jyvVH- i»v. wfij: in ITuSPTJFT j Publishsd bi-monthly by the studant -body of Presbyterian Junior College, Maxton, North Carolina .. Edition 2 3DIT0RIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief Elliot Dean Associate Sditoi Jamas Yates Managing Editor Tommy Maston Sports Editor Editorial Assistants: C. Mitchum C.C. Caldwell Edward Glenn Richard Harrisop Ted Prevatte Harvay McClintock BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager James Warren Advertising Managar-*‘-Robart Sailers Circulation Manager---Courtney Thomas ADVISORY STAFF Professor John Hoxvard McLain Profjssof Florence Hellekson Professor Thomas W. Hall Mimeographed by the college Commercial Department, November 24, 1947. All corraspondenca should be addressed to Sandspur, Presbyterian Junior Col lege, Maxton, North Carolina. THANIS GIVING Stand up, on tliis Thanks,^iving Bay, stand upon your feet. Believe in man. Soberly and with clear eyes, believe in your oV'jn time and place. There is not, and there never hasbeen a better true, or a better place to live in. — Phillips Brooks * * * Thanks,T,ivin3 is bhe holiday of peace, the celebration of v/ork anc the simple life ... a true folk-festival that spo'’,ks the noetry of the turn of the 3o:-3ons, the beauty of secd-tiPiie and narvest, the ripe product of the year--and the deep, deep connection of all these things iith God. —-r.ay Staiinard Baker jf: ^ic 3^: :^c Amongst the mamr acts of ^ratitude we owe to God, ib may be accountcd one, to studj^ ?aid contemplate the perfections and beauties of his works of creation. Every new discovery must necessarily raise in us a fresh sense of the great ness, wisdom, and pov:er of God. lie hath so ordered things tliat almost every part of the creation is for our benefit, either to tte support of our being, the delight of our senses, or the agreeable exercise of the rational faculty. --Jonathan Edwards For, after all, put it as we may to ourselves, ive are all of us from birth to death guests ac a table v/hich we did not spread. The sun, the earth, love, friends, our very breath are oarts of the bancuet. . , Shall we thirJ: of the day as a chance to co.ne nearer to our ]iost, and to find out something of Him T/ho has fed us so long? --Rebecca Kai’din;? Davis HCJLLiriTY'S "Tha people that disintegrated tha atom now havs the mission of integrating humanity," says Oswaldo Aranha, new' president of tha Unitad Nations. Yes, W8 Americans have the mission of making an actuality God's design as axpressad in Acts 17;26: "He made of ona every nation." i’tfhat can we do toward this and? First, we can pray. Prayar fJhaagas things. Prayer brings tha pdwe]:^ of God into the affairs of mjn Second, we can live as Christians ourselves and support with greater liberality and more zealous personal service the efforts of tha Church to make one world. Third, as a supplement to these spiritual means we can stop talking war, cultivate international friend ship by word and deed (sharing with tha h'ongry); support our government in its policies of firmness with patience toward the Russian Bloc and the European Recovery Program, and seek through the formation of public opinion to transform the United Nations into a world govern ment. CHEERLEADERS The best organized group of cheer leaders ever assembled at P. J, C. has bean most successful this season. According to response at the pep- rallies and the games, the yelling has beaten all past records. The school feels that the cheerleaders have contributed much to the spirit of the games and to the players. Out of tha nine cheerleaders, three girls were chosan from Flora MacDonald College. These girls added much to ward the cheering and also composed several yells which proved to ba in valuable. The names of the cheerleaders this year ara as follows: Bill Marsh, head cheerleadar; Bob Lewis, Betty Jean Sinclair, Harriet Amis, Jo Anne Herrod, Mary Sue Tillinghouse, Bob Stratford, Ella Mae Drinkard, and Dot Winters, * * * A thankf'il heart is not onljr the greatest virtue, but the parv^nt of all --C icero tne otner virtues. 0 give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for hj s mercy ondureth forever. — I Chronicles 16:34