\ , . .. I Coach Doak stated that he would enter —■ , I i- Y^/ / various tr ck meets throughout the state if it is possible. Third will be scccer and tennis, a number of . , ! > ^ ^ boys around school are interested in } y XO* playing tennis, and are looking for- ^ ^ ' > \/\ ^ season. ^ ward to the turn of piveryone should co-operate with ^ Coach Doak in these intramurial sports because he haS a tough job to fill ON IHE SIDELINES With much hird woi'k ahead. SCOTTIES DEFEAT PRESBYTERIAN *. COLLEGE ANKLETS IN ll'DDY BATTLE On a cold, wet, dreary November • afternoon the fighting Scotties of T’JC outfought and outolayed the "B" team from Clinton, South Carolina. This was the homecoming game for PJC, and a happy one indeed for the faculty and students. It took less than fovir minutes of play after the opening kick off for the Scotties to push across the goal line for their first score of the afternoon, Horace Prevatte threw a running pass to Claude Con ner in the end zone accounting for the first score. Hub Knox scored the second touchdown in the closing minutes of the second quarter. The score stood at 12-0. The Anklets came back in the second half to score on a seventy yard run. The paT.'crful oGot-ty forvrard wall'dc- * cided the game by blocking three punts, the last one by "Rabbit" Pre vatte, with Mullins falling on the * ball in the end zone. Our hats are off to the team for a hard fought, well played game. The present standing for the team is four wins, two ties, and one loss. INTRA'^URIAI, S'^CRTS AT PJC Coach Robert Doak has Planned a full scale intraiauria:t prcgram at school this year, and plans to carry out contests in all tf.e lead ing sports. Various teams will be composed of b^'^'s living in the dormi— tcry, at the base, and in. 'jduring- burg., First of the intramurial sports to be JUG into effect wi .1 be basket ball- F^ur teams have eiready been planned to represent ti..ie boy.-: from J/cL-.'cd Do''-’nu.x.o ry;, and p-^sc'''ly t'.MO fr .im i'j.?.u.’,inburg'. -3 'u] d be sojIic kee-i. competition 'js tnese tei.:'S, ?.rui ii any oui st;in:‘ing or pi’O--i vSng playSi s arr-, ioiid cn the tee'.r:s .hey vi\.ll be f"'' '’’he BASKETBALL Basketball season is drawing close at hand for the boys at PJC who are preparing to try out for the varsity or junior varsity teams. Prom the looks of things around school the col lege will be well represented on the basketball court. The team last year was composed of Claude Connor, Ollie Bass, Hub Knox, Clovis Baker, and several other return ing letter men. Their record did not look too impressive on paper, but the team played the majority of their games against larger schools with more experience. Presbyterian Junior College is fortunate in having Robert Doak for a coach this year, who himself was a fine basketball player at i'^orth Carol ina State. Coach Doak is looking forward to having a successful season, so let's get behind him with the school spirit shown throughout the football season. "Redbirds” Psx^broke Colls^e The opening garae of the "47" season in basketball will be played at iviaxton, W.C. December 9. Pembroke is the first scheduled game for the "Red birds". This gives little time for practice with the Thanksgiving holidays right around the corner. Practice will begin the Lionday follow'ing vacation; v/ifch good luck a well drilled squad should take the court for the opening game. An3’'ono with experience is eligible to try out for the Varsity or Jr. Varsity everyone is looking forward to having a better team this year than over before. Terrible Error Dept, In the last issue of "Sandspur" we carried an account of the P. J» C. Loes-Mcrvac goir.e in which we stated Bondanolla rr.';.de the end zone tackle. We found out very soon that John Hodge made that -nackio Our apologies to both of them^