s: call it “What you will.’^^s is somewhat char acteristic of Shakespeare’s come dies, the play’s core is a romantic plot, not so wild as some, but sufficiently improbable. And, as usual, Shakespeare invests its characters with the style of hu manity that is readily accepted. The play is notable for its blending of romantic beauty and charm in the story of the Duke, Olivia, Viola, and Sebastian with a comic under-plot in which are involved Marie, Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Fabian, and Malvolio. The entire cast did a fine job in making the play a great suc cess: Orsino, Duke of Illyria— Shirley Thorrrton; Sebastian— Madge Garrison; Antonio, a Sea Captain, friend J,o Sebastian— Norma Kelly; A Sea Captain, frtend to Viola—Ellen Howard; Curio—Mary McLean; Sir Toby Belch, Uncle to Olivia—^Pat Far mer; Sir Andrew Aguecheek— Sara Dudley; Malvolio, Steward to Olivia—Patricia Shelby; Feste, a Clown—Virginia Buhler, Fa bian—Fay , Buck; First Officer— Kittye 01iver;Second Officer— Mary McLean; A Priest—Betty Joe Hatcher; Olivia, a Countess —Dorothy Anderson; Viola— Sue Littlewood; Maria—Nancy Hammond. Music was directed by David (Continued On Page 4) lina Music Program. At 8:00 p. m. there will be a musical concert directed by Dr. Charles G. Vardell, Jr. who has been Dean of Music at Flora Mac donald College since. 1951. The Fort Bragg Band will render a band concert, there will be a chorus of 200 voices and the Flora Macdonald Glee Club will sing. The Physical Education Depart ment will entertain the group with various Highland Dances. The first day of the Convoca tion will then be concluded with music selections by Mr. Norman Cordon. The celebration will continue on Saturday at 10:00 with Dr. B. Frank Hall presiding over a panel discussion concerning The Re sponsibility of the Womans’ Col lege for Making a Better World. Those taking part in the discus sion will be Dr. Hunter B. Blake ly who will emphasize education; Dr. Sylvester Green, society; Dr. Samuel Howie, religibn; others will be Miss Helen Sherrill, Miss Martha Gaitley, and Mrs. Waylon Blue. At 12:00 noon the Home Econo mics Club will give a Fashion Show with the Flora Macdonald College girls modeling the gar ments which they have made in the department this year. The Mid-Century Alumnae Re union Dinner will be served at 1:00 p. m. Dr. Price H.' Gwynn, Jr. will give an address to the group entitled Until Now and Dr. Marshall Scott Woodson will fol low Dr. Gwynn’s address with From Here On. Dr. Gwynn is now Dean of FMC and Dr. Woodson is President of the College. In the mid-afternoon, the High land Players of FMC will present Twelfth Night, a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare. The play will be directed by Professors Neil Watson and William Reagan with the original Sixteenth Century music under the direction of Pro fessor David Meese. The cast of sixteen members will be in the costume of the period. A special dinner for merchants, farmers, bankers and professional men will be served at 6:00 p. m. This dinner is sponsored by the Red Springs Merchants Associa tion. An address entitled Ethics and Principles in Modern Business will be given by Robert M. Hanes Mr. Hanes is at present President of Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, Director of Southern Railway System, and President of American Bankers Association. The FMC Glee Club will sing sev eral selections during the dinner. Saturday night at 8:00 p. m. will begin what will probably be the highlight of the Convocation. A Chorus of two hundred voices will open the session and Dr. Marshall Scott Woodson will speak on Flora Macdonald in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. Several songs will be heard from the FMC Glee Club and greetings to the group will be given by Major General Thomas F. Hickey. After greetings have been ex tended, a most looked-forward-to address will be given by the Hon. George Catlett Marshall, General of the Army, and former Secretary of State. At 3:30 p. m. on Sunday after noon, Mrs. Ernest Ives of South ern Pines will speak on The Christian Woman in the Wor\i Today. Mrs. Ives is the wife of” Ernest Ives, retired career dip lomat, and sister of former Gov ernor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois. The Glee Club will sing and students will speak briefly on Why I Came to Flora Macdonald Col lege and Values which I Have Found Here. An eventide supper for all the Elders and Deacons of the Pres byteries of Orange, Fayetteville and Wilmington will be served at 5:30 p. m. The joint hosts for this supper will be FMC and the Men of Fayetteville Presbytery. A special address by Dr. Clarence E. Macartney will be heard at this time. Dr. Macartney received his B. A. degree at the University ol Wisconsin, where he was an in tercollegiate orator. He received his M. A. at Princeton University and was graduated from the Princeton Theological Seminar.'. In 1924 Dr. Macartney was elect ed Moderator of the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church in the USA. At the present time he is minister of the First Pres byterian Church of Pittsburgh. Dr. Macartney will address the group again at Twilight Vespers which will be at 7:00 p. m. His address for this occasion will be entitled Christian Women in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. A chorus of two hund red voices will be in charge of the music for vespers. The hour of dedication will be gin at 8:00 p. m. with an address by Dr. Marshall Scott Woodson entitled The Challenge of the Honr. After the Glee Club has sung several songs, the Honorable Walter H. Judd, M. D., L. H. D., will conclude the convocation with his address entitled With Christ in the Second Half of the Twen tieth Century. Dr. Judd was elect ed to Congress in 1942. He has lectured throughout the U.S. on American foreign policy and in- (Continued On Page 4)