(ithe #ktrl A STUDENT PUBLICATION OF FLORA MACDONALD COLLEGE Volume No. 9 Flora Macdonald Colleg-i, December, 1960 No. 4 A Tradition Broken As Christmas Dane® Held Miss Schober Sings On December 5, Miss Anne- liese Sdhidbeir, sopnano, head of Dhe voice depaT'tment, land idiretc- tor of the Choral Olub ait Flora Macdioniaild Caliege, was pre sented in a voice arecital in the oolliege aaiditonium. Miss Schaber’s vattied pro gram facludied woirkB by J. S. Bach, HienTicih Albert, Zelter, Johaames Bnalhnis, Hijgo Wolfe, Gabriel Flauiie, Oaude Deftwissy, Guiseppe V€s^, Ralph Vaaighn WilHams, air*d J. Turtnia. Includ ed in Miss SchOber’s encores were FVoinz Sdhubert’s “Who Is Sylvia?” sung in ithe original Shakesj^arean text; and a group of three songs — “Orovwn The King Witih Oaanoit Tops,” “Opftie- lia’s Lament,” aind “Oajilacle from ithe Sang Of Songs.” It is intoresitinig ito note liha't the latter g!roup of songs was writ- iten Iby one of Miss S'dioiber’s friends, MBss V'inginia Cairs'oin, and has since been dedicaited tx> her. A ooomlpainiyLntg Miss Sohiobetr at !the piaiio was PW>fessor John E. Wiffiaroig, at the flute, (Miss Joyce Dryianrt, and at the organ, Mss Ginray Woods. After ittDe reci'tal, itihere was an irifommlai receptiam in the col lege parlors. Duriing this itSonie, many Mliss Sdhlofber's fifends were honordd ito mseit two off her Bormier voice instmiotots, Miss Janie Hoibbs and Miss Ra- diana PazmOT, witih wfhom she studiedl while ait Converse Col lege in Spaii'tanburg, South Car olina. CA Selling Spoons S'Omietihling new (has been ladid- €Sd ■ tMs year to give us anortfher lasting tokem of our ccJlege days at F.M.C. Tihe Christian Asso ciation is selling sterJing silver after dinner co(ffee spoons. The college seal — the Bainie ithalt lis on tihe claiss tnnigis — & roount- ed on the handHe. (They are made by ^tihie same oojnpaniy ithalt makes the ciliass amgs.) The price oif tlwse sjpooms is two dtoiUars and fifty cents. With Ohriaitmias Juat airownd the comer, ithey would miake excei- lenit OhriBtmlas gifts for looro- mates, friends, or pairents. How ever, these spoons wfll be Bold all year and may be purchased at anytiniie from UnKia Phillips, Betty Ruth Barioer, Marattiaill Hobineititie, Margaret Ann M!ar- tfa, Bar!baria Peek, Mtairty Mc Cormick, Naocy ODavidl, 0art»ra Somers, ESeanOr GUteispie, Bar bara MoGoogan, or Gwen Haiw ley. Flora Macdonald Col lege Societies' At Red Springs Armory Suzanne Steed And Coralie Spivey Honored As Hiss Herry Christmases RUSS ANNEUESE SCHOBER Charlotte Club Float Wins In Two Parades The Qh airlotte oluto of Flora Macdomald hias had some ex citing experiences at this Christ- maB saasoni. For the past five years itlhie members have par ticipated in the 'Qharlotte Christ mas pairtade better iknown as ithe “Cairoouisel.” This year was no exception. The merdhants of Red! Springs i£?pansar0d the float fior the Char tot te 'girls; each of the girls is lindelbfieid to Ithem for their wondterful eonitrilbutian. T h e float conBisted of five tiers, and the ooJottis wiere pink and White. F.ight girls (poide on tfhe float, two on ©aich of 15ie four tleiis and Mr. lamid Mrs. Dortald Maodoii- ald, dressied in typdlcal cositiumes to repr:esiemt Prince Ohialrlles and Flora (MlacdonaJd, rOde an the top tter. The girds who nodle on the float were diressed in pasitei colored evening dresses with matchiing pdcture fnamie hats. These girls were Salndra Sumt- mervilte. Prissy Thomas, Mary Neely, Elaine Ward, iElarriert Johnston, flramces Pegnam, Dort Marris, aind Baribara Somers. We are happy to repant thait a hiue' ribbon was won nepregenit- ing firtat pJaice m the college float idivitsion. In fiOTirt of the float were 13 Charlortrtie girls who were dress ed to kEts. Bach of 14ie girls had teamed a pontioii of Hie hi^Mand fHng, and at intervals during itJve parade put on an exhibition of tl« HieBe ginJs were Susan Mclvier, Elinor Harris, Nemcy BaitWey. Burtiani Peek, Christy JamieB, Ufebki Stu art, Carol Bcoote, Lovfaiia Sum- niervilte, Marjorte Rtiem. Viv ian Dutrtxji^ Jenty IjqW*. HBHrtert, FMC Literary Club To Read “Of Human Bondage” ' The Noverabeir meeting of The Utenairy Club discussed Catcher In The Rye by J. D. Salinger. The reactions of the little boy of a vastly diifferent background from: tthiat of ‘the F.M.C. giirlis wa's compajred to personal reiaiatioins of the group. It was discovered! ithlat to some degree 'this lad is a itypical tean- agei-.” His mind worked to pro duce itJMinldnlg normal for the situation, tat because of his en- viTOnmienit, his reactions were diSferenit. Wilthouit analyzing, it is easy to condfemn the actions of those on “the other sidle of the tnack,” Taut it comes close to the inklvidual of society when he stops to ^ htaself in that Same situaltion and sees how siiirtilar the siituatiian might be. For Jamtary, Of Huitian Bon dage by J. S'omro'efrset Maugh- lam will be discussed as a com parajtive isitudy with Catcher In The Bye. Alithlougfi the two books are quite different, ffiiey possetss similiair char>acrt:eristiics which shlouldl make a compara tive situdy iboth Sniterestting and inforroative. To fcomplemetnit ifihie Concert- Lecture Series, St. Joan iby G. B. Slhiaw will be the book iSor study in February. It is hoped that this discuBBion will be an instrument in shedldfiing miore light on' Staaw’s work. The book for Majroh is Exodus by Lieon Uims, ithle author of Battle Cry. It is tthe Story 0® an Aimerioan nurse and an Is raelite Freedlom Fighter caught lup in the most drtajattic event of ithe itwenftieth century. “An epic visliom, brUliamt, enliighlten- ing, hanftfying and heliioic!” is the way Saturday Review de scribed Exodua. The coming serite should prove qnjlilte warthwhlile. Books are soldi from the paperback book stare Monday ithnough Fri day from 4:45 to 5:45. All mem bers of ttitue situdemit body are invited tto join thds venture. Tradiitim WEis broken Siaitur- day niglht, December 10, when the Chriiatmais Dance ibecame the first dance ever to be pre sented off ithe -collage loamipus. The Red Springs Armory was the scene of “Ohesitnuts Rloiasit- ing on 'the Open Fire,” as was the theme df the gala event Wliidh was traditionally spon sored iby Epsilon Chi and Zeta Theta Psi Societieh. Otten, amid Mary Firanoes Wheel er. Also itfhe girls were asked to partidSpate in the OhiristtnaB pa rades alt bolth Speneer mid SlaUs- bUry, N>rtih Oaroilinia. The girte were spoawored by tttie Scotti^ Banks of Nlonth OaroJina who paid for thie«' trap and also their meaJs. We are hajipy to say first place was won in IJhe oommner- cial division:. Etadi of the participialffing in ithe ‘pawa)iie can truly say thart; QhriBtnaaB pa- lOantteiued on Fia^e 6) On the left side of rtihe dainoe floor, italbles with white table cloths were attractively decorat ed with larrangements of holly, mistletoe land scented candles. Stranids of red, green, amJd White hung friom the ce^ilinig. Green a'tid gold mobKes completed tSie imaginary sky. Refreshments of 'green pundh with a hoUy wreiaitih frozen in 'the bowl land i(^)en faced sand- , iwiches added much to the datt- Upon amvinig at the diance scene, ooiuples were greeted by the familiar tunes of the Jesse Shaw (Band from Wilmiington, North Cairolinia. Hearting tIhe fab ulous daiice musdc, everyone was eager to “Bne it up” on the dance flooir. In the gaily decoraited en trance hall, couplets Werle wel comed by the hiat check girl oers’ aippeltites. 'Dr. Le^ie Bullock did la ispleik- did job of emceeing. Jelt Stokes entertained aft intermission by singing 'a medley of Christmas scaigs. 'Climiaxing the gala event of 'the year, Miss Merry iChristenas from eidch slocieity Was crowned. The figure was formed by the officers, committees, land the Six v.lio Was dressed as Santa cantestanits for itihe Misis Mierry Ciaus. T3ie d'oOr /to iChe dmiice ciinstmiajs 'title. TZiXjCiii'ii/teea floor was dteoora/ted with Chrfsft- I of Epsilon Chi and Corolie Spl- imas gi^eenis — (hoHy, ivy, and I vey df Zeta The'ta 3^ were oediar. “Memry ahrigfcmas” was crowned Miss Menry ChrisitmiaSL drtaped lacnoss ithe idoor wwth a 'Commliittees responsible foir bell wlhidh wais HUed with mits- tletoe and fuanging ' fflrtom the right of Ithe door. At the opposite eind, the snow castle, accenitad wiltih multS-coI- ored spatlighits, Was the 'center of. iattraicitioti. Mr. Sniowinain proudly guiardied ithe beautifuil snow ceisttle and looked as if he were eager to join 'the fun. Clouds of lamgel hair atJded a final itouch to the lieauitiful snow oastlie. The (band pHiaitform was deooraitied 'wiitih hcJly, ivy, and pine. the dance are as follows Epsi lon ‘CSii land Zeta Th'etia P&i re spectively: diance Gha'iirm'en, Noir- ma Prator and Dianme Kearns; d'eooraJtions chlairmlen: Niamey Pittard la^ Joan Cadell; re- freshmentts; Barhairia Solmera and Hanna Sloop; tavi'tations: Mary Kaitherine Paissdnghaun and Corolie Spivey. Our mlaniy tfliemks to thegC conamittees and Ithe societies who put a ilat of haird Work into 'this dlanice, and miadle at a very successful and enjoyaMe one. Cabinet And Prayer Band Leaders’ Retreat On December ,3, (the ChristSan Aissaciiaitian Caibinet and the prayer band leaders iheit in the Boy Soout Hut of the First 'Presbyterian Church. This meiett-. iing was offliginailly plamned as a retreat alt White liake, but tffiese plans wiere canceJled because of. cold wealthier. Thie purpose of ithe meetiitlg was to plan and prepare for Spiritulal Enrichment Week ito be held 'Pebruairy 7-9, and itO eva'luaite the ChiMilan AsBod** tion as a whole. During ithe busineas njeeifiBB, reports ifirom Spiritual! Knrich- mient Week committees were given, and final plans wetrte mfade for ithe wee’k. The itbeme of the ChrJatian AsaocSiaition, "‘Being Rather Than Seeminig,” will be carried o«t in ithe axstivitieB irf the week. Dr. Lee Sltoffel of Charlotte wiJl te the apeekier and will hold eervices during the dhaipel p«rind and tor vea- pem. Suggestions were made by the committees for the publicity at Spiriituafl Enriohmenit Week, the activitieig dturing the week, and the follow-up of the thteme an'J 'the poimits brought out Iby Dr, Stofifefl. Parmaanenlt comaniittees were appodnrtied to make (the fiat>- al plans for these aspects of the week. Marty MlcOormick is chaurman of the puWlieity com mittee. Miartha Smiirth will heall the aictivltiies comimdlttee, lanrt Mary Emma WaJkup w® itate charge of ithe foiJow-up plans. After the businiess meeting, the group tiad supper li!n the fel lowship hiall of Ithe Presbyteriaa Church. The meietinig conidudeii wilh on an^plnBltioiniall messa^ challenginig ’9k cabdneit and prayer band Itodters to reflect on their past work amd to atriwe to caffry out the respomlbilitlai of their oGKoe with dleiiicntioa.

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