Page Two THE SKIRL January, 1959 THE SKIRL Published by the Students of Flora Macdonald College Red Springs, North Carolina Editor-In-Chief Jennie Beck Assistant Editor Della Evans Business Manager Peggy Cole Assistant Business Manager Babs Adams Circulation Manager Hannah Sloop News Editor Jane Harrell Feature Editor Ann McLeod Art Editors Grace Kennedy, Avis Gann, Freda Burgess Conservatory Editors Carroll Shoemaker, Joanne Ross Day Student Reporter Joyce Bounds Faculty Advisor Miss Virginia Ann Walker Reporters Linda Phillips, B^athy King, Kelsey McGee Marion Davis Typists .. Jackie Kennington. Joanne Matthews, Jeanette Davis Business Staff Jeneal Deaver, Barbara Pittard, Judy Tindall, Ann White McMillan, Emily Batchelor, Linda Lee, Frances Ann Tim- berlake, Jerry Cuttino, Jackie Kennington. It Couldn't Be Done Somebody said that it couldn’t be done. But he with a chuckle replied That “Maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it, Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that; At least no one ever has done it;” But he took off his coat and he took off his hat. And the first thing we knew he’d begun it. With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin. Without any doubt or quiddit. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it. TheTe are thousands to tell you it cannot be done. There are thousands to prophesy failure; There are thousands to point out to you, one by one. The dangers that wait to assail you. But just buckle in with a bit of a grin. Just take off your coat and go to it; Just start to sing as you tackle the thing That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it. Personalities Have Mutual Goal - Early Graduation Semester Graduate Edgar A. Guest Here And There by Loueen Price Our personality this month will be leaving Flora Macdonald for good in a short time. She is a three and a half year graduate, i She attended the 1958 summer ses sion here and had many adven tures which will be remembered for many years to come. It seems she especially enjoyed the cooking of her own meals and the privi lege of living in several different rooms. It’s rumored that it was her roommate who really did! most of the cooking. This yoxmg lady is a very con scientious worker and as a result is a» member of the honor society. She scrutinizes things carefuUy and nothing slips past her un noticed. Her major field is Eng lish and her minor field French, j For aU her training in English i she is a continual practicer of ^ what is known as “syl language.” Just ask her what “purt”, “stud”, and “beaut” mean. It’s impossible to be around her for long without hearing a statement such as “I know some’ sleepiness” or some thing similar. She is forever tell ing someone that she “knows some lucky pills.” While she puts her studies first she also takes time out for extra curricular activities. She has been member of the French club, the Math club, the I. R. C., “Pine and Thistle” staff, and the honor society. For three years she has held a work scholarship in the dining hall and it will seem strange to enter and find her no longer there. She has roomed with the same girls for the last 3 years and in a sense she stole her from some one else their freshman year. It is told that she used to sneak out and sleep with Janice xmtil some one finally caught up with her and reminded her that she had a roommate of her own. Now it’s sometimes hard to think of one without the other. As soon as she completes her exams she wiU begin her work teaching Enghsh at Fair Bluff, North Carolina. She will commute from her home in Fairmont in a car which she has just recently purchased for the purpose. An in teresting note, when she bought the car she couldn’t drive, so in about three days she learned and took her driver’s test. Wonder of wonders, she passed it with flying colors. Our personality might well be called a “tid-bit” since she is such a small creature. She has blonde hair and brown eyes and a very characteristic smQe and twist of the head in conversation. Never another like her, better known as “Therm”, we present to you Thehna Sue Harrell. Modern Version A speaker was talking to a group of teenagers about the old days of the west and got around to Billy the Kid. “He killed 21 men before he was 21 years old,” the speaker said. “What make of car did he drive ” a young girl asked. Street Sign A street sign read: “School— don’t kill a child.” Beneath was a childish scrawl: “Wait for a teacher.” Shorties A person all wrapped up in himself usually makes a small package. The bad luck in meeting a black cat depends on whether you’re a man or mouse. There was the Princeton man who blew his top because he found himself locked out of his room by a Yale lock. Woman’s World Two men stood in a hotel lobby following a convention and watch ed two girls meet and kiss each other' affectionately. “There’s another thing that is so unfair,” remarked the first. II “What do you mean?” asked the second. vfomen doing men’s work,” cam^^ the reply. Hi^w True A little boy, caught in mischief, was asked by his mother: “How do you expect to get to heaven?” He thought a minute, and then said: “Well, I’U run in and out and in and out, and keep slam ming the door till they say, ‘For goodness sake, come in or stay out.’ .Then I’ll go in.” Gentle Gender T h e r e’s something feminine about a tree. It does a strip tease in the Fall, goes with bare limbs aU Winter, gets a new outfit every Spring, and lives off the saps all Summer. Junk Anything that lies around in your way for ten years and you throw it away two v/eeks before you need it. A Gossip Somebody who takes a dead secr^ and puts life into it. Fact Fact is hard to define, but, as I get it, it’s a combination of flattery, lying, and wisdom. More About News Briefs the Skirl. They will be explain ed in detail. The Drama Team of Union Theological Seminary in Rich mond, Virginia, will visit the First Presbyterian Church in Red Springs on Sunday evening, February 1st., at 7:30 p.m. They will present a religious drama entitled “The Prodigal.” Three-Year Graduate Our “personality” this month could be classified as the most popular girl on the campus after chapel and about the time of 3:00 p.m. She has also been seen scam pering aroxind as Head of Pray er Bands, one of the Chapel Com mittee, “Skirl” staff, and A. A. Board. Many things can be said of this young lady. Among some of the things which characterize her as an individual are: Virginia accent. . . Procrasti nates but always gets it done . .. Kleenex and post office keys . . . Three-year graduate . . . Wee hour dates with books and Pepsis . . . Short hairdo of a puppy dog . . . Decisive in her opinions . . . Dependable and sincere . . . Math major . . . Understanding heart and willing hands . . . JohneUe for three years . . . Paces with detea-mination . . . Vacant room with a bed full of cards . . . Conversation plus . . . June gradu ate; June bride. We could mention many more, but we must turn to her future plans. She has looked forward ■to a happy career in teaching, but she was overheard to say that she had changed her mind after thirty minutes of teaching a Methods class! So it may be in definite, but certainly she will be successful in whatever she un dertakes. It is most interesting to note that our personality is the usual v/riter of the “Skirl” personality column. This month the “Skirl” ; Staff considered her so deserving that she was chosen a? a special personality. So, your surprise, Kathy King!! On January 14, the Student Body set the date for the Classes’ Dance. It will be held February 21 at 8:00 p.m. The American Way Using instant coffee to dawdle away an hour. The Last This will be my last article in the SKIRL as I am hoping to fin ish my college studies the twenty- eighth of this month. It has been lots of fun sharing a httle of “this and that” from “Here and There” with you. Someone else will write this column, so it will continue to appear in our paper. I hope that the remainder of vour college days will be very happy ones which will hold many precious memories for you in later years. X,.

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