3hp Mtrl A STUDENT PUBLICATION OF FLORA MACDONALD COLLEGE Volume No. 8 Flora Macdonald College, May, 1960 No. 9 Baccalaureate And Commencement Climax Four Years At FMC Final College Days Full Of Activities The 1960 Senior class (has been caught up jn the whirl of graduating activities. On May 3, at 7:00 p.m. in the right parlors aptproximately fif ty attended the Silver Tea. Gifts from the cfllass were given to mascot Joann® McMillan and Mrs. Rodger Decker, sponsor. May Day th(ils year found Jo Rita Cox, Queen; Betty Thomjp- sion. Maid of Honor; Jeannette Cole, Jeannie Johnston, and DeWitt Dukes^ attendants; and the rest of the class ushers. Coming up the week end of May 13-15 was the beach trip; the (group stayed at Tally Ho Cottage at Mjotle Beach, S. C., cliiaperonedi iby Mr. and Mrs. Decker. Then on Wednesday, May 11 at 5:00 pjn. the parents of the class mascot, Joanne McMillan, entertained the class at Lake wood. Many times will this dass have been to Lakewood together perhaps this was the last. The tc^tional capping exer cises will be held after dinner on Wedtnesday, May 25. At this time the dass Prophecy, His tory, and Last WiH andi Testa ment will be read. The big week end. May 28- 30, keeps the Seniors moving before the climax of four years of werk — Gi'aduation and low ering of the class colors on' Mondlay. On Saturday is the Alumnae Luncheon and the Commencement Con oert; on Sunday the Baecal'aureate Serv ice and Senior Vespers. Going Up Day- May 18 Wit!) Mucli Noise If a stranger Ixad visited tihe campus of Flora Macdonald Wed nesday, May 18, he might have thoui^t he had wandered by mis take upon a home for the mental ly ill. This day was “Going-Up Day”. “Goings Day” is one ,of the many traddtions of Flora Mac donald that has grown up througih the years, it seems that no one can remember exactly when this custom began. After consulting with all the authorities on the past history of PMC, one would make this ddsoovery. Going-up Day has been going on for many years. It is hdd be fore exams and offers to each student an opportunity to un- suppress his suppressed desires, tt originated to give the girls a chance to let off some of the tension and pressure that builds up before exams. Also Ms day Stems from the natural joy of being able to move to another plateau of coUege education. AH the dasses gather around the rotunda alt their respective levels; Freshmen, Second floor; Sophomores, Third Floor; Jiuiiors Foiuth Floor; and Seniors, Fifth Moor. Each class writes a song to the Seniors. After the singing of these songs the classes move up a level, while the Seniors move to the Pansy Bed and sing, “The Friendship Song.” Marshals Elected Friday evening. May 6, Zeta Theta Psi and Epsilon Ch.i elec ted: their nalarshals for 1960-1961. The incoming marshals of Ep^silon Chi are Frances Gibson, chief; Barbara Summers; Dor- das Cox; Magie Fishbume; and Becky Thornburg. The new Zetesian marshals are Jean Pigott, I^yiEis Gore, EMen Deaton, tmdi George Paris. The outgoing marshals Gwen Hawley, chief; Barbara Peek; Chase GoUins; and Hannab Sloop of Zetesian and Theresa Nisbit, Ann Curl, Judy Rembert, and Barbara Morgan of Epsilon Chi will relinquish their duties to the new marshals at the sec ond concert lecture-series next year. May 10 was the day to which many seniors were looking for ward because it was the day some underclassmen will “take them off.” That is, the under classmen dress in their clothes and usuaMV emiyhasize the most prominent features of the sen iors^ chlaracteristics. How does this event organ ized? The two vice presidents of the societies, Loxine Mitchell, Epsdlon Chi, andi Hannah Sloop, Zetesian, met with the rest of the officers of the sodeties and planned the affair. Gilorus Elects Officers The Chtoral Club officers for 1960-61 are as follows; (President, Virginia Woods. Vice Pr«ndeat (in diarge of tour), Alice Carol Huggins. Vice President (in charge of robes), Dianne Kearns. Vice President (in. charge of music), Vidlet Cul'ler. Vice President (in charge of publidty), Elaine Evans. Secretary, Patsy Gamer. Treasurer, WiUa Jackson. Chaplain, Becky Brooks. Aocoroipianisit, Margaret Ann Martin. BeacI) Trip Brings Varied Experiences Last Wednesday, April' 11 bright and early in the morn ing a group of shell collectors were seen and heard getting- themselves collected to go on a beach trip to search for shells. Some were stirring around in their rooms about 6 a.m. put ting on first a swim suit, next bermudlas, and finally as a cover- up a dress or skirt, Fully dres sed and with shell boxes and containers preparedi, they stag gered dtowni to the dining room at 6:45 for a taste of cereal, a piece of toast, and a cup of cof fee. This, the first breakfast was hastily engulfed, a second break fast or bag lunch was taken, and the girls proceeded to the lab to hear a little lecturing and to chant out a course to follow to Long Beach, where the shells were said to be abundant, just lying and longing to be picked up. The drivers of the three oars were Jeanette Cole, Betsy Culp, and Rachei Gillum. WeU, Betsy knew who was to ride with her and she couldn’t have been hap pier. It seems though there was a little confusion as to who would ride with Jeanette and Rachel. Jeanette, how about it? Once at the cars it seems Jan- is and Judy could not make up their mind which car to go in (?) but ended up riding in tihe same. Janis, isn’t it nice to be familiar with the route? The hour of departure bad been set for seven o’dock sharp and iit was then hsdf past seven. The caravan, if three oars can be caEed that, slowly pulled out with Betsy and the litffle black college caievy at the front and Jeanette and the yellow station wagon following dose behind. (She got it all right but had to oompromiise with Betsy and give it up on the return trip) Some where, always somewhere, ibehind these two were Rachel, Dr. Han son, Cindy, and Louise in Rac hel’s new CSievrolet. At last they were on their way, all except for stopping to get g0s downtown, only to realize that one pocketbook and one sheU collector were missing — a day student (Louise) .and the pocsketbook (Marton’s). They re turned' to the back gate to watdh and wait until about 8:15 when Louise arrived. In the meantime several had unobservedly snatdi- ed a coke and begun to eat the bag lunch. It seems that JeanMe didn’t know wtiat to do with her bottle. (Continued on Page 4) Outstanding Men to Address Graduating Class Pemlberton’s have been puWi^^- ed in various religious joumalls. Dr. and Mrs. Pemberton have three sons, Donald, Bruce, and Coniriad. The graduating senior dass win be guest of honor at Alum nae Day on Saturday, May 28, wMch is the first activity of Commenicement week end. The pi^ogram wiU feature Mrs. J. Z. Watkins, retiring president of the North Carolina Parent- Teacher Congress, as guest speaker. Mrs. Phebe Emmons of Raleigh) is the Alumnae Presi dent. The lannuali Commencement Concert wili be presented on Saturday evening by the Con servatory of Musac. Included on the program will be seledlons by the senior music miajors and . . the Choral Club under the di- brushed for- Scrilililers Initiated On April 18 at 10:15 p.m. in the rotunda, there were some miighty tstfange diOings! Seven FMC girls were ^ssedi very unusuially and acting just as unusual! They were decked out in leotards, gym shorts, heels o£ two heights, FMC sweat shirts. rection of Mr. Lawrence Skin ner. 'The Baccalaureate speaker on ward, and! wore sungJiasses. These strange creatures were the new Scribblers being initi ated. Each person was tapped Sunday, May 29, at eleven o’-.^^^ ^ ScribUer by a long dock, will be Dr. G. Ray Jor-1 Scriblo. They were ask- dan, professor of HomilejUos and^ question^ such as “Can you ChJapel Preacher at Candler School of Theoloigy, Emory Uni- verfflty. Dr. Jordan wHs bom in Kinston, North Carolina. He re ceived his AJB. and D.D. de grees from Duke University, his BJ). from Bmoiry, his A.M. from Yale, and Ms Litt.D. from Lin coln Memorial University. Dr. Jordan has held Methodist pas torates in Greensiboro, Charlotte, High Point, and WinstoniSalem. He is the author of many books on Christianity and personal re ligion land is a contributor to various religious publications. He has been speaker at various universities, colleges, churches, and sumimer assemblies, and has traveled extensivellly both in this country and abroad. Sunday evening Senior Ves pers will be c'onducted on the front lawn of the college at seven o’clock by Dr. Price H. (3wynn, Jr., Academic Dean of the College. Dr. Prentiss L. Pemberton, head of the Department of Social Ethics and Saciology of Religion at Colgate Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, New York, will be featured speaker at the graduation exercises on Monday, Hfey 30, at ten^thirty o’dock. Dr. Pemberton was bom in Yates Center, Kansas. He re ceived his A.B. from Ottawa Uni versity, his B.D. from Andover Newton Theotogical iSchool, M.A. and PhJ). from Harvard Uni versity. He has served in the ministry, as staff secretary of the Student Christian Movement in New EngOland, and as the las* sodate director of the Danforth bold la pencil. steady after mid night? lAre lalli your opiniojjs printable?’; Then each new Scribbler showed off their act ing ability by impersonating a teacher. After this' amusing event, the old and new Scrib blers were entertained' by Betsy Carru.th at her home. At the party the new Scribblers “scrib bled” the old Scribblers. The job of the Scribblers is to write the scribbles under the pictures of the seniors in tlie, annual Each old scribbHier choos>. es a person to take her place. The editor of the annual is the chief scribe. The Scribblers for 1960-1961 are the following; CJhrds Snyder, Chief Scribe, Gin^ ny Woods, Linda Phillips, Joan Carter, Lorine Mitchdl), Judy Wiengesi, Marty McCormick. Classical Club Willa Jackson was elected pres ident of the Classical Club at e recerat meeting of tJie group. Jmn Oaddeli was sdected as vice- president, and Sheila Welch will serve as secretaryitreasurer. The purpose of the club, whidi is sponsored by Dr. Cordelia Bardi, is to promote interest in the clas sical languages and to gain in- formiation about the ancient cul tures and cSvdilizations. UNC vs. Red Robins Satnrdajr The UNiC baseball team vnll play the Bed Springs Red Bob- insi composed of college aUl-stars in Robins Park Saturday nSgbIt Foundation. Articles 4)i Dr. {at 7:30 p.m.

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